Corbin Lightfoot's page

No posts. Organized Play character for John Mark Brown.

The Exchange

Hi, I just got my Kickstarter shipment, yesterday, but I'm missing 2 sets of the Pathfinder Emerald Spire Battle figs and 1 set of the special metal figures.

I got everything else.

Can someone tell me what happened to other items?


John brown

The Exchange

Could you please cancel my comic book subscription?



The Exchange

Can you please cancel all subscriptions and anything on hold except for my comic subscription?

Thanks sincerely,

John Brown

The Exchange

I wasn't sure where to post this, but can someone help me? I want to know how to cancel hero lab because I no longer need it? Those of you who have used it, can you tell me how you do it?

Thanks, I would really appreciate it!

John Brown

The Exchange

In December, it shows two thieves guild flip maps. I only need one. I'm not sure what happened there, but if you could take that off, I would appreciate that.



The Exchange

I just want to make sure that the price is right for the promo fig and comic on my upcoming order.



The Exchange

Say, I am using a module, "The Crypt of the Ever flame", and this is my first time to GM, how do you know what the lighting conditions are in any particular module, if it doesn't say?

Is it automatically assuming torches are hung in each dungeon room?

A person with dark vision doesn't need a light source, correct?

What about low-light? I'm still confused on that one?

A torch lights up 20 feet, correct?

If anybody has any helpful tips for a new GM, concerning lighting, I would be most grateful.

I know I'll mess up occasionally, but me and my friend are ready to play.

Thanks for any response,


The Exchange

I was really looking forward to this next set, but due to medical bills I will have to wait a couple of months until I can re-subscribe. Sorry, but the timing is not good for me. If someone could cancel this for me I sure would appreciate this. I also need to cancel the undead builder series as well.



The Exchange

This should be with one of my monthly subscriptions to save on shipping.

Can you please do that for me?



The Exchange

Hero Lab asks you to put your spells in the spell book.

How many spells go into your spell book?

Can you cast any spell from any school of magic?

Here is my female elf wizard stats:

STR 7 DEX 12 CON 11 INT 20 WIS 12 CHA 12

My three schools of magic are evocation, conjuration and divination.

I only put 3 1st level spells I the spell book, but it automatically put a bunch of 0 level spells in the book.

Did I do this right or do you pick a lot more than that?

I did the same with my familiar which is a hawk.

Thanks for any help.

One more question, it says I over spent 5 points on my hawk's abilities, but I never even touched it so do you deduct five points on hero lab for your familiar on abilities?

The Exchange

I bought female human jungle looking character with a big cat.

Would she be more along the lines of a melee druid?

What abilities should I focus on?

What skills should I pick and traits?

When do you get a big cat?

If I go more magic, what abilities do you focus on?

Thanks for any help.


The Exchange

My 1st level cleric wants a masterwork heavy mace. I know a regular heavy mace is 12 gold and then add 300 for the masterwork, but on hero lab, all I see is Maces that are a couple of thousand or more.

What am I doing wrong?

I see cold iron masterwork sword for 300, but I don't see any other weapon in that price range, except a dagger.

Where can you buy a mace or any other weapon, like the long sword on hero lab?

Can someone help me please?

I asked this the other day, but I'm doing something wrong.



The Exchange

My friend is making a wizard on hero lab and a second favored class pops up, and I have never seen this before.

Is this because he has a 20 intelligence?

How is this possible?

The Exchange

On hero lab, it shows the cold iron long sword and dagger, but say, I want a masterwork heavy mace, it doesn't show that. It shows named hammers that are very expensive.

How much would a masterwork heavy mace be?

I thought it would be close to the same price as the sword.

If so, how come hero lab just shows the long sword and dagger as being the only weapons a first level character can afford because regular long sword costs more than a heavy mace, I thought?

Can someone who has hero lab answer this question for me?

I would appreciate it.



The Exchange

I made my first cleric, and he is a dwarf. In the rules it says he can move 20 feet, without modifications by armor or encumbrance.

Does that mean I can wear any armor and can still move 20 feet?

Am I reading that right?

Thanks for any help!


The Exchange

If your interested in playing or being the gm, I'm looking for new players. My friend and I are fairly new to pathfinder and are still learning the game, but we would like a four or five more guys or girls to join us. It is not as much fun with just two people. If your interested, let me know.



PS This would be held at my home, not an online campaign, just to let others know.

The Exchange

Due to some family emergencies. I need to cancel some of my order. Sorry about this, but I can always get the rest of this stuff at a later date, but at least it isn't the whole order.

I need to take the following off of my order.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dragons Unleashed
Pathfinder Companion: Dragon Empires Primer
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Castles of the Inner Sea
Pathfinder Companion: Quests and Campaigns
Arcane Dungeon Flip Mat
Pathfinder Companion: Animal Companions
Pathfinder White Dragon Evolution Set
Pathfinder Shattered Star Adventure Pawn Collection

This is holding on my subscription shipment. I didn't know what number to give you because there are so many. Again, sorry for the inconvenience, but I have always been a good customer and have spent a lot of money on your products. If you could do this for me, I would certainly be grateful.



The Exchange

Does a paladin, druid or monk need to carry a holy symbol, like the cleric?

