Damiel Morgethai

CockyRooster's page

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cartmanbeck wrote:
CockyRooster wrote:
cartmanbeck wrote:
One really cool thing I noticed from that review is that, at least in the Tutorial scenario, there looks to be a pair of brand-new characters... Orik Vancaskerkin and Ameiko Kaijutsu! Here's hoping we can get physical versions of them as well!
I believe they are a Henchman and an Ally respectfully
If you look closely at the top-right corner, you see that the player is playing AS those two in this image: Screenshot

We'll I'll be an Uncle's monkey and sit corrected.

cartmanbeck wrote:
One really cool thing I noticed from that review is that, at least in the Tutorial scenario, there looks to be a pair of brand-new characters... Orik Vancaskerkin and Ameiko Kaijutsu! Here's hoping we can get physical versions of them as well!

I believe they are a Henchman and an Ally respectfully

vague answer from Obsidian re:AppleTV here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83042-apple-tv-compatibility/

I could see Multiplayer thrive on Xbox Live or Playstation Network like the MtG Duels of the Planeswalkers games on the consoles.

IIRC, that game had/has up to 4 players per game on the consoles.

That Sir is awesome news!

Looks good! Any news on other platforms yet?

ah, makes sense. the good news is i haven't played the card incorrectly .

Thanks guys. I'm surprised my DriveThru cards didn't have this change.

Also, I was able to grab cape of escape last night in Local Heroes. :)

Ah right forgot about that. Another thought I know if you evade a summoned monster it goes back to the box but if you use Sanctuary it says evade then put on top of the deck...

@Longsshott11 Melindra has invisibility i thought about sanctuary for Arabundi but I seem to be burning through the heals with his 6 card hand. CofC sounds good will use a blessing or 2 if it pops up. Thanks.

thanks guys I'm a sadist so i'm trying Arabundi & Melindra I know Aeshia Foxglove will be my downfall again.

R.I.P. Tarlin & Amiri Foul Misgiving was their undoing. I had the worst rolling I've ever had in a PFacg game.

Good suggestion thanks.

I'm playing with Tarlin & Amiri zoomed through B) 1-3 & 1) 1-4 but timed out on 1) 5. I can't close one of the locations without a blessing and need a 6 on d6 for another. So might be tough, I'll try again.

Lucky dog!

Cool, one thing that stood out in your comments is instead of "So far, in my group at work, he's been very good in Runelords, ..." it should've been "So far, in my group "during" work, he's been very good in Runelords, ..."

Thanks for the insight.

You've converted me, I'm all in on Tarlin.

hmmm i haven't played Tarlin. My nephew is visiting on Wednesday I plan to show him RotR he's 21. Hopefully he'll like a cleric/rogue or bard :)

Good suggestions. I thought for a challenge, before I read your post, I'd try Valeros CD & Ezren RotR ran out of blessings in Brigandoom

Thanks for the comments/suggestions.

Hey folks,

I was in a group that dropped out of our weekly game after Adv Deck 3. I'm going to start Runelords from the beginning I need some help picking 3 characters, I own all 3 sets and all class decks.

What do you think would be a 'perfect' combo team to run through RotR?

Thanks in advance.


I use 6 sets, original blue, 5 black sets and a red d10 per player to remember modifiers for the current roll.

Mike Selinker wrote:

FYI: The Obsidian PACG game is really, really, really good. I will certainly not speculate on when it will come out, but when it does it will rock your world.

But if you can't just wait for that to happen, check this out.

But PoELotER doesn't ship until 2/2016...

I got my copy today in the great white north...we're sorta green now. Subscription has its benefits.

Molten Dragon is BANNED for not being Lava!

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Keep in mind, this is WizKids product, not a Paizo product.

Right now, the plan is to bring all current Pathfinder Iconics out in mini form through these "Iconic Heroes" sets. That is all these guys. Some of them have companions or familiars or whatever, and they will also be in the line (like Droogami was in the first one). There will be 6 sets.

Paizo will soon be releasing a book for the RPG about "Occult Adventures" that will include some new iconics for those classes. Those iconics are not in the announced plans for this line.

Also not in the announced plans are any non-iconic characters appearing in the game, like class deck characters or promo characters.

It has been said that if they sell well enough, there will be conversations about continuing the line or doing other similar lines. But there are no commitments or announcements there yet.

thank you for the detailed response.

First off I received my first mini set, and they look awesome! I'm just wondering is it the plan to bring all PFACG characters out in mini form? Thanks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

What Theryon says is accurate, all first printing boxes, including the base set, will say "Printed in China" on them. All second printing boxes say "Second Printing. Printed in the USA."

Second printing adventure deck boxes also are slightly thicker materials, have taller tabs on the top, and open on side instead of the top. The bar code is on the bottom of the second printing boxes, while it is on the back of the first printing boxes.

If you don't have your boxes anymore, you can examine the following cards to determine which printing:

Character add-on: Amulet of Mighty Fists
Deck 2: Toxic Cloud
Deck 3: Swipe
Deck 4: Amulet of Fiery Fists
Deck 5: Blizzard
Deck 6: Corrosive Storm

Compare the powers to the faq. If the text on your cards matches the change in the faq, that deck is a second printing. If it doesn't it is a first printing.

Thanks for this. But I'm bummed because of:


it Sucks when a villain has a different back than the blessings.