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I'm in the process of putting together a pantheon of deities for my own homebrew setting. I'd like some feedback on them- specifically if I have enough breadth in the pantheon so that "everyone" could find a god. However, any other advice would be appreciated. Some background information: This world is set in a modified version of the Golarion setting, but is on another, distant planet. The setting contains a cognate of the Green Faith which is not detailed below. The pantheon presented is only worshiped in one region of the world and is not intended to be representative of all religions on the world. People in this setting typically do not dedicated themselves to one deity, worshiping each deity as he becomes relevant. Lastly, the pantheon is very loosely based on Slavic mythology. Homebrew Pantheon: Byelobog LG god of kingship, chivalry, fatherhood Symbol: Male hand gripping a jeweled scepter Favored Weapon: Heavy Mace Sacred Colors: White, Gold Sacred Animals: Eagles Domains: Community, Glory, Good, Law, War Subdomains: Chivalry, Family, Heroism, Honor, Legend, Sovereignty Realm: Siege Alabaster, Royal Arches, Clarion, Heaven Byelobog is an an ancient deity whose name translates simply into “White God” in a long-forgotten language. He is married to Dzydzilelya and it is said that Czernobog is either he brother or his shadow. As a god of kingship and fatherhood, he expects his priests to have a paternal love for those under their care, whether as subjects or as family. His priests must be male and of noble or higher heritage; many are paladins instead of clerics. Czernobog
Symbol: Laughing, horned skull with black wings Favored Weapon: Short Sword Sacred Colors: Black, Ultramarine Sacred Animals: Bats Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Luck, Trickery Subdomains: Curse, Deception, Fear, Loss, Riot, Thievery Realm: Bald Mountain, Plane of Shadow Much like his brother/reflection Byelobog, Czernobog’s name means “Black God” in an ancient language. He opposes everything his brother stands for, and is constantly attempting to undermine society while revelling in the chaos and misery that follows. In human societies he is especially the patron of criminal organizations, while many hags woship him and symbollically take him as their husband. It is said he is the creator of owbs, and many owbs and dark folk worship him. Dzydzilelya
Symbol: A pale, silken strip of cloth intertwining two golden wedding bands Favored Weapon: Light Mace Sacred Colors: Pale green, blue, and pink Sacred Animals: Pelicans Domains: Air, Charm, Community, Good, Law Subdomains: Cloud, Education, Family, Home, Love, Loyalty Realm: Siege Opaline, Royal Arches, Clarion, Heaven Many eons ago Dzydzilelya was a goddess of clouds and rain, but all of that changed when she and Byelobog fell in love and married. She relocated from the Plane of Air to Heaven with him to build their divine realm, the Royal Arches. As patroness of mothers, children, and family, Dzydzilelya is the epitome of all feminine grace and arts. Her priestesses must be female, and many are of noble or royal blood, though this is not a requirement like it is for her husband. Marzyana
Symbol: A daffodil afflicted with frost Favored Weapon: Club Sacred Colors: Green, Yellow, Blue Sacred Animals: None (Daffodils) Domains: Death, Destruction, Plant, Water, Weather Subdomains: Catastrophe, Decay, Growth, Ice, Seasons, Storms Realm: None, wanders the planes A goddess of the change of the seasons, along with the inevitable death and rebirth it pressages, Marzyana wanders the planes as a peripatetic deity. Some believe she is the literal daughter of Byelobog and Dzydzilelya. Others believe that she their metaphorical daughter, because she was formed from the cast off “wild” side of Dzydzilelya when the latter goddess married Byelobog. Most of her priests are druids rather than clerics or other types of divine spellcasters. Orlouge
Symbol: Green and purple thistle flowers arranged in a bouquet Favored Weapon: Morningstar Sacred Colors: Green, Purple Sacred Animals: None (Thistles) Domains: Chaos, Evil, Liberation, Nobility Subdomains: Corruption, Revelry, Self-Realization, Whimsy Realm: Chateau Aiguille, Facinaturu, First World Orlouge, called the Charm Lord, is the ruler of the First World coterminous with Jaymedae (the campaign world’s name). His kingdom, Facinaturu, covers this entire area and he is consequently one of the most powerful Eldest. Set to watch over Facinaturu by the gods in ages past, when they abandoned the First World Orlouge also abandoned his responsibilities, coming to see his charge as existing only for his own personal (and increasingly depraved) enjoyment. His followers in the mortal world are often small, secret cults of nobles who abandon their responsibilities for lives of luxuries and hedonism. Pekelnybog