The Exchange

On the rules, it says you can use a move or standard action. Does that mean you can only move or attack, but not both?

The Exchange

1) I know magic users have to have a spell book and spell component pouch, but what about clerics, rangers, druids and paladins?

2) I'm still confused on line of sight rules.

For example:

a = attacker
b = ally
c = enemy

b is in front of a as he is attacking c.

a | b | c

For example:

If a is attacking c, and b is in the doorway going into the room, can a shoot an arrow through his teammate to hit c in the room because a gm allowed that as partial cover, yet there is no way you could have traced a clear line to any corner.

The same thing on my first example, how can you trace to any corner because my character is blocking all corners, so it seems to me.

If you replaced b as an enemy in both examples, does it change things, when attacking enemy c?

I'm so confused, can someone help please?

I'm going to gm for the first time next month, but I want to know the rules the right way.



The Exchange

I'm playing a spell caster for the first time, and I'm very confused. I created a 1st level Aasimar Sorceress. I have 4 0 level spells and 2 1st level spells.

How many times a day can I cast each of these spells?

Our DM was letting me use magic missle I bet you 1o times in one day. It is a first level spell.

Surely, there is a casting limit on spells, right?

I'm so confused because I want to play her the right way. I've read the core book, but must have misunderstood what I was reading or I'm over thinking.

Can someone help me?



The Exchange

I just made my second pathfinder character. She is a Elven Sorceress. One of the spells that I was reading in the Core Book says you have to have a device to read magic to do this spell.

Is this correct?

If so, what do you have to have and can you buy it when you first develop your character?

If isn't available in your basic shop, what good is it to have this spell as a choice, if you can't buy your component?

It has been 25 years since I've played a spellcaster.

Could someone help me?

I'm playing this weekend. It is going to be a challenge for me to play any kind of spell caster because I'm mostly used to playing a gung-ho fighter, and I know at 1st level, I can't play the way I used to as a fighter.

Thank for any help!


The Exchange

Is it worth buying the unlimited tome of horror, if I have bestiary 1, 2 and 3? I'm just debating on buying it or not. I plan on buying the bestiary 4, but don't know what to do.

Thanks for any reply.


The Exchange

Can I have this shipped with my comic subscription next month to save on shipping?



The Exchange

What is the closest thing to a displacer beast in pathfinder?

The Exchange

Are there purple, brown and gray dragons in pathfinder?

What about iron or deep?

Is there a tiamat dragon as well?

Just curious.

Thanks for any replies!


The Exchange

Could you please cancel this backorder on the minotaur miniature from asylum miniatures? I would appreciate it.


John Brown

The Exchange

I would like to cancel this order for the combat tracker.



The Exchange

It is showing the next issue is not till May, why is that?

If that is the case I would like for my items that are on hold to be shipped please.

Also, when will you get back the combat pad that is on back order because I could really use that?


John Brown

The Exchange

I'm going to guest the next set they are going to do is Reign of Winter because by then book 6 of the series will be out when this set is released. Book 6 of shattered star was released when the current set was released, so this is my prediction.

What is everyone else's guess?

I'm so excited and can't wait to find out the next set. Shattered Star was a great set, and I think this will be a great one too.

The Exchange

If I buy all the paper minis, along with my ROTRL miniatures will it cover all the creatures and npcs for all 6 books of the ROTRL adventure paths in my hardcover anniversary edition? Thanks for any response.


The Exchange

When it says my order is pending, does that mean my case of figures and dragon hasn't left the factory yet? Thanks for any response.


The Exchange

I'm new to this game and site. Last time I played dungeons and dragons was 24 years ago, but I miss playing. I bought alot of pathfinder supplies to play, but I would like to learn how to play. Is there anyone in this region that plays that I could learn from? If I have to travel, I'm willing to that. I'm off on Thursdays and can play sometimes on Sundays. I live in Paris Texas.

Thanks for anybody that responds,

John Brown

The Exchange

I just wanted to say hello. I just discovered Pathfinder recently and just purchased a bunch of stuff to try to learn this game.

This what I purchased to get me started:

Beginner Box
Core Rule Book
Advanced Players Guide
Game Mastery Guide
GM Screen
Bestiary Box
Bestiary 1
Bestiary 2
Bestiary 3
Beginner Box Hero Miniatures
Complete Factory Set of Heroes and Monsters Miniatures

I just have a few questions. It has been 24 years ago since I last played dungeons and dragons.

Is there anything else that I need to buy?

What is the difference between a module, adventure path and a tale? Is it just the length of the adventures?

I love the flip map in the beginners box.

How do get other maps like that? Is this what mapmastery sales?

Is these maps what you all use for your adventures?

What is the difference between playing on a map versus a tiled set? Is the adventure just a shorter one?

One of the creatures I remember back in the day was a displacement beast. I was looking through my bestiary books and noticed it wasn't in any of the three I had.


I thought that it was a popular D&D creature. I would think it would have been in one of my books but I never saw it, unless I just missed it.

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just excited that I found this sight, and love that miniatures are a big part of rpg's now. This is just awesome. Like I said before, it has been 24 years since I last played, and I have missed playing.

Sorry one more question. Is there anyone in Northeast Texas that plays this game?

Thanks for any replies,
