Goriath the Balor

Cornugon Malebranche's page

41 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


The Ogon Fox wrote:

Spending 1 ki point for an extra attack on my flurry again.

[dice=Attack 1]1d20+17+2
[dice=Attack 2]1d20+17+2
[dice=Attack 3]1d20+17+2
[dice=Attack 4]1d20+12+2
[dice=Attack 5]1d20+7+2

35 and 36 hit for...

[dice=Damage 1]1d8+9+1
[dice=Damage 2]1d8+9+1+2d6

And if the 22 manages to hit, another...

[dice=Damage 3]1d8+9+1+4d6

I think we should double check whether Ihrin's 24 and 25 hit. He's got -4 to his AC from Evil Eye because Mwikali cackled to extend that 1 round duration, and he has another -4 to AC from being pinned.

If he were prone in addition to pinned, that's another -4 AC vs melee attacks, but I don't think we've ever tripped him to make him prone, that just is what one tends to imagine is happening when one pins a creature. I think pinned could mean that you just have the creature's arms very tightly restrained, and both the pinner and the pinned can be standing on their feet and have that still be true.

Ogon Fox hammers the fiend with punishing strikes, sharing the final killing blows with Sir Alphonse! The devil is slain!

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Yeah, a 23 hit him earlier, and his AC is now 2 lower than it was then. So anything as low as a 21 (and maybe lower) should be hitting him now. He's also been hit with a bunch of stuff (I think Ihrin has silver weapons, Foereaper is Adamantine, and Barakuda is Holy) so in retrospect it's very likely his Regeneration got shut off at some point unless he has one of those VERY specific Regenerations.

Also minor retcon requested on my end: I gave Foereaper Keen, but forgot I already have Improved Critical, so that does nothing. Can we assume I just boosted it to +5 instead? I haven't factored that into the following rolls.

Alphonse comes in for three more brutal slashes.

"Excellent work once again Johann! Now hold him just a little longer!"

[dice=Foreaper 1]1d20+25

[dice=Foreaper 2]1d20+20

[dice=Foreaper 3]1d20+15

The Oath Keeper Sir Alphonse Veritas sinks Foereaper's blade into the fiend's neck thrice, smiting with each stroke! The devil screams with the first two strokes, but the third plunges into dying devil flesh, and only a gurgle escapes its vile mouth...

The heroes are victorious!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin launches another barrage of blows on the now prone devil.

SO his AC should currently be -8 due to Hex and Pin?

[dice=Katana 1]1d20+12+1

[dice=Katana 2]1d20+7+1


RETCON: Lady Ihrin does strike twice this round, adding 33 damage after DR! 134 damage so far...

Lady Ihrin Dracul slices the horned devil's natural carapace of red scales open with expert strokes of her oriental blades! The devil screams and twitches helplessly in Dire Bear Johann's hold...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin launches another barrage of blows on the now prone devil.

SO his AC should currently be -8 due to Hex and Pin?

[dice=Katana 1]1d20+12+1

[dice=Katana 2]1d20+7+1


Again Lady Ihrin struggles to break through the fiend's scaly armor, her Samurai swords turnt by the steely crimson scales...

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

The wrestling match continues! Johann again goes for the pin!

[dice=maintain grapple; pin]d20+33

my +2 CMD on grapple is because of improved grapple. I dunno if improved grapple bonuses apply to people trying to break grapples.

The angelic choir crescendo joyfully as Dire Bear Johann performs a "piledriver", slamming the devil head and shoulders first into the cavern floor and lying atop the fiend, pinning it!



Regenerates 5 hp, bringing it to 91 total damage. Attempts to escape Johann's grapple: CMB 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (11) + 26 = 37... Hmmm... Does Johann's CMD 38 vs grapple include attempts to escape a grapple? My first instinct is that it does, so I'm ruling that the cornugon barely fails to free, unless someone knows for sure that the bonus to Johann's CMD only applies to attempts to grapple Johann...

Making a mighty effort, the horned devil almost succeeds in breaking the mighty hold of the Black Forester...almost...

*GRUNT!*...*GASP!*...*WHEEEEZE!!*... Shlazz'k troxt...

It is futile...

The Ogon Fox wrote:

Nice! Okay, here's the damage for the 2nd hit.

[dice=Damage for 2nd hit]1d8+9+1+2d6

With Ogon Fox's two hits in round 7, after DR, the horned devil is down a total of 101 damage, minus 5 regeneration on its turn, for 96 damage total! On its turn in round 8, it regenerates another 5, so it is currently 91 damage in the hole...

The horned devil grunts and snarls as it struggles vainly to escape Dire Bear Johann's iron grip, and winces as Ogon Fox pummels, kicks and headbutts it in its face!