Symbol: A copper or red snake tied in a knot Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain Sacred Colors: Red, Orange, Brown Sacred Animals: Lizards, Basilisks Domains: Earth, Fire, Repose, Scalykind, Water Subdomains: Ancestors, Caves, Flowing, Petrification, Psychopomp, Rivers Realm: Nyosian Deeps, Boneyard A chthonic deity of caves, lava, and underground lakes and rivers, Pekelnybog is also the caretaker of the souls of the dead. Though famously temperamental in many other matters (many attribute earth tremors to his displeasure), he is usually fair when judging the dead- though occasionally his opinions can be swayed with a bribe or a clever bit of flattery. Pekelnybog favors lizards and basilisks, and often appears as an enormous copper-scaled basilisk. His priests are usually hermits who dwell in caves or who are lone caretakers of graveyards. Rosvodiz
Symbol: A white sun with a dark rampant dragon inside Favored Weapon: Two-Bladed Sword Sacred Colors: White, Yellow, Silver, Black Sacred Animals: None (Dragons [esp. Outer & Esoteric Dragons]) Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Madness, Magic, Void Subdomains: Arcane, Entropy, Insanity, Protean, Star, Truth Realm: Gwiazda Rosvodiza, Material Plane So mighty was the divine dragon Rosvodiz’s power that, at the beginning of the cosmos, the other gods had to bind him within a star lest the explosive arcane energy he constantly released lay waste to the new creation. He is imprisoned there still, in a state between waking and slumber, his dreams and half-thoughts spawning new magic, strange dragons, proteans, and countless other wonders. Rosvodiz’s worship is a private, occult, and typically solitary affair. His followers are sometimes scholars of the arcane and occult, while others are doomsday cultists who want to release his world-destroying power. Three Mighty Farmers (Kremara [Pigs], Kurwaihin [Sheep], Ratainycia [Horses])
Symbol: A garland of flowers around a triple bust of a pig, a sheep, and a horse. Favored Weapon: Pitchfork (Trident) Sacred Colors: Brown, Green Sacred Animals: Pigs, Sheep, Horses Domains: Animal, Community, Good, Protection, Weather Subdomains: Agathion, Cooperation, Friendship, Fur, Purity, Seasons Realm: Auld Farm, Nirvana The Three Mighty Farmers are a trinity of gods, always worshiped together, with dominion over agriculture and animal husbandry. Each appears as an anthropomorphic animal: garrulous, short-tempered, and pig-headed Kremara; shy, simple, and sheep-headed Kuwaihin; stuffy, pedantic, and horse-headed Ratainycia. Despite their foibles each of the gods is well-intentioned and loves their followers as a family. The Three Mighty Farmers’ priests are usually only drawn from peasants and common folk, but the odd nobleman who loves horses can sometimes be found among them. Walgino
Symbol: A stylized cattle head consisting of an inverted triangle below a horizontal line with upturned edges Favored Weapon: Light Flail Sacred Colors: Gray, Yellow Sacred Animals: Steers Domains: Evil, Healing, Law, Travel, Trickery Subdomains: Corruption, Devil, Greed, Medicine, Slavery, Trade Realm: Velesine Stockyards, Dis, Hell The younger brother of Byelobog, Walgino began as a god of cattle and ranchers, but over time he became poisoned with greed. Though he still has some association with cattle, he has become a more general god of commerce, banking, and usury. Walgino has great intelligence, which he uses to draw up binding, but confusing, contracts that invariably benefit only himself. He represents the envious gaze of the monied middle class upon the genuine aristocracy represent by his brother, and most of his followers are from this class of people.
Warning: possibly some small spoilers below. I have been running a weekly game of Mummy's Mask for the past 3 years, and my players are just about to begin the sixth book. The players I have for this game are generally min/maxers (for example, the party level 15 unchained rogue, can roll under a 10 for stealth, with no cover available, and get over 50 as the result. We also have a regular summoner). They tend to roll over encounters with single monsters that are intended to be bosses without any problems. So, I decided to make a harder Hakotep, as I really would not like the last encounter to be the summoner sending his eidolon up to the villain of the whole AP and killing him with one full attack. The shield golems don't really seem that threatening. Let me know what what you think, and feel free to use him if you like him. Hakotep I: Hakotep I CR 22
XP 614,400 Male human mummy lord sorcerer 20 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 176) LE Medium undead (humanoid, human) Init +8; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +36 Aura great despair (30 ft., DC 34) -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 43, touch 20, flat-footed 43 (+8 armor, +5 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +15 natural) hp 382 (20d6+300) Fort +20, Ref +12, Will +17 Defensive Abilities all-around vision, channel resistance +4, rejuvenation; DR 10/—; Immune cold, critical hits, electricity, sneak attacks, undead traits -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee flail of kings +15/+10 (1d8+9 plus insidious mummy rot) or . . slam +12 (1d6+3 plus insidious mummy rot) Special Attacks channel rot, insidious mummy rot (DC 24), sandstorm wrath (12d8 fire and slashing, DC 34), undead mastery (DC 34) Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +34) . . 17/day—elemental ray (1d6+10 electricity) . . 