Survivor's Salvation
![]() The party contacts Zigvigix and explains the situation. The shirren Venture-Captain has them wait in place until Absalom station security can arrive to secure the scene. Station security takes statements and starts a more thorough investigation of the Open Collective. Your de-briefing a few days later is a reunion of sorts, in addition to Zigvigix, Hurondo and Jiwalla are there. After going over the events of your mission, Zigivigix brings you up to date. Absalom security and the Stewards are still following up on information found in the Collective's computers. Historia-7's people have been giving them a hand there. There's not much to go on; the slimes didn't document all their successful bodily takeovers and we believe that the slimes can transfer hosts on their own. We are very confident however that you neutralized the threat from the Open Collective. No more slimes will hijack sentients in that location. The other venture captains are well-satisified with your performance in that regard. The subject matter turns to other matters. The Exo-Guardians faction leader is delighted at Hurondo’s recovery from his imprisonment by the Uniters and immediately asks when he can resume his normal duties at the Respite. Hurondo, however, solemnly shakes his head and informs everyone that he is stepping down from running the center. He explains that while no harm ultimately came to him, the recent events caused him to again suffer from some severe anxiety and depression and that he needs to seek help from the Respite as a patient before he could handle the facility’s management. Zigvigix responds with understanding and heartfelt well-wishes while Jiwalla looks stunned. Hurondo tells Jiwalla that she is in charge and that he will try to help as he can. Bargai and the nuar from the Uniters have both turned themselves in to
After the party replies or makes additinal comments, Zigvigix wraps up the session and thanks you all for your work. Pay vouchers are now available at the accounting office for this mission. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() "I think I found something on the computer by the generators," says Bele. "But then I lost it. I can't find it again." She wanders into the doctor's office, reaches out to activate the computer, and starts trying unsuccessfully to log in. Bele was no help. The android eventually sits up to talk with Shokil and Saeron. "I am Quadrant-2. Thank you for rescuing me. " He considers Shokil's question. "It's all a little fuzzy, while the slime was in control. I came here because I -- I -- something was wrong with me. They were supposed to repair me, but the slime just took over. And then we were the doctor. We gave people, who came for help, to other slimes. Sometimes it didn't work. The hosts went crazy or killed the slimes. It was hard to choose the right host. We had to learn..." At some point he starts to ask questions. How and why did you come to the Collective. How did you know to fight the slimes when so many people were fooled? When conversation is exhausted and you're ready to leave the android speaks again. He offers a cred-stick. "I am really very grateful for your help. Here is a donation for your Starfinder Society." 1200 credits on that stick. Doctor's Office computer, computers check DC 18:
Use of the computer started within the last three weeks. Initial entries are garbled, but rapidly improve in spelling grammar and use of language. There is a list of names with familiar sounding names. Many match Hurondo's list of missing Starfinders. Scratch is on the list. Generator room computer, computers check DC 20:
This appears to be the Collective's main database. A frequency analysis of usage indicates that the slime's were ramping down their operations, and that the slimes within the clinic were the last vestiges waiting to be attached to new hosts. There is no data on where successfully integrated slime hosts have gone. DM rolls: Bele, Gen room Computers: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Saeron and Oda both do terrible execution upon the doorframe, but Shokil, recovering his form threads a shot past all and sundry obstructions, into the android's gut. The android drops knife and pistol to clutch its stomach with pain. It stumbles backward into the examination table behind it. It twists and lays its upper body on the table, but even that can't keep it on its feet and it slides to the ground leaving a smear of thin lime-green slime on the table's white fabric. Sitting on the floor green mucous, or something equally disgusting flows from all the android's orifice's and puddles around it. "Stop. Please, mercy. I am myself again." It gasps out between heavy frantic breaths and wrenching convulsions. Combat over. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Staar's star punches into the android. Kneepuncher flails on the doorframe, but manages to slip one really good punch past and connects solidly with the android's knee. KP, you roll twice on a crit. You don't actually multiply. KPs crit damage: 1d3 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 Well that was a wash. Onward! ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Kneepuncher distracts the android with an active flurry of blows. Taking advantage of the opening, Oda smashes the the android twice. Shokil can't find the cool precision that marked his sharpshooting earlier. Saeron kneels to tend to Staar. The android turns his attention, and his rather impressive pistol, on Oda with two quick volleys that begin melting the half-orc's armor and sinew. 26 points of damage. (2 hits, 1 crit) This guy's a killer. And sadly AoO for KP and Oda. DM Rolls:
