
Cody Landis's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. 7 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.

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Rubbing Elbows With The Bigwigs!


Adam Daigle did a great job of introducing new players to the Pathfinder Society and some of the factions in Golarion. The players have an opportunity to tour a large chunk of the city at the center of the world, and GM's have an opportunity to share interesting facts about the city. The story takes players through some routine encounters they will face in dig-sites and shady back alleys all across Golarion. I highly recommend GM's check out the Campaign Setting Book and other splat-books for information about Absalom to share with the players, especially the new ones. There is ample opportunity to toss in tidbits of information about various factions, people of interest, and special places in Absalom.

This scenario was fun to run and I can't wait to try it again.

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A Great Introduction to Role-Playing


I ran this module as part of Free RPG Day and it was well-received. My players were new to the Pathfinder system and they loved playing as goblins. The feast activities were some of their favorites parts as well as the unique manner in which Goblins name things.

Last year's offering was really good but this year's is much better. I can't wait to see what they give us next year.

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Can you actually perceive the Silent Tide?


This scenario is a great introduction for players. It contains a good story, nice riddles, and introductions to memorable characters.

The map for the final encounter leaves much to be desired. I ended up creating my own maps for the final encounter on my third time running this scenario.

That being said, my players enjoyed themselves which is the most important indicator of a quality scenario.

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Hags, Harpies, and Heroes OH MY!


I have had to edit my original review of this scenario.

I still feel that this scenario has a great story. I had talked with many players who had experienced this scenario and I was expecting a couple knock-down and drag-out fights. What I got was a cake walk that let me down.

Part of the blame goes to a poorly planned encounter. A fighter should have at least one back-up weapon. Part of the blame goes to a player using a witch that was able to put the last two encounters to sleep which resulted in no fun on my part.

I would recommend that anyone looking to judge this scenario should take into account your player's spell DC's and plan accordingly.

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Pulling your punches!


So the story in this scenario is interesting, however the mechanics of it are troublesome. So most faction missions require the players to convince foes to talk to some representative or change their evil ways, which is fine with me. This presents many opportunities for actual role-playing. The downside is that players usually kill enemies or at least attack them first which then makes diplomatic solutions nigh impossible. Another downside is that these faction missions are supposed to be conducted on the sly but there aren't any opportunities for players to corner an enemy away from the group to conduct these negotiations.

As I said in the beginning, the story is great but the mechanics need a small amount of tweaking. Additionally, the tongue-clucking grammarian in me needs to point out that this scenario is riddled with misspellings and improper grammar which could lead to confusion.

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This is a very interesting scenario to run. There are plenty of opportunities for the GM to roleplay and entertain his/her players. There are also a lot of opportunities to utterly annihilate a party of adventurers.

There are traps all over, some active and some tripped, that will make your players paranoid or angry. The traps also work to slow down play some. The story is entertaining but gets lost in all of the perception checks and questions about traps.

All-in-all, I enjoyed running the scenario but I think my players felt differently.

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A Plethora of Plaguetastic Profligates


I thoroughly enjoyed this scenario. It's design offers a multitude of options for solving the problems presented. I enjoyed the NPC's and the awards.