Brigh Mask

Crit & Crit's page

84 posts. Alias of Orthos.


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Survivor's guilt and Trauma in the wake of tragedy.

Survivor's guilt and Trauma in the wake of tragedy.

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Speaking of darker subjects... fictional hate groups and the nature of persecution and prejudice in the world of the novels.

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Goblet of Fire is unquestionably the point where the series took a sharper turn into darker subjects, as it aged with its readership. This trend would continue forward as the story unfolds.

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Sports as politics, international diplomacy, and a quick way to get people badly injured.

And we're back to Harry Potter with book four: Goblet of Fire!

Strap in, this recap is a long one.

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And we're back to Harry Potter with book four: Goblet of Fire!

Strap in, this recap is a long one.

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"Love at first sight" is a staple of fairy tale narrative. Not without reason, but also not without its share of problems.

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More on fairy tales as morality messages, and how the teaching of such and what morals are taught have changed over time.

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Who actually solves problems and gets things done in old fairy tales? What does that say about the morals these tales are trying to teach?

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Comparing treating magic as an art to magic as a science is a little more complex than it might initially look.

Those lovable rascals - every series has them. Let's look at HP's examples.

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Those lovable rascals - every series has them. Let's look at HP's examples.

It's treason, then.

It's treason, then.

What makes a monster?

What makes a monster?

Guess we can't put this off any longer. Let's talk about Time Travel, Prophecy, and Predestination.

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Nothing gets the crowds riled quite like "Think of the Children" does. Let's just see how badly that goes.

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Exdeath is free! And in The Potterverse we're talking about Family - a major theme throughout the series, especially the contrast between family of birth and family of choice.

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