Finding itself crushed in Dire Bear Johann's mighty grip once more, the fiend strains its sinews in an attempt to break the Black Forester's hold again... CMB to escape grapple 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (8) + 26 = 34 fails to beat Johann's CMD of 36!... But it cannot break Johann's vice-like hold!


Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali will use her Evil Eye Hex DC21 Will

She stares at the creature intent on its death cursing it.
If successful it takes -4 to AC for 12 rounds, failure lasts 1 round

Will 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23 succeeds, so -4 to AC until Mwikali's next turn.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin seeing Johann bring the mighty devil to its knees follows with three more attacks.

[dice=Katana strike 1]1d20+12+1
Sneak Attack: Dibilitating injury Bewilderment,-2 AC and -4 AC against my attacks

[dice=Katana Strike 2]1d20+7+1
[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

Lady Ihrin's blades bounce off the steely red scales!

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Alphonse draws Foereaper under the COrnugon's chin, pulling back with a mighty backward stroke!


...Then with the scythe back in position he slices it down on the back of the creature's neck!



And if either of those two hit, keep in mind Smite ignores all Damage Reduction.

One smite for 37, bringing total damage to 81!

The horned devil shrieks in pain and rage as the holy scythe of the Oath Keeper rends its scaly hide!


Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

Lord P takes a gold coin from his pocket and slips it in the air, it spins a moment then shoots at the Devils head like a bullet.

Telekinetic projectile TH 1d20+14+1 DMG 1d6]+4+4d6 Range 30'

"For the fare home"

He says as he dose this.

The coin knocks hard on the devil's skull! *PLOINK!!*


Ouch! What the Hell!?

After DR, 14 more damage, for a total of 44 damage on the devil!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Upset that the devil has eluded him, Johann continues to bite and scratch and try to once again wrap up the devil in a bear hug. He feels Mwikali's spell strengthening him with the power of heroism!

[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+21; 2d6+9+2d6

[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+21; d8+9+d6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+26 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful

[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+21; d8+9+d6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+26 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful

Looks like 30 damage total from Johann...

The horned devil growls as Johann hugs him again!


Pinned beneath the great Dire Bear Johann, the fiend attempts to break the Black Forester's hold...

CMB to escape grapple 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (19) + 26 = 45 succeess!

The horned devil slips out from under the great Dire Bear Johann!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

This devil... will... be dead...before me!

Spurred on by the majestic light, Johann renews his grip and tries to pin the huge creature.

[dice=maintain grapple, for the pin!]d20+31

The devil is slammed into the cavern floor and pinned beneath Dire Bear Johann! It gasps in shock and alarm at the great strength of the Black Forester!


The Ogon Fox wrote:

Invigorated by that blissful music, the Fox becomes a whirlwind of punches, kicks, and even a headbutt.

Spending 1 ki point for an extra attack on my flurry. Doing all unarmed this time, none with Barakuda.

[dice=Attack 1]1d20+17+2
[dice=Attack 2]1d20+17+2
[dice=Attack 3]1d20+17+2
[dice=Attack 4]1d20+12+2
[dice=Attack 5]1d20+7+2

The 32 and 30 are the only ones that might have hit, I'm guessing, so here's the damage for those:

[dice=Damage 2]1d8+9

[dice=Damage 4]1d8+9+2d6

This damage counts as cold iron and silver, but not good.

Correct: flat-footed AC with magic circle of protection vs good = 29, so two hits, for a total of 13 damage after DR...

OOF!!... UNGH!! The devil grunts as Ogon Fox lands a solid spinning hook kick and a reverse punch on the fiend!

Down 13 damage so far...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Alphonse' slackened grip re-tightens on his scythe and he grits his teeth in anger; mostly at himself for succumbing to this creature's foul power.

He ignites Foereaper in holy energy, emboldened by his Savior's majesty! Its edge keens ominously, sharp enough to cut the very air itself!

Standard to give Foereaper +2 and Keen with my Divine Bond.

Seeing Foereaper blaze with divine energy, the fiend's yellow eyes widen in alarm...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin Strikes again

[dice=Attack Katana 1]1d20+12+1
[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

[dice=Attack Katana 2]1d20+7+1
[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

[dice=Attack Wakizashi]1d20+12+1
[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

Lady Ihrin's blades bounce harmlessly off Malebranche's steely red scales...


The great red horned devil pales to a shade of rose as the divine chorus begins, quaking in unfamiliar fear at the near presence of the Divine...

For a moment, it considers surrender...

Feeling itself crushed in the great Dire Bear Johann's mighty grip, the fiend attempts to break the Black Forester's hold...

CMB to escape grapple 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (2) + 26 = 28

...But it cannot match the furious Dire Bear in strength and wrestling skill, and squirms, helpless, in Johann's grip!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin strikes Challenging her foe

[dice=Katana 1]1d20+12+1
[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

[dice=Katana 2]1d20+7+1
[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

The devil snarls as Lady Ihrin digs into its scaly red hide with both samurai blades and rips away more of its infernal hide!

