How a GM should aproach the following situation: There is a meeting between the party and the enemy. Both are discuting in a "peacefull" way. There is a sniper gunslinger hiding in the roof, nobody noticed him. The plan of the party was to distract everybody to give a chance to the gunslinger to one shot the boss of the enemys before the combat starts. I have differents options to aprach this: 1) After the first shot we use inatiative order. 2) After the first shot we use inatiative but gunslinger will have only 2 actions on his turn. 3) Everyone uses initiative, if the gunslinger is not spoted he is just first.
I am creating a character for Pathfinder Society and I want to know how this is intended to work. I asume it works this way: you usually need 2 hands free to climb, thanks of combat climber you need only 1 and becouse of Tailed Goblin you can climb only with your tail. But it's not that clear, so I want to know if there is something oficial. Rules: Tailed Goblin:
Combat Climber:
Climb (action):
I am planing a Gunslinger sith investigator multiclass. My goal is to be able to shoot enmy when I am sure I can hit. I want to know if the next strat is allowed. I sneak into a position where I can see an enemy. I sneak and I jus use device stratagem until I get a crit, if it’s not. I just keep my position and wait next turn. Of course this is planed with my teammates, that are also hiding far away until they hear my shot.
One of my players character just dies in a battle while he had Ghoul fever (stage 1). The cause of the dead is becouse he just bleed to the dead. After that my players took his body to Otari and made a public ceremony to honor him. All his equipment is resting with him, so bad people can try to open the tomb and steal from the cadaver. I was thinking on make this character become into Ghoul. When a thief open his tomb he just attack him and scapes. I think players will loves this but I don’t think that it make sense be ouse, as far as I know, to become a Ghoul you have to die becouse of ghoul fever in the last stage.
I really like how this combo works. So, the first thing we must do is be in a good position out of danger. Once we are there we open our turn with:
2a- Sniper's Aim (lvl6) if you need a +2 to hit/crit
We always can shot an other enemy if we knew the shot will fail. It is interesting to always end the turn with the weapon loaded in case we fish a crit in next turn. Extra combos:
¿What's the best weapon for this concept?
I like the Inventor with Weapon innovationbut there is something that I don't know if it's intended or maybe I am missing something. You have to slect intelligence as class hability, but you must attack with STR or DEX, it means that he will always fight with -1 compared with every other character or -2 if u compare with Fighter or GUslinger. ¿Do he have something to compensate this like Investigator does, or am I missing something?
Yesterday I had a player (ranger) that decided to throw his Warhammer to the enemy (10ft). He said that he don't suffer any range penality becouse hunter pray mark ignores first range increment penalty. ¿How should this work RAW? ¿What's the dice damage of the weapon? ¿Can he add his STR to damage? ¿What's the proficinecy? Thanks!
We are having a big discution abut this. Traditions arcane
Your magic dredges up a corpse or skeleton and fills it with necromantic life, and you force the dead to fight at your command. You summon a common creature that has the undead trait and whose level is –1; this creature gains the summoned trait. Heightening the spell increases the maximum level of creature you can summon.
Wizard by far but only in the right context. To be able to enjoy this class (master of utility, flexibility and social sstrategy) you need 3 things. - A good scouter to get information and plan ahead. A party that likes an slow play style and non combat ways to solve situations. - A good master that is expert in the game, with a lof of experience to DM around the amazing things you can do. - Experience as a players, deep knowledge about rules and understand that you don't play wizard to destroy combats, that's not your role.
Salamileg wrote:
This make the roleplay rich and players will remember this after years. I sound like a really fun party to play with.
I am playing Age os Ashes (4th book) and my Bard died. My new character is an Assassin Rogue, he is from Mediogalti Island and his god is Achaekek (Legal Evil). He joined the party becouse he have a contrat. He have a name and a mision, find and kill this "man". The only thing I know is that he is part of the enemys of the party. My rogue have an strict conduct code, he is a profesional. He don't care about pain, he is cold and lethal but he respect his party and fight with them side by side (even they still don't trust him). In the party there are a good Paladin, Druid and Fighter. This is not a problem, my Rogue is smart and he knows how a Paladin acts, so he will always hide when have to do a bad thing. I am geting a lot of fun and also my party and GM with this character. The travel and adventure is so rich in roleplay and is by far the best character I had in a lot of years. Here I want to share some advices for people that want to play an evil character with a good party. 1- Talk with the GM, set up a good background and a reason to join the party. This reason must be something usefull for you but also for the others. It' also good to talk with your party off game and tell them that your character is evil becouse of how he grew and his origins but that you will still cooparate with them. 2- Your party are you friends or teammates. It's not PvP, it's not good vs bad. You both share a road and an objective. You can care and protect them specially if you are lawfull evil (I recomend). 3- Be sure that your party have fun, involve them in your history and if they try to stop you in something let them do it. Don't put the good characters in a situation when it's either you or the "good" (specially if it's a Paladin). If you want to do evil acts, do it with stealth and deception (I am crazy good on that). 4- Don't destroy your GM campaign, follow the adventure and inside this adventure you will have oportunitys to make evil acts. 5- I suggest to be lawfull evil with some strict codes that you will ALWAYS follow. Share it with your party. In my case:
At the end of the day your gooal as a player is to have a lot of fun and make the GM and your party live a deeper adventure with a diferent prespective. For GM: ¿Do you allow this kind of characterss?
PD: Sorry for my english, it's not my first lenguage and I am learning.
Blave wrote:
You are not allowed to take Eldrich archer until you have 3 feats of your dedication.
Arachnofiend wrote: I'm not a huge fan of this build just because I think it's kinda awkward from a character standpoint to not have any casting integrated into your rotation for five levels and then for it to suddenly be the core of your fighting style but that's a fluff problem, not a crunch one. My solution on this is that my fighter is trained on arcana and every morning he is spending time trying to cast