liquidator disintegrator pistol v EAC, full attack, cover: 1d20 + 14 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 14 - 4 - 2 = 22 ... damage: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 A liquidator disintegrator pistol v EAC, full attack, cover: 1d20 + 14 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 14 - 4 - 2 = 28 ... damage: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 A
Round 3. The gang's all up. Staar (-16 SP, - 2 HP, )
Survivor's Salvation
![]() nice hits, but not enough to stop it. Saeron: Nice roll. Maybe with a med bay and time you could get it out without harming the patient. But what will work on a faster timeline is damage. The oozes often flee a damaged host before that damage is fatal. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() The android holds its position, ready to stab with the knife if anyone closes. Meanwhile its left hand is busy firing its pistol rapidly. Two powerful beams lance into Staar. Her armor smokes and liquifies and her flesh follows suit. KP and Oda get an AoO. Staar takes 18 points of damage. Sorry, TR. Bele snatches her pistol from where she laid it on the generator and moves toward the battle. DM rolls:
Oda 1,Kneepuncher 2, Staar 3: 2d3 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
Init and Status Round 2. Staar (-16 SP, - 21 HP, unconscious and dying?)
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Even with cover from the doorway and sometimes Staar, the android is beset with punishment from the party. It hops and twists spasmodically. "What's this? Pain!?" KP and Starr land blows. KP is your to hit bonus really +1? Initiative. Bold to go. Shokil
Android (-19) Round 2. Staar (-16 SP, - 3 HP)
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Bele crosses the decon containment and investigates the generator area. Kneepuncher hears nothing at the door. He opens it to find ... an office! Chair, desk, computer are at the far end of the room. And that leaves Staar's locked door. Staar's door opens and she instinctively twists away from the android behind it. She feels a brush of cold as the android's frosted blade comes just short of shredding her armor. She just has time for a quick impression. The android is in light armor and holds a pistol in addition to the knife. Init: Everyone's up! DM rolls: Kneepuncher, Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 Shokil, Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Staar, Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15 Saeron Kasari, Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 Oda, Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6 Bele, Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4 Android, Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Kneepuncher hears nothing. He tries the door. Surprise! It's another examination room, empty. C'mon. Line up and open all three remaining doors at once. Please? Saeron, remaining behind. :
Nice roll. The shirren was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever, about that. ... The shirren was as dead as a door-nail. Mind! I don't mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece of Ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the country's done for. You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that the shirren was as dead as a door-nail. ... There is no doubt that the shirren was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come .... With apologies to Dickens. But dead how? No sign of external trauma. The leaky stuff is very reminiscent of dead ooze, which you have seen with your own eyes. Maybe some internal shock or trauma when an ooze entered them? DM stuff: Staar (-16 SP, - 3 HP)
Survivor's Salvation
![]() The shirren is unresponsive. In fact it doesn't seem to be breathing at all. A small, coin-sized, puddle of thin green mucous is connected by viscous strands to its mandibles. Similar puddles seem to have oozed out of its other orifices. All is very still. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Kneepuncher hears nothing. He opens the door onto another doctor's examination room. A shirren lies motionless on the examination table. This room is also slightly different from Staar's previous exam room in that part of the outside wall is an opaque forcefield, as described when you were outside the building. Knew I could trust you to keep me in line, TR.
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Despite it's wounds, the party seems determined to press on after Saeron treats some of you. This is what I have for the party's status. SuperS, sorry I forgot to put Saeron's damage on the initiative chart during the fight. Staar (-16 SP, - 14 HP)
And the big question is what will you do to press on? ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Kneepuncher and Staar pursue the slime, but the lashunta gets there first and wallops the creature, which expires on the spot. End of combat. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Saeron cranks a dart into the ooze. The ooze uses Oda as a springboard to launch itself toward the lobby. It squirts between Staar and Kneepuncher and slithers toward the front door. AoO for Kneepuncher and Oda. This is most likely the end for it. Round 4/5. Bold are up. Staar (-16 SP, - 14 HP *) (flat-footed)
Round5. Saeron Slime (blue) -- (grappler) (-29 hp) ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Oda's fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Far less confident about using the doshko near herself than near Saeron, Oda drops the ungainly weapon and hammers at the ooze with her fists.