54 more damage added to its grief, for a total of 124 damage!


Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Johann is not hit by the spiked chain and roars into action as his wits return to him! He full attacks, trying to grab and hold this devil!

note, damage is silver and good. the 2d6 addition is the holy damage

[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+19; 2d6+9+2d6

[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+19; d8+9+2d6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+24 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful

[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+19; d8+9+2d6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+24 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful

that second claw has a good chance at a grapple with a 41

The greater devil roars in surprise and pain as Johann Kaltgeboren rips into its scaly hide, tearing and biting at the infernal flesh!

The great Dire Bear Black Forester hugs the devil in a crushing bearhug that pops connective tissues and cracks ribs!

70 total damage to the fiend!


Cackling at its stunned prey, the horned devil again lays about wildly all around with its spiked chain!

At Sir Alphonse: spiked chain 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (17) + 26 = 43 strikes dealing 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 2) + 11 = 14 slashing damage plus 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 unholy damage plus stun (Fort DC 27 or stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 1 rounds...

At Dire Bear Johann: spiked chain 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24 strikes dealing 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 1) + 11 = 13 slashing damage plus 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9 unholy damage plus stun (Fort DC 27 or stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 3 rounds...

At Ogon Fox: spiked chain 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26 strikes dealing 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (6, 6) + 11 = 23 slashing damage plus 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8 unholy damage plus stun (Fort DC 27 or stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds...

At Lady Ihrin Dracul: bite 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32 deals 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (2, 6) + 5 = 13 damage...

At Lady Ihrin Dracul: barbed tail 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (3) + 22 = 25 misses!

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali tries another spell.

Hold Monster
Will Save DC23

The cornugon scoffs as Mwikali's attempt to paralyze it with hold monster fails to penetrate its resistance to magic!

Infernal: You'll have to do better than that, witch!

Not quite as damaged as I originally thought... ROUND 3:

The greater devil detonates a second fireball centered on itself, basking everyone around it in flames!

Concentration to cast defensively 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (3) + 22 = 25 succeeds...

Fireball 10d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 4, 6, 3) = 42 fire damage to everyone, Reflex DC 19 for half damage!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin Launches another attack routine at the devil.




40 damage after DR...

Lady Ihrin's katana slices deep into the devil's red scaly hide! OOOWWWCH!!!

Did you confirm that crit, Lady Ihrin?


Surrounded by foes wielding holy weapons, the beleaguered horned devil lashes out wildly all around with its spiked chain...

At Sir Alphonse: spiked chain 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (8) + 26 = 34 strikes dealing 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (3, 1) + 11 = 15 slashing damage plus 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3 unholy damage plus stun (Fort DC 27 or stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds...

At Dire Bear Johann: spiked chain 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (10) + 21 = 31 strikes dealing 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 2) + 11 = 14 slashing damage plus 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 unholy damage plus stun (Fort DC 27 or stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 1 rounds...

At Ogon Fox: spiked chain 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18 strikes dealing 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (3, 1) + 11 = 15 slashing damage plus 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6 unholy damage plus stun (Fort DC 27 or stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 1 rounds...

At Lady Ihrin Dracul: bite 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (5) + 22 = 27 deals 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (7, 2) + 5 = 14 damage...

At Lady Ihrin Dracul: barbed tail 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32 strikes for 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 5) + 5 = 12 plus infernal wound!


As Sir Alphonse charges down the stairs toward the greater devil, it lashes out at him with its great spiked chain! 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (8) + 26 = 34 strikes for 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (5, 6) + 11 = 22 slashing damage plus 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8 unholy damage plus stun (Fort DC 27 or stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds)...


As Ogon Fox joins the fray, the spiked chain whips around at him! 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (20) + 26 = 46 Gasp! Confirm 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (13) + 26 = 39 critical hit deals 4d6 + 22 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 2) + 22 = 34 slashing damage plus 2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 unholy damage plus stun (Fort DC 27 or stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds)!

After Ogon Fox's strike, and adjusting Johann's damage, the horned devil is down 136 total damage! You guys are kicking his scaly red ass better than I thought you would...

Furious and spraying black ichor from several wounds, and now surrounded by foes (flanked by Dire Bear Johann and Sir Alphonse on its west side, and Lady Ihrin and Ogon Fox on its east side), the cornugon brandished its great spiked chain, spinning it in a deadly arc overhead, before lashing out with swift, powerful blows at the surrounding adventurers!

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Alphonse redoubles his efforts, striking at the devil again and again!

[dice=Foereaper Slash 1]1d20+21

[dice=Foereaper Slash 2]1d20+16

[dice=Foereaper Slash 3]1d20+11

Whomp whomp.

