Cleric of Gozreh

Crazy Bird Lady's page

31 posts. Alias of Treppa.


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Go to your room and play video games right now, young man, or you'll get no supper!

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* chugs from her bottle of corn syrup, discreetly wrapped in a paper bag *

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*marks Fratercula Studlius off life list.

I have the pigeons ready to release.

♪♫ Open the door, get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur. ♫♪

I don't understand what's wrong with violins in movies and vidya games.

Here birdie birdie birdie...

C'mere, Willy Wonka...

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*pets the kitty*

Nice birdie! Soft birdie!

If you croak in here, I'm having frog legs for dinner!

Feed the loons, tuppence a bag.

I like it here! I feel right at home!

*scatters birdseed for the cuckoos*

Solnes wrote:
Lots of new names around the old thread lately. :)

Furriners. FURRINERS!

Clutches shotgun nervously and peers through crack in boarded-up window.

Releases doves in celebration.

Oh dearie me. I didn't think doves did that to people.

*shooes away Vinny*

I'm not dead yet!

Pours two glasses of milk.

There you go, dovies!

taig wrote:
And.,,good night.

Night night, little one.

tucks the badger in his lair and stuffs him with birdseed

Sleep tight.


Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
As a member of the Jacks, I ask that we be allowed to punt those who belong to Poodle House.

Seconded! Those damned dogs are always chasing away my birdies.

feeds the ghosts, tuppence a bag

Oh my, the swallows have returned to Hinkley!

* Dumps bags of muffin stumps on ground *

There you are, dearies.

Sprinkles birdseed in the fishbowl.

There you go, pretty shiny birdies!

Totters off.

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Totters in and sits gingerly on park bench. Sings...

Feed the birds,
tuppence a bag...

Pulls water buffalo carcass out of Purse of Holding and hucks it on the ground

Tuppence, tuppence,
tuppence a bag.

Come, buy my bags full of crumbs.
Come feed the little birds, show them you care
And you'll be glad if you do.
Their young ones are hungry,
Their nests are so bare;
All it takes is tuppence from you.
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag.

*Peers about nearsightedly*

Oh dear... I must have wandered into the poodle park by mistake! And the poodles are playing leapfrog... badly.

*Totters off clutching birdseed*

You young whippersnappers! Get off my lawn! *drools*

*Stuffs popcorn down Studpuffin's craw* Nice birdie!

Studpuffin wrote:

Peck peck peck.



Peck peck.

Nice birdie! *pets*

What strange birdies...

*Tosses popcorn on the ground.*

* Scatters birdseed and peers around nearsightedly. *

Pretty birdies! What shiny feathers...

* Pets Court Fool, mutters, drools. *

Feed the birds,
Tuppence a bag,
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a baaaag!

*Settles onto park bench and scatters birdseed*