
Cronin's page

507 posts. Alias of pat512.


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M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Still here! (and tickled by the turn of phrase, "nativity hell.")

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

39? Ye gods. I predict falling between blue and red . . . 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

How does he do it?

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Ah, I was waiting for somebody with better, since I'm untrained.

Cronin takes Don's invitation and steps into the room to see what can be seen.

Active perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin takes the time to boost the party's durability.

Endure Elements

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Ah, in that case, it doesn't do what you think it does:
An affected creature suffers no ill effects from ambient temperatures between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Nor do I have any rituals which do, sorry. This is still worth casting, but only once needed for whatever benefit it will give.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin is glad to bolster defenses agains the elements, even though that is something he often overlooks himself.

I think our party is small enough now for one casting. But not as if we're short on residuum.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin stows the falchion in his cloak ("for later"), and is ready to go with Nayce.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"Very nice indeed," Cronin says reverently, as he returns the residuum to its pouch, and that to his pocket.

Is anyone else looting, or just me?

Also, one encounter to level? If so, I might save the falchion, if nobody else wants it. I've never critted with the jagged halberd, so it hasn't done me much good aside from allowing reach, and I only have one feat specific to it that I could retrain.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Anything of note on the residuum, or is "very high grade" just flavor text? And how much of it?

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin inspects the residuum with interest, then proceeds to the weaponry.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Greeg wrote:
Greeg watched the Oni fall to the holy power of the little dwarf.

Seldom been called that...

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin ignores the spark sphere next to him -- he's been rather enjoying the effects -- and brings his halberd against Iji once more. He does take care, though, to bolster his allies against the sparks, as well as the acid.

Standard: Granite Shield vs Iji Fort 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 20 + 2 = 391d10 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
15 untyped to Iji. Effect: Aura 2 TEOMNT, grants self and allies resist 5 all while in the aura.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Started that at 97/101. First lightning hit does 3 after resist, then grants 5thp, leaving me at 94+5. Second hit does 7 after resist, leaving me at 92, then grants 5thp, so I'm at 92+5 after those shots.
This is really not a winning strategy against a storm speaker.

EDIT: Oh, and +1 to my primal attacks TEOMNT.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Thanks. Kind of in a rush, so I'll just post OOC and miss.
Minor: Wild Shape back, taking free shift as marked.
Minor: wield halberd
Standard: Wrathful Lightning vs Iji AC

1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 232d10 + 12 ⇒ (10, 1) + 12 = 23
Don, do you want to be teleported back to the flanking position? If so, you've got it (effect from the attack)

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Somehow my last move (the charge) got undone in the second Oct 22 update, but I never had reason to look at the map after the first Oct 22 move (mine). Don is in that space now. Rev, where do you want me to start from?

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin completely ignores the acid dripping from his thunderbird form. Looping around he dives at Iji, claws outstretched and raking.

Beginning of turn: My resist takes care of the ongoing.
Move: N8
Standard: Charge Iji as marked, using Grasping Claw as my MBA vs Ref in beast form.

1d20 + 18 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 18 + 2 + 1 = 331d8 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
33 vs Ref. On hit, 17 untyped and Iji is slowed TEOMNT.
1d20 ⇒ 15

Actually, 35 vs Ref. Missed that I had flank.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Does the 14+5 include my resist 5? I ask because it's noted for Greeg, but not for me.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin stows his halberd and takes on his form of a thunderbird -- a great eagle, wreathed with lightning. Bolts of lightning lash forth from his open beak, outlining Iji's prone form.

Minor: Stow halberd
Minor: Wildshape
Standard: Storm Beast vs Ref (close blast 3, enemies), with +1 from having taken lightning and +2 for Iji being prone

1d20 + 18 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 18 + 1 + 2 = 282d6 + 9 ⇒ (6, 4) + 9 = 19
On hit, 19 lightning and +2 to my attacks vs Iji TEOMNT

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin laughs again as the spark sphere hits him.

Resist 5 lightning, so I take 5. But when I take lightning damage, I get 5 thp and +1 to my primal attacks TEOMNT.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Have you tried converting them via Google Docs? It would not be helpful for archives, but for key docs. Also, Word Viewer

Standard: Invocation of War vs Iji AC w/CA 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 19 + 2 = 312d10 + 13 ⇒ (5, 8) + 13 = 26
If 31 hits AC, 26 damage and the next attack that hits Iji TEOMNT does +11
Minor: Gift of Good Fortune - Don gets a save

Enjoying eavesdropping on Guldarin's byplay, Cronin nonchalantly brings his halberd down to meet the prone Iji, inspiring Don.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Greeg, as far as I can tell, Rev is still hard-drive-free.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"We'll find out."

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin grins. It is time to wade in. Halberd at the ready, he moves toward Iji. His tabard, meanwhile, takes on a new sheen. "Don, we've got this."

Standard: Holy Vestments: TEOE, resist acid 5. An ally who ends a move adjacent to me gains resist 5 acid TSOtheirNT
Move: as marked.
Minor: Healing Word on Don - Don gains +2 to hit TEOMNT, spends surge, recovers extra
3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4) = 10

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin's eyes light up as he realizes they are in a library, then he notes the voices. Hefting his halberd, he nods to Greeg to take the lead.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"Lavish" in what sense? Ornate? My inclination is to move on.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Ok by me

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin has two Healing Words available to boost surges by +3d6 if anyone wants them. He's spending two surges straight up to be at full, 8 surges remaining.
Shield of Gales, Iron to Glass, and AP used.

"Yes, old friend, we did." And, always insightful, he adds, "And there will be plenty of occasions for oomph."

