Colten822's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks for the replies! It really helped a lot!

I'm new to table top roleplaying, but I love Pathfinder ever since I got the beginner box, and I even have the Starfinder rulebook now. I was wanting to get the Core rulebook for Pathfinder, as well as a lot the extra books (I have a lot on PDFs thanks to Humble Bundle)

Though here is the problem, would I be wasting time and money on all that if Pathfinder 2 is just gonna come out and change things? Should I just wait or is that not how things work? Again, I'm new to all this, so I don't know what I don't know.

I'm not much of a forum guy either (forgets to check them) so as well as replying to this post, I would also be happy to discuss it over Discord!