3/day—elemental blast (20d6 electricity, DC 34) Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 20th; concentration +34) . . 9th (8/day)—dominate monster (DC 34), elemental swarm, meteor swarm (DC 35 [37 if electricity]), time stop . . 8th (8/day)—demand (DC 33), polar ray, stormbolts[APG] (DC 36), summon monster VIII (elementals only) . . 7th (8/day)—deflection[APG], elemental body IV, mass hold person (DC 32), prismatic spray (DC 33) . . 6th (9/day)—chain lightning (DC 34), elemental body III, sirocco[APG] (DC 32 [34 if electricity]), tar pool[UC] (DC 30) . . 5th (9/day)—cone of cold (DC 31 [33 if electricity]), elemental body II, mind fog (DC 30), sonic thrust[UM] (DC 31 [33 if electricity]), wall of force . . 4th (9/day)—ball lightning[APG] (DC 32), boneshatter (DC 28), crushing despair (DC 29), elemental body I, enervation . . 3rd (9/day)—elemental aura[APG] (DC 29), howling agony[UM] (DC 27), lightning bolt (DC 31), protection from energy, vampiric touch . . 2nd (10/day)—blindness/deafness (DC 26), bull's strength, false life, hideous laughter (DC 27), minor image (DC 26), scorching ray (electricity) . . 1st (10/day)—burning hands (electricity) (DC 27), mage armor, magic missile, shield, shocking grasp, unseen servant . . 0 (at will)—acid splash, bleed (DC 24), detect magic, ghost sound (DC 24), jolt[UM], mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic, touch of fatigue (DC 24) . . Bloodline Elemental (air) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 24, Dex 19, Con —, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 38 Base Atk +10; CMB +17; CMD 37 Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Elemental Focus[APG], Eschew Materials, Greater Elemental Focus[APG], Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Improved Critical (heavy flail), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy flail), Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Penetration, Toughness [b]Skills Acrobatics +24, Diplomacy +34, Fly +17, Intimidate +45, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (nobility) +13, Knowledge (religion) +16, Perception +36, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +16, Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate, +8 Sense Motive, +8 Stealth Languages Ancient Osiriani, Jistka, Shory, Div SQ bloodline arcana (change energy damage spells to match bloodline energy), elemental body, elemental movement Combat Gear gloves of the commanding conjurer[UE], halo of menace[ARG], pearl of power (9th level), scroll of greater teleport, scroll of reverse gravity, scroll of time stop; Other Gear amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical might +6 (Str, Dex), bracers of armor +8, crook and flail of kings, headband of mental superiority +6, major cloak of displacement, ring of freedom of movement, ring of protection +5, robe of eyes, tome of leadership and influence +1 (already read) -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- All-Around Vision (Ex) You can see in all directions and cannot be flanked. Bloodline Arcana: Elemental (Ex) You may change any energy spell to use Electricity energy. Channel Resistance +4 +4 bonus to save vs. Channel Energy. Channel Rot (Su) Mummy rot applies to any manufactured weapons as well. Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive. Damage Reduction (10/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks. Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only). Elemental Blast (20d6 electricity, 3/day, DC 34) (Sp) As a standard action, deal dam in 20 ft. burst up to 60 ft. away (Ref half). Elemental Body (Su) Gain immunity to energy type, critical hits and sneak attacks. Elemental Focus (Electricity) +1 DC to spells that deal damage of the chosen energy. Elemental Movement (Su) Gain an enhanced move Elemental Ray (1d6+10 electricity, 17/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals damage to foe. Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less. Fly (60 feet, Average) You can fly! Great Despair Aura (DC 34) (Su) Creatures in aura are paralyzed 1d4 rds, then shaken 1d4 rds (Will neg). Greater Elemental Focus (Electricity) +1 DC to spells that deal damage of the chosen energy. Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school. Immunity to Cold You are immune to cold damage. Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits Immunity to Electricity You are immune to electricity damage. Immunity to Sneak Attacks You are immune to sneak attacks. Insidious Mummy Rot (DC 24) (Su) Insidious mummy rot—injury; save Fort DC 24; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/day; effect 2d4 Con and 2d4 Cha; cure —. The save DC is Charisma-based. Quicken Spell Cast a spell as a swift action. +4 Levels. Rejuvenation (Su) One day after destruction, rebuild body over 1d10 days. Sandstorm Wrath (12d8 fire and slashing, 3/day, DC 34) (Su) Hot sand deals fire and slash dam in 40 ft cone and blinds 2d4 rds (Ref part). Spell Focus (Enchantment) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC. Spell Focus (Evocation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC. Undead Mastery (DC 34) As a standard action, gain control of undead in 50 ft (Will neg). Undead Traits Undead have many immunities.