Bele stares at the swarm of allies between herself and the ooze. She hopes she sees an opening, closes her eyes and fires. Laser pistol, azimuth v EAC, Kneepuncher: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 - 2 = 5 ... damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3 ( F, 80 ft. Burn 1d4, 20 charges) miss Shokil waits for a clear shot, but Oda is in the way. What would my new sniper hero do? Hoping to improve his odds of both hitting the ooze and missing Oda, the halfling author closes the distance, raises his rifle and triggers another shot. He's rewarded with a scorched patch on the ooze, which recoils violently. focus dual sniper rifle v blue EAC, Oda: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 8 - 2 = 23 ... damage: 2d4 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + 3 + 1 = 9 ( burn(d4)) Round 4. Saeron is up.
Slime (blue) -- (grappler) (-22 hp) Staar (-16 SP, - 11 HP *) (flat-footed)
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Oda, Bele? Round 3/4. Init : Bolded may go. Amended Shokil
Round 4.
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Saeron, sure, you can move. I've pushed you to right to make room for the flood of characters who will probably gang up on my poor little ooze, but you may pick your own square. Just crates and walls in that corner. Kneepuncher crushes the ooze and ruptures it. It ceases movement as greenish fluids leak out and pool around it. The halfling wastes no time, but moves immediately to help Oda. Staar follows immediately behind. Oda's movements throw off Kneepuncher, but the solarian finds her opening for a heavy blow. As TR guessed. KP killed it.
Round 3/4. Init : Bolded may go. Shokil
Round 4.
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Saeron is winning her fight in both the mental and the physical sphere. She repulses its mental attack and is able to somehow force it back to her feet. The ooze pools at her feet, gathers itself up and launches itself toward what it hopes will be a weaker foe, the half-orc Oda. Its amorphous foot slams into the half-orc and sticks. It begins to envelope her thigh.
Your leg starts to go numb, ... or limp, ... or seems to want to move of its own accord! Please give me a spoilered Fort save that will be effective at the beginning of next round. Battered, sliced, and scrorched, the ooze attacking Staar, drops away and starts to flow rapidly toward the lobby and the remnants of the fleeing crowd. Staar and Kneepuncher both get AoO against the ooze. I've drawn a yellow line to its ending position if it survives. Round 3/4. Init : Bolded may go. Staar (-16 SP, - 11 HP *) (flat-footed)
Round 4.
DM stuff: blue, last round: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 1d2 ⇒ 2 blue, slam v Oda: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23 ... Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Saeron, Staar:
Saeron if you fail the saving throw, don't act for round 3. The save applies to blue's round 2 action.
Staar: You feel the alien presence spreading through you. The contact of an alien mind, and a struggle for control of your body.
After a strict review of actions to this point, I realize that I accidentally skipped a round's worth of actions for Shokil, Oda, and Bele. I will bot them for round 2. Shokil smiles with satifaction. Perhaps my next protagonist should be a sharp shooter. He sights down the bore of his rifle and fires again. focus dual sniper rifle v lilac EAC: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 ... damage: 2d4 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 3 + 1 = 8 burn(d4)) Oda raises the heavy doshko and tries to skim it along Saeron's shin through the ooze. Melee Tactical Doshko v KAC: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 ... damage: 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 Bele tries to thread a laser shot into the ooze attacking Saeron. Laser pistol, azimuth v EAC: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 ... damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2 F, 80 ft. Burn 1d4, 20 charges) Shokil's satisfaction swells since the shot is successful again. Oda and Bele miss. Round 3. Init : Bolded may go. Saeron (grappled) (don't forget the save and to check the spoiler above)
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Got interuptted earlier. Oda and Bele are easy and Shokil said he'd be away. I will bot them all to keep things moving. Saeron:
You feel the alien presence spreading through you. The contact of an alien mind, and a struggle for control of your body.
Kneepuncher unleashes a flurry of misses at the ooze. While he steps sideways to obtain a better firing angle, Shokil unslings his sniper rifle. He snaps it into firing position and squeezes the trigger. A needle-fine laser beam lances into the ooze. focus dual sniper rifle v lilac EAC: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 ... damage: 2d4 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 + 1 = 8 burn(d4)) The crowd inside the clinic starts to flee. Oda and Bele fight through them to follow Kneepuncher. Bele stops short of the containment field and draws her pistol. Oda readies her doshko as she runs, charges through the containment field and turns right to help Saeron. Saeron's ooze flows over her body, seeming to thin, almost as if it is seeping through her armor. Staar's ooze sways backwards and snaps forward with multiple psuedopod legs to attack the Starfinder. Both legs hit with heavy sodden impact and begin to flow around her, drawing the body of the ooze closer.
