CptKracker's page

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Yes, this is helpful and i thank for the advise. Right now i'm considering a campaign involving some of he warhammer universe's orcs' antics and ridiculousness.

Thanks for your help! More is openly welcomed.

I have worn two backpacks before, on my back and it's possible! One regular backpack and an Under Armour sack pack. Depending on the size of the handy haversack i would totally allow it! The problem i see here is that he is not accruing any real penalties from having a heavy load. 200 pounds is WAY too much to comfortably jog with. Just throw in some dexterity penalties for anything that's too ridiculous.

I am perfectly fine with the rogues the way they are and in fact i am playing a rogue fighter so i can not only hold the front line but cover all the needed skill checks. Sneak attack is awesome when you have two fighters flanking!

I believe that their are not enough skill oriented encounters in games just because people are playing video games and the only thing video games do well is the hack and slash which intern pigeon holes us into wanting hack and slash.


AntediluvianXIII wrote:
Have you tried the freebie 'We Be Goblins'? Let him run all four PCs!!

I like the premise but i do not feel that goblins, being as diminutive as they are, do not give the same sense of power that an orc or hobgoblin would.

could it be argued that the bacteria from one's mouth could cause an infection and be considered in a poisoned state?

So I love to play dnd/ pathfinder and the such. I'm trying to get my brother interested but i feel as though i am failing. We do not live near a club or anything (within 20 miles) and play with just the two of us (me being the GM). I have tried doing three campaigns with him now but he seems to grow bored within a few short levels. Even though i added things that he requested he still seems jaded. Both times he's made a new character he has begged me to be a Minotaur or a giant. I hate telling him no because of the fact that they're large creatures and don't really fit in level one dungeons but he insists. Even worse is he seems to laugh at the attempt of any real story line whether it's of my own making or pre-fab. After his complaining and boredom during sessions i am threatening to do an over the top ridiculous campaign that has hardly any story line that is based on a group of monsters such as orcs or goblins.

I want ALL your opinions on a "monster romp" and anything that would catch his attention!

p.s. i'm tired of trying to make story when he isn't

I don't know if anyone already mentioned this but you could bite your own wrists and then you would subject to bleed damage even after you fell unconscious

I tried running four character in between us and it was a nightmare. My brother is not an affluent role player and having to think for two characters was too much for him. That's why i ended the previous 3.5 campaign with our character being ripped apart by a wandered monster of high strength. I'm currently trying to introduce NPCs to fight along side us such as Shalelu and i made it a point to get a combat dog just for fodder. But that's getting out of the rules section.

Anyways, thanks for your advise and ruling on the matter. It's nice to have a second opinion to back you up :)

Just a tad bit of back story first. My brother and i are playing the burnt offerings story line by ourselves (i am GM) and we only have one character each. Because we're low on man power, we looking at multi-classing to be able to cover all the needed roles. He plays a ranger and i play a fighter/rogue. You can probably tell that there are no healing classes. So i look at cleric and see an animal domain which has animal companion at 4th level like the ranger.

Now the question: Does a cleric's animal domain companion add the ranger's animal companion and if so does this mean that 2 levels of ranger and 2 levels of cleric animal domain would be the 4 levels need for an animal companion?

P.s. Do you have a suggestion for a class with healing to replace the ranger?

Anything helps!