Hello everyone. I am running a game for some friends, and we have a brand new player. She would like to play a Vine Leshy druid with the Plant domain as her nature bond. I never really liked druids, so I'm not that familiar with how a Plant domain druid would play out. Looking at the spell list, it seems like it lends itself to battlefield control. Does anyone have any recommendations for feats? They will be starting a level 6. If it matters, she is the only spellcaster in the party as the other members are a swashbuckler, a slayer (sniper), a brawler (verdant grappler), and a geokineticist. Thanks.
I am beginning a home campaign with a friend as the DM with a group of people we know from our LGS. He mentioned to me that the other players are making "squishy" characters, so I resolved to make a more heavily armored target. I eventually settled on a Kineticist with the Kinetic Knight archetype, because who doesn't love benders? I have run into a few snags though: 1) I usually play traditional casters, so I'm not that familiar with many good builds for what will essentially be a melee tank. 2) I currently run a game where one of my players is a heavily armored Tower Shield specialist fighter with a whip. As I looked at the Kinetic Knight, as well as threads about it, I realized that most builds pointed in this direction for a Kinetic Knight. I emphatically don't want to play a clone of this character as I have been dealing with it every week for well over a year. So, in summation, I'd like advice for feat choices that allow me to play a Kinetic Knight as a tank without relying on the kinetic whip features once he gets them. If it helps, he is a water kineticist, and I'm no willing to change that. Thanks in advance.
I'm working on two important villains (the twins in the title) for a homebrew world, which for flavor reasons need to be Anarchic wildblood Sorcerers. I don't want them to be exactly the same, so I thought it would be nice to have one be a gish mechanically. In terms of personality the character is intended to be a dashing rake (so no heavy armor, more of a Swashbuckler than a Fighter). I turned to the magus class and was delighted to find the Eldritch Scion archetype, but unfortunately it only offers access to the Bloodrager bloodlines. A Destined bloodline is an option because it grants free access to blur, which in a pinch is superficially similar to the Anarchic bloodline Reality Wrinkle power. I then turned to the Eldritch Knight PrC, and while it may be able to work, like many Pathfinder PrCs it seemed a little boring. I didn't see a Swashbuckler archetype that blended spellcasting with, err, swashbuckling. I would like some advice on alternative options for this NPC. Thanks in advance.
I need some help choosing Domains for deities for my homebrew world. I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum, as I was debating between this and the homebrew forum, but I am specifically looking for advice. A little background: Back in 2002 I bought the 3.0 version of Deities & Demigods. I really liked the concept of a dualistic pantheon consisting of only two gods. I created a world based on the conflict between a lawful god & a chaotic one, and have adapted it to 3.5, 4.0, and now I am adapting it for Pathfinder. I like to set the world within the system's existing universe, so in this case the world & its gods exists alongside Golarion (though of course far distant in space. Maybe another galaxy) So, god #1, Xenozoe, is the lawful, associated with eternity, stasis, finality, hierarchy, civilization. He favors undead servants, especially ghosts & other incorporeals. He dwells on the Negative Energy plane (one of the few deities to do so). My tentative list of domains for him: Death (Undead)
Now, my problem here is that I feel that the Repose and Death domains do not offer enough variety for my players; I'm essentailly giving them a major deity with only 4 domain choices instead of the usual 5. I was thinking of replacing Repose with Nobility and shifting around subdomains, but I might want to avoid that. I decided that, besides being opposed to each other, the two major deities would have a minor deity or demigod that was similar to it, but poached its worshippers. For Xenozoe, the demigod I settled on is Blood Emperor Ruithvein, an infernal duke & vampire with only a blurb in some splatbooks. He has no given domains, so I was considering these: Law (Tyranny)
My dilemma here is, if I give Ruithvein Nobility he will overlap with Xenozoe on two domains. So the advice I would like here is: Should I give Xenozoe another domain instead of Death or Repose? If so what should it be? If it should be Nobility, should I have him overlap with Ruithvein or change Ruithvein's list. Finally, Ruithvein is an Infernal Duke, despite being a vampire, and hell-based deities always have the devil subdomain. Should I switch out corruption or tyranny for devil, or am I ok as it is? We're not done though. God #2 is the literal spirit of the world, with not only one name. It represent the riotous aspect of life, overflowing divesity of species, etc. The map I've always used also has a lot of water (more than earth) so the world spirit has an aquatic aspect. My first list for it is: Chaos (Revelry)
My problem with the world spirit, similar to Xenozoe, is that Weather & Water have a lot of overlap. I would like recommendations for possible changes. The elemental domains are fine choices but I feel like I would have to take all of them if I take something more than water, and I want to stick to the 5 domain for a major deity paradigm. Also, the World Spirit's antagonistic minor deity has the Earth domain. I apologize for the long post but any advice would be very helpful. |