DM stuff: Melee slam v Staar, KAC, full attack: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 9 - 4 = 19 ... Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Bele Ranged: Laser pistol, azimuth +4 (1d4 F, 80 ft. Burn 1d4, 20 charges) Oda
Oda Fort Save DC 14: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Staar scores a hit against the yielding substance of the ooze. She's satisfied to see its colorf darken around the impact. Staar:
Nicely struck. I forgot to tell you. You are flat-footed. -2 to AC and no reactions. Saeron:
OK. Thanks. I should have figured that out. Sorry about the knowledge check. I've noticed that I habitually overlook them in the rush of combat and need to be reminded.
Life science : This is a body snatcher ooze. The name is suggestive. Even now you can feel your will being sapped where it has a grip around your leg. Kneepuncher:
You're fine. Round 1/2. Init : Bolded may go. Kneepuncher (-15 SP)
Round 2.
Slime (blue) -- (grappler)
Staar (-12 SP *) ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() (Oda and Bele -- fight!) Round 1/2. Init : Bolded may go. Slime (blue)
Round 2.
Survivor's Salvation
![]() (Oda and Bele -- fight!) The ooze pursues Saeron and strikes at her with an elongating, amorphous leg. Melee slam v Saeron, KAC: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 ... Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
It's more successful than its fellow, and the psuedopod-like leg mushrooms around Saeron's thigh, gripping tightly. Using that grip as a base, it begins to ascend her body. Saeron is grappled. Kneepuncher hurries to aid his companions. Kneepuncher:
It smells citrusy on this side of the containment field.
Also, although you feel no ill effects, I need a Fort save. Please spoiler it. SuperS, not that it matters this time, but what's the meaning of the parenthetical 19s in your EAC, KAC ? Grappled: Grappled You are restrained by a creature, effect, or trap. You can’t move, and you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class, attack rolls, Reflex saving throws, initiative checks, and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks, except those made to grapple your opponent in turn or to escape a grapple (see Grapple on page 246). In addition, you can’t take actions that require two hands (or other limbs) to perform. You can’t make attacks of opportunity. You can’t use Stealth to hide from the creature grappling you, even if a special ability allows you to hide when you normally couldn’t. If you become invisible, through a spell or other ability, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check to escape being grappled, but you receive no other benefit. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() I'm going to try to warp time a little bit. I don't think Saeron can significantly change Staar v Lilac, so I'm going to move them ahead. Anyone acting against Lilac will be free to take their turn. Anyone wishing to act against blue may post provisionally and I'll adjudicate their actions after Saeron and blue. Clear as mud? Good! The strange creature strikes at Staar; one of its stubby legs expands toward her with frightening speed. The blow lands heavily against her thigh and the amorphous leg flattens against her armor. It pulls on her armor as it retracts, like it is somehow sticky. Staar takes 9 points of damage. Everyone is free to act for round one. As noted above anyone acting against Blue will be adjudicated after Saeron and Blue, otherwise first come- first served. Round 1. Staggered Init : All players may post per conditions above. Saeron
DM Stuff: Melee slam v Staar, KAC: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 ... Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9B plus grab) Grab
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Staar opens the door on a typical doctor's examination room, table/couch in the room's center, workbench on the far wall, but there's no time for more than a quick impression before there's a flurry of motion behind her. Saeron sees two yellow-green lumpy puddles of ooze swarm from behind the crates in the storage area. The oozy creatures flow quickly over the ground. They're past her before she can react. The lead one reaches Staar and rears to strike, revealing a belly with rows of short caterpillar-like legs. The second skids to a stop and returns to menace mystic. DM rolls:
Kneepuncher, Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 Shokil, Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Staar, Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14 Saeron Kasari, Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 Oda, Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10 Bele, Init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1 Blue, Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 DullLlilac, Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 They spend the surprise round moving to their prey.
