Crie |
If you're looking to possess the object, a local player purchased a suit of Adamantine Fullplate.
He's level 10 or 11 now, and he's pretty indestructible.
If you are looking at object possession (at least judging by your previous posts), be prepared for some massive table variation on what can affect you and what can't.
I'd recommend keeping a log of previous GM rulings, even. Every time our player sits down with a new GM he usually takes up quite a bit of time explaining the character.
Already ahead of you. I've actually been talking to every GM in the local area, giving them parts of the questions, and getting their rulings. Luckily there are a few they all tend to fall behind and they've already made their ruling clear (They are very much by the written word). It'll work exactly as I am intending. The Only thing I need now, according to them, is a solid way to purchase what I'm seeking. Heck I've even been instructed to get print offs of every rule involved.
To be clear we are talking about this spell If your friend is using Object Possession, I'm a little less familiar with it as it's certainly lesser of the two. With this one, at minimum level you can possess a Huge sized object. I could simply buy a Heavy Wagon, but I feel like that's cheap and silly. Armor works too if your aiming for just your size, or for over-sized and if his body has been sitting in it at that size it would no longer help.
I'd also like to point out, I don't see where it says the material of the Animated Object changes any of it's statistics. It doesn't appear to do anything for it unless he spends the CP to do so.
Kinda sad someones already going for this. I did see where people started but didn't read anyone actually having done it. I'll have to post my build once it's been run successfully. I bet it'd make a few heads turn.
---I would really think there has to be another answer then just buying armor of the appropriate size. I know of a book thats not legal that places a Statue of the appropriate size at 365 Gold (monument in Ultimate Campaign). Worse case I may pop PR for a Vanity that has a non-discript Statue. If one happens to exist for any of the Vanity buildings you can buy in the Field Guide. I just rather do this as 'right' as passable'.
Might I politely suggest that you share with us the expected final result so we can offer helpful advice instead of trying to come in partway through.
I'm confused. I don't understand.
Is there some way to acquire an item, statue, or similar object via a class feature, feat, or trait that I'm unaware of? Honestly the build doesn't even matter. I've got something like six variations I've been musing over. How would knowing the build itself help figure out a solid price for an object?I know Crafting is banned so that is not it. I am aware level and fame matter. Level Three, Fame/PR 10. If your thinking equipment, the way I'd be using it, it wouldn't matter if I was proficient or not.
The build itself does't need changes.
I was hoping to keep it secret at least until I've test run how I'm doing it appropriately--and given the local players a big surprise. They like to compete with weird and interesting builds, and this ones becoming my baby.
I'm hoping I don't come off rude dodging the request. If it is absolutely needed to help locate an item fitting what I'm aiming for. I'll post up what I got so far and explain the mechanics in detail.