Heading to the right.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin plans to check the rest of the statues in the same way -- in interests of posting speed, please feel free to roll any needed Perceptions

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin saunters over to inspect the SE statue.

Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Cronin wrote:

"And we have stairs and statues. Next idea?"

Taking the Boots, thanks.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Ah, I understand. But I also see fire as something that gets thrown at range a lot. Part of my reaction, too, was that the boots let one escape from melee when bloodied, with the free long shift often being less useful for characters on the periphery.

I'm mostly melee, so I'm good either way, if it falls that way.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

The boots (not belt) were on my wishlist, but I'd enjoy either of them -- and I have nothing in either slot at the moment. I'm slightly confused, though, by Don's coment -- why would the gloves be better for melee characters?

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"Yes. Yes, he was." Cronin drops to one knee by the king's corpse, his halberd in one hand. "Ollosendre. Iji. Three Sigils -- in the Study, the Blood Chapel, and the Dragon Chapel. All guarded. Then we can bypass the portal and get the next Key."

Cronin starts searching the body, including inspecting the arms and armor. "I think he would have wanted us to take anything that would help.

"And we have stairs and statues. Next idea?"

EDIT: How are we on XP? I know it's only been one big fight since the last level, but curious.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Rev DM wrote:

@Greeg - oops. Forgot about your DR. You are in the aura, which gives you vul 10 to fire damage, so it now looks like this:

31 fire damage from Conflagration (inc vul), less 14 = 16 fire
20 ongoing fire with vul less 14 = 6 ongoing fire
35 untyped less 14 = 21
End of turn 20 fire with vul less 14 = 6
Total damage to Greeg = 49 - still bad, but not as horrific as it would have been without the DR.

Not quite that bad yet. I think you have him taking the ongoing twice, but ongoing doesn't stack, nor has it happened yet, since it takes effect at the start of Greeg's turn. You also added two sets of damage from the axe before taking the resistance. Finally, and I don't think this makes a difference in this case, what actually happens is the vulnerability and resistance cancel each other out at the character level, meaning he has resist 4 fire, resist 14 everything else.

Conflagration: 21-4 = 17
Axe Strike 1: 21-14 = 7
Axe Strike 2: 14-14 = 0
And he now has ongoing 10-4 = 6.
So 24 damage, and net 6 ongoing (that hasn't damaged him yet).

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"Thank you!"

I would guess the two +2s are both power bonus and don't stack, but the slide and resist still help

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"I'm sorry to do this while you're lucid, sir. But there seems no point in waiting. And this won't actually hurt." A wind starts whipping around the goliath and he strikes with his halberd, sparks flying as it meets Holdred's axe.

Minor: Shield of Gales
TEOE, gain +2 power to all defenses. When enemy ends turn adjacent, slide enemy 1 sq as free action.

Standard: Iron to Glass vs Ref 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 18 + 2 = 27
On hit, TEOE, target takes -4 to melee damage. Whenever target hits with melee attack, the penalty worsens by 2 to -10. On miss, halve the effect.
That's actually a ranged symbol attack, but does not provoke.

Save vs immobilized 1d20 ⇒ 3

52hp after aura/resist/vuln. Immobilized.
+1 to melee damage, +2 to defenses TEOE
When enemy ends turn adjacent, slide enemy 1 sq as free action.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Guldarin wrote:
Sorry, but I've been having some problems getting onto Paizo at home. I might be delayed posting.

Paizo's having problems, I think. We're all delayed.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Fortification armor vs crit 1d20 ⇒ 13 No help. Needed a 16.
At 62hp.

Clarification: Did both of my attacks hit? Only the second one was while adjacent.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

With the beginning of the fight, Cronin flies into action. Quite literally. Landing just outside Holdred's aura, the storm cleric brings his halberd down with holy light, immobilizing the undead guardian. Taking advantage, he then slips in more closely and lashes out with a peal of thunder and flash of lightning off of the blade of his polearm.

Coming off Delay.
Minor: Stone's Endurance. Resist 10 All TEOMNT, which cancels out the Vul 10, though not the base 10 aura.
Minor: Kord's Mighty Strength item power to gain +1 to melee damage TEOE.
AP: Fly to N13 as free and Punish the Profane vs AC

1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 343d10 + 8 ⇒ (10, 9, 4) + 8 = 31
32 radiant (forgot the +1) and immobilized TEOMNT.
Standard: Charge to N14 with Storm Hammer vs Ref

1d20 + 20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 20 + 1 = 311d10 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 14 + 1 = 19
If hit, another 19 lightning and thunder

End of turn: Take 10 fire. At 91hp. AP used. Resist 10 all TEOMNT, +1 melee damage TEOE.
Holdred is immobilized TEOMNT

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Rev DM wrote:
I've a feeling Nayce is on holiday. I'll put him on delay, which puts Don up.

He mentioned so Tuesday. Of course, to be actually helpful, I would have noticed and pointed this out yesterday . . .

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid


M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin interjects, "While we may talk, Your Majesty -- can you tell us the location of the Keys of Kaima, if they are in the Archive?"

Not sure how you want to play a few seconds available for conversation. Call it Delay?

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Following behind Don

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"Not my forte," Cronin answers. "But 'better' depends on the first option."

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Bemused, Cronin lets Guldarin and Roko negotiate.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"What prevents you?"

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin accepts tea and a seat, inwardly happy that Greeg is finally in a place where furniture is built to his scale.

"I will speak frankly. We ourselves have not had visions, but an oma in our homeland has. We believe the Malsalix is causing harm to both our people and the, ah, residents of Kadralu. We have heard it said that those who dwell in the Corpse Commons may be able to help us."

Cronin's frankness may not have its desired effect.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"We are friends to the oklu. We destroyed the Skittering Death."

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