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Shokil, Saeron:
This area has a pleasant citrusy smell, which intensifies in concert with the alarm bell and fog. Between the bell's ringing, you hear a faint hissing sound. The fog jets from small concealed sprinklers in the ceiling. You have a clear view of the entire hallway (the doors are all closed), the generator/computer area, and a larger portion of the warehouse to the east. No sounds, or motion in response to the bell. (Yet?) Warehouse:
You feel a little sluggish, otherwise perfectly fine.
Active effects noted. The lobby gang
"The half orc went left." "I thought I saw someone in that storage area." And more similarly helpful comments are made. A shirren slips out the front door. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() A shrill bell rings, and rings, and rings as soon as Staar steps through the energy wall. A misty fog descends rapidly upon her. Other than the bell and fog, the reception dwellers detect no immediate response. Staar: Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 This area has a pleasant citrusy smell, which intensifies in concert with the alarm bell and fog. Between the bell's ringing, you hear a faint hissing sound. The fog jets from small concealed sprinklers in the ceiling. You have a clear view of the entire hallway (the doors are all closed), the generator/computer area, and a larger portion of the warehouse to the east. No sounds, or motion in response to the bell. (Yet?) Warehouse:
Although you feel no ill effects, please make a DC 14 fortitude save in a spoiler.
Survivor's Salvation
![]() It appears that Saeron is correct. Staar's bone spur pierces the field like a hot knife through butter. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Imagine the reception area is full of civilians. I've put the party just outside the building at the end of the line, except Shokil who is by the reception desk. Shokil finds the reception desk deserted. From here he can make out more details of what lies beyond the shimmering rectangular energy field that covers the hallway in the center of the complex. The hallway extends from a door marked with an emergency exit sign in the west to a warehouse area in the east. To the west three doors line the northern and southern walls of the hall, each marked A through F with clear signs. Across the hallway a computer terminal rests atop a desk positioned between two large cylindrical power generators. The devices hum with actinic power, while a glass window shows the grimy bulkheads of Absalom Station’s interior only twenty feet beyond. Engineering, Life Sciences, DC 14, or Culture(medical) DC 17: The energy field seems to be a containment field similar to ones used in decontamination areas. It will be pervious to objects and people, but will restrict the migration of atmosphere or tiny particles, viruses, etc. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() It doesn't take long to determine that the line is not really moving at all. Engaging the crowd, DC 19 Diplomacy : Talking with the crowd, they've been waiting for hours with no movement of the line. The doctors disappeared into the west wing after admitting a patient and haven't been seen since. Two hours ago one of the waiting patients went into the west wing to look for the doctors and also never returned. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() The Open Collective is only a 30 minute walk from the Uniters’ Headquarters in a similarly run-down region of the Spike, though it sees a trickle of foot traffic near its front, with a half-dozen or so citizens traveling to destinations using the corridor path. Several parts of the Collective's building appear neglected. The south-facing door is the main entrance, while a door on the west wall is a fire exit. A third door leads out from the eastern wall. Two opaque force fields (marked red on the map) block the way through doorways leading into each wing through the southern walls. Main/entrance - Reception
This area is the front of the medical center. A reception desk is visible beyond the ill-fitting doors. Behind the desk is a hallway, made slightly indistinct by a translucent forcefield that serves as a wal behind the desk. A line of 20 hopeful yet downtrodden creatures are here talking excitedly about what they are going to do with their lives after being miraculously cured. They wait in front of the reception desk. Engineering DC 16: The building is probably a former warehouse. It suffers from a lack of upkeep amounting to several years of neglect. Over time this could lead to actual damage. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() "I leave that to your discretion. If I can be taken by pups like these, I am not fit to make tactical decisions." ![]()