The devil parries Sir Alphonse's strikes with its large spiked chain! *CLINK--CLINK--CLINK!!!*

The Ogon Fox wrote:

The Ogon Fox swiftly closes in to a position opposite Johann (getting flanking bonuses for the two of us) and then strikes at the great devil with Barakuda!

Also activating Jabbing Style as a swift action.
If the malebranche gets an AoO as I close in (I don't recall how big it is/if it has reach), my AC is 4 higher against that because of Mobility (so AC 21).
Side note, I really need to put some wealth into bracers of armor--my AC is not good.

I won't roll the acid damage, since it can't roll high enough to overcome his resistance.
[dice=confirm crit?]1d20+15+2
[dice=critical damage (holy damage doesn't multiply)]1d6+6

That damage is good-aligned, but not silver.

13 damage after DR...

GAAARRRGH!!! grunts the greater devil as Barakuda slices into its back!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin draws and strikes at the creature.

[dice=Katana 1]1d20+12CRIT
[dice=Sneak Attack]5d634

[dice=Katana 1]1d20+7
[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

[dice=Sneak Attack]5d6

First and last strike for total of 53 damage after DR (10/Good and silver)...

AAARRRRRGGHH!! The horned devil roars in pain and outrage as Lady Ihrin's samurai swords cut into its scaly red hide!

113 total damage already after I corrected earlier damage dealt by Johann for DR... SMITE ignores DR, of course...

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Johann rushes forward to help Alphonse engage the brutish devil. His claws and fangs are enhanced by the power of good!

[dice= Claw Attack & damage]d20+17; d8+13+d6+2d6 str 6 bab 11 pwrattk -2 size-1 amulet 3; str 6 pwrattk 4 amulet 3 acid amulet d6 2d6 holy

[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+24 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful

Dire Bear Johann's massive claw rakes the devil's hide with righteous might! Though the devil seems unharmed by the magic acid secreted from Johann's claws through his original amulet of mighty fists, it definitely recoils from the sheer brute force the Black Forester delivers, as well as from the sacred energy that crackles around his bear claws from the Rosary Beads of St Francis of Assisi!


70 total damage to the devil so far...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Well, since nobody else is making a move to attack:

"Ultimately it matters not whether the creature is trapped; it does not belong on God's earth."

Alphonse' eyes flash as he calls down God's Vengeance on the devil, and he rushes forward to meet it.

Smite, Charge, unless something stops me from moving. Yes, you can Charge down stairs (though not up them).

[dice=Smite Power Attack]1d20+21

I'm sorry, the devil is flat-footed while it is trapped in the pentagram, therefore Sir Alphonse smites with this first attack.

YAAAAARRRR!!! The devil screams as Foereaper rips a rift in its scaly red hide!

Storm Dragon wrote:
Does he cast defensively?

Concentration to cast defensively 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (16) + 22 = 38 succeeds.


The fiend hurls a fireball at the adventurers still on the stairs, blasting Johann, Mwikali, Ihrin, and Lord Perpireen with flames!

Fireball deals 10d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 5, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 3) = 33 fire damage to Johann, Ihrin, Mwikali, and Lord Perpireen, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage.

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali walks forward and sees the devil. Looking at it she taps her chin.

[dice=Know Arcana]1d20+16

Mwikali knows this is a cornugon or horned devil, a greater devil and one of many counts of Hell.

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Well, since nobody else is making a move to attack:

"Ultimately it matters not whether the creature is trapped; it does not belong on God's earth."

Alphonse' eyes flash as he calls down God's Vengeance on the devil, and he rushes forward to meet it.

Smite, Charge, unless something stops me from moving. Yes, you can Charge down stairs (though not up them).

[dice=Smite Power Attack]1d20+21

Foereaper scratches the steely scales of the red devil's hide, throwing off divine sparks, but fails to penetrate the fiend's defenses!


The devil chuckles... Gleebinix slattrinxt t'charda kruul...

Feeble paladin! Your smite is lacking...

The horned devil roars in rage at Lady Ihrin's taunts.

RROOAAAARRRR!!! Infernal: Foolish mortals! I have been bound here by the greatest of Earth's wizards, that accursed King Solomon! You shall feel the full fury of my wrath, insolent tomb raiders!!


The great red horned devil with spiked chain bound in the protection from evil circle leers with predatory malice at the heroes on the stairs some 80 feet above.

Sirkuss vol-benae!

Spellcraft DC 20:
Magic circle against good!

The devil chants some evil abjuration in preparation for battle!

Bound inside the silver pentagram is a ten-foot-tall, horned, bat-winged, barbed-tailed, red-skinned devil armed with a large spiked chain, it's evil eyes blazing with yellow hellfire as it glares at the adventurers above it on the limestone stairs!

Gudefaximi skorrlex j'tai...

At long last, a cure for my ennui...