Tangent101 wrote: Oh dear... now I'm thinking of Commander femShepard from Mass Effect... who despite being female and having a superb voice actress, still walked and physically behaved in a masculine fashion. Suppose that works for the "new Runelord of Lust" ;) This didn't bother me until I tried on the black dress. Then it became hilarious.
<- FemShep!
Post-credits stinger: Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex Shepard Wrex
Femme Shep wrote:
[i]Alternate universe Shepard reporting to confirm this opinion.
Jiara Shepard
Adept Paragon Colony kid from Mindoir before it was sacked by slavers Sole Survivor of her unit on Akuze Spared the Rachni Queen Saved Wrex Lost Kaiden Alenko on Virmire Romanced Liara Saved the Council Gained loyalty of her entire second crew Survived the suicide mission with no one left behind Destroyed the Collector base Ensured the cure of the genophage Took the shot on Udina to save the Council Made peace between the Quarians and Geth Lost Mordin, Thane, and Legion Gathered one hell of an army pulling from every race in the galaxy Currently 1 out of 3 at talking dangerously unstable people with guns down without them shooting themselves Synthesis Ending Will post full thoughts later, but right now...hey Garrus! Spoiler: If you made it to that bar, and honestly I'm confused about whether or not you can even get to it...still fuzzy about that, what with Liara apparently teleporting away from us back to the Normandy to crash on some jungle planet....anyway, if you made it, save a seat for me!
I'll tell you one thing: Harbinger certainly isn't going to be giving you any competition for best shot in the galaxy...like ever. HAW.
Oh, her. I'll do what I've done with her thus far, be honest and forthright. She's a sensationalist. I'm not going to give her what she wants and dance for her audience. Though if Many Worlds Theory has any truth to it, I'm probably also going to knock her the @#$% out once I've had enough of her incredulous postulations. As for Conrad Verner...the man seems to have turned his energy towards something truly positive. Honestly, I'm honored by what he's done. And it's certainly a safer life for the man. I just hope I don't find him snooping around back alleys and playing at being a Spectre again. Of course he's probably hatestalking Ms. Al-Jilani over the extranet. I in no way endorse his actions if that's the case, which it probably is. You can't choose your fans, folks.
Šmurfette Drone 7-of-9 wrote:
Ah, asari style. Niiiiiice. Joker, away team will be away for a while. Go scan up some iridium or whatever.
Šmurfette Drone 7-of-9 wrote:
! JOKER, TURN THE SHIP BACK AROUND. checks his hair ahem Well hel-lo there. |