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![]() "I never got inside so I can't say much," replies Hurondo. "There's a reception area in the center of the building and two wings. I think patients go to the left wing." Through Saeron, Bargai adds that all her meetings with the Open Collective were held at Uniter's headquarters or neutral sites. She knows nothing aside from the advertising pitch, the pay, or lack thereof, and that her contact was an android named Leaf-998. She has no prior knowledge of the OC. No PCs recall anything about the OC. There are no applicable skill checks. Which one might interpret to mean that it is a new organization, or very secretive. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() The address is 3200 East Central, Level 3 Section 1978. It's in a similarly rundown neighborhood only a 30 minute walk from the Uniters' headquarters. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() The shobhad replies, "There's not much to tell. I came to Downlow looking for some missing Starfinders. I had a hunch a new clinic called the Open Collective was some kind of scam that was luring our people in. Their office looked legitimate enough, but there's something a little off about the people there. I decided to talk to people who knew them already; the only ones I knew about were the Uniters. Since you traced me here, you must know they've been advertising for the clinic." He gestures toward the mintotaur-like nuar, who bows slightly. "Anyway Orghuun here tells me that the Collective isn't paying like they used to. The Uniters are desperate for credits. Then I wander in and threaten the whole relationship. They got the drop on me. Orghuun says I was drugged for a couple days, and they were hoping to ransom me back to the Society." He looks a little more stern. His lower jaw moves in and out, which highlights just how large his lower canine teeth are. "I know I can't order you to do anything, but I'd like you to get a good look inside the Collective and find out what's going on there. " ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() "... The first words from the shobhad are ...." Was posting from my phone. I hate autocorrect sometimes. Hurondo looks at Kneepuncher and nods with sorrowful approval. Then he turns to Saeron and the vlaka. "Madame lashunta, will you translate please? Bargai, holster your gun. There is no need for more fighting. I will not take vengeance. We will make no charges against you or the Uniters. You've paid in blood already." He gestures toward the lobby. Bargai holsters her pistol. A short pause here, if you want to react. ![]()
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![]() After a few moments Staar returns with Hurondo and a nuar in tow. The first words from the show had are, "No guns. No more fighting." ![]()
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![]() With Saeron translating We'd been looking for an opportunity for a while. We just heard someone needed some street-advertising done. We got there first. I think they would have hired anyone. They didn't seem to care about money at first, and were happy with whoever we could send them. Then they cut the rates, and wanted more up-scale clients. We've had some trouble there. It was harder for us to move in those circles. They haven't paid us for a couple weeks. We need those credits to set up here. I don't know much else, just their address. Hungry people, don't analyze carrion. The vlaka's gun gradually drifts lower while she talks. In the other room with Staar: The nuar stands up and, head lowered, looks at Staar. The lashunta can just see his eyes below thick supraorbital ridges. Even with his head bent down, he's well over two meters tall and 150 kilos of solid muscle topped with wide wickedly pointed horns. Hurondo also stands. "There's no need for any violence or threats here. Orghuun's going to join the Society. We've just been talking about it." The nuar nods. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Staar opens the door: A couch is in the cneter of this spacious room. A bed is pushed against the walls immediately to the right of the door. The walls themselves are broken open in several places and thin sheets of plastic cover the two windows to the north and east. A minotaur-like nuar sits on the couch. The big four-armed shobhad Hurondo sits on the bed beside an empty pair of manacles. Interrupted mid-sentence, the shobhad looks up. "Are you my rescue?" ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() The reply comes through Saeron, He was going to make trouble, cost us some business. We needed to ice him until we could straighten that out. We've been advertising for the Open Collective -- the memory therapy gig, like you say. The money was too good to be true for legit work, but it all seemed legit. We put everyone on it. Now we're tapped out. We need the cash. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Saeron Kasari:
"Saeron Kasari" wrote:
The cultured lashunta. ~Ha. Amusement~ It's a vlaka expression. Maybe it doesn't translate well. It's about the first impression you make. Just me riffing on the dog-folk nature of vlaka. The question seemed like something you'd keep on a private channel. Hence my spoiler. You can broadcast the reply if you like. The vlaka looks around at the party, her gun idly pointed somewhere near your knees. Nobody get too excited, and I'll tell. A couple days ago a big shobhad, name of Hurondo, came nosing around, like you. He's OK. He's absolutely OK. One thing led to another and there was a little tussle. We've got him in the room in the corner. Her gun flicks briefly toward the north. We were trying to figure out how to get him back to you. And make a little profit. He smells good. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() The half-orc swings wide, striking only air, But she is quick to pursue the fleeing vlaka. Again with Saeron translating, a deflated Bargai asks, "What do you want to know?" Nothing changes. I'll move Bele closer too. ![]()
Survivor's Salvation
![]() Saeron:
You've a good odor.
Again for the sake of time, I'm going to assume you translate openly and completely. If we were at a real table we'd play 'telephone' and you could spin the translation. With Saeron translating, a deflated Bargai asks, "What do you want to know?" (The doors remain open because people are gathered in front of them.) |