
Coyote Wonderpetal's page

33 posts. Organized Play character for Lost 33.

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The residents of Torch show dismay in both their words and actions. As one stands on a street corner and listens it is clear that the extinguished torch is the only subject of import. Those freshly arriving in town to answer the job posting regarding the extinguished torch are directed to the Town Hall.

As they arrive at the Town Hall they see a small group waiting in the entry foyer, they too seek to help Torch in its time of crisis. The group is greeted by the receptionist, a young human lass, who informs them that, "Thank you so much for you offer to assist! Councilman Bazlundi Otterbie is out with Joram Kyte trying to find a way to address the town's growing waste problem. Councilman Soceal Murgrave is at home nursing a headache, his third in as many days. I hope he isn't growing ill! So Councilwoman Dolga Freddert will be out shortly to tell you all you need to know."

As an afterthought the young human says, "Councilman Khonnir Baine has yet to return from his expedition in to the Black Hill Caves. I do hope he and his group find their way back soon..." It is clear by the way her bubbly voice lowers that she holds little hope of this outcome

This is a chance for the party to officially introduce themselves to each other, and if they somehow know one another to establish a general link.

(Roll 1d20 for starting rumors)
Locals: Sarona, Veronica
Out of towners: Ironface, Ozak, Tessla

Formatting Text:

Speech is bolded
Personal thoughts in italics
Out of character in... out of character.

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Welcome! This will be the are to post questions, comments, and intra-player talk out of game.

Characters can be tweaked up until the actual play starts, so if you have any last minute purchases or want to change some details, feel free. Character classes and archetypes are not changeable at this time.

This is my first time DMing a PbP, so if you have any suggestions on how to help the campaign run smoothly I'm all ears.

Please post as soon as able.

Iron Gods Recruitment (Gestalt, 5 players)
Background: The town of Torch has lost its primary source of income, the violet flame that allows one to work with sky metal! Torch has quickly sent out a call for adventurers to help solve this problem, but as of yet none of these groups have returned. Now, the time is nearing for the Technic League to arrive for their monthly tithes and Torch has no coin with which to pay. You and your allies are the last group to offer your services to Torch before its too late for the town to appease its sadistic overseers. Will you be able to save this desperate town?

Character Creation:

*It is assumed applicants have read the Iron Gods Player's Guide available here.
Source Material : Paizo published material only. No third party material. No exceptions.
Races: All core and featured races are permitted. Tiefling and Aasimars may use alternate heritages, but may not replace their SLA with the alternate abilities table. Androids are the only preapproved uncommon race. Any other uncommon race must meet the following criteria:
  • No CR +1 races
  • No monster races
  • Subject to DM approval

Alignment: Any non-evil. Must be a team oriented character.
Classes: Any class except Summoner. Unchained variants for Barbarian, Monk and Rogue are allowed. No prestige classes. Gestalt rules are in effect.
Starting EXP/Wealth: Characters will start at level 1 using max starting wealth for whichever class has the higher starting gold.
Stats: Roll 4d6, drop the lowest 2, add 6
Skills: The Unchained Background Skills variant is in play. With this, one skill point must be in profession or craft. Use this to explain how your characters makes a living when he/she is not adventuring.
Feats: Each characters receives the following as bonus feats at creation:
  • Combat Expertise
  • Deadly Aim
  • Dodge
  • Point-Blank Shot
  • Power Attack
  • Weapon Finesse
Rangers will receive Boon Companion as a bonus feat at level 4.
Characters may not start play with the Technologist feat, unless it is gained as a class feature.
Traits: 2 Traits + 1 Campaign Trait. No drawbacks. Campaign traits will not be duplicated, meaning each character will have a unique campaign trait.
Languages: Androffan is only available to the character with the Numerian Archaeologist campaign trait. It may not be learned through a high intelligence bonus language, or linguistics. This supersedes the player’s guide. It may be learned later in the campaign.
Animal Companions and Familiars: ACs and familiars are restricted to those listed in the player’s guide + Pilo and Sorico. (Link)
Backstory: I like reading about interesting characters. This can be a couple paragraphs, or a couple pages, either way please don’t force an aspect just for a specific trait/feat/choice. If necessary refluff as appropriate. I want to see backstories that read naturally and sound plausible. Otherwise, ensure to clarify if you’re a Torch citizen or an outsider.
*Characters will have met prior to the adventurer start, but for now write only your character. We’ll establish links between characters after final selection.
Maps: Maps will be posted on Roll20.net. All gameplay will occur in the gameplay thread.
Recruitment Period: Applicants will be accepted through April 8th. DM reserves the right to close recruitment early if all slots are filled.

Note: When creating characters, make what you want to play. Please try to avoid making a character for each traditional role just to check the block.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hopefully someone can help clear up confusion between the Swashbuckler's Whirling Dervish archetype and Paizo's FAQ regarding bucklers. The two points in question are referenced below.

Dervish Finesse (Ex):

A whirling dervish can treat a scimitar as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for the purposes of the swashbuckler's finesse and all feats and class abilities that refer to such a weapon. She must not be carrying a weapon or shield in her off hand to gain this benefit.

This ability alters swashbuckler finesse.
Emphasis added by me.

Paizo's FAQ on Slashing Grace and Bucklers

So, can a Whirling Dervish use a buckler and still gain the benefit of Dervish Finesse, same as she would with Swashbuckler Finesse?

Grand Lodge

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Hey, all.

I was building a Vetala-Born Dhampir Kineticist for my group's (not PFS play) upcoming Reign of Winter campaign, and noticed an oddity with the Overwhelming Soul archtype.

Kineticist (Overwhelming Soul): wrote:
Mental Prowess: ... She can't choose to accept burn, through she can use wild talents with a burn cost if she can reduce that cost to 0 points with abilities such as gather and infusion specialization. If she would be force to accept burn against her will (for example, if she fails a concentration check), instead of taking burn she takes 1 temporary negative level, which never kills her and can't be removed with restoration or greater restoration, but which disappears automatically after 24 hours...

*emphasis mine*

Dhampir Resist Energy Drain: wrote:
A dhampir takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though he can still be killed if he accrues more negative levels then he has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw.

So if I'm applying these two correctly, the Dhampir Overwhelming Soul can fail concentration checks all day without any actual penalty, and with Mental Prowess won't lose the negative level required to kill him. This effectively negates the class penalty replacing burn, excepting for if he take negative levels from another source.

Then ya, it's a bad day... or would be if he was alive.

1) Is this the correct way these two abilities interact, or would a Dhampir be subject to negative level penalties inflicted by himself on himself?

2. Assume he had max negative levels from Mental Prowess (character level-1), and then received a negative level from another source. Under this circumstance, he'd have to raise, have the appropriate restoration cast, but would return with character level-1 of negative levels still applied right? (Or, does death bypass the cannot use restoration or greater restoration to remove self inflicted negative levels?)

3. If the above dead dhampir was revived after 24 hours, would the self inflicted negative levels still be on countdown? Or are they removed after 24 hours regardless of if the dhampir is alive or dead? If they are removed, does he return to life the next day with only the other source negative levels applied?

Please cancel my PF Tales and PF Pawns subscriptions.

I received the shipment for Order: 2942524 yesterday and the copy of "Pathfinder Adventure Path #67: The Snows of Summer (Reign of Winter 1 of 6) (PFRPG) Print Edition" is missing pages 16-36. Is it possible to get another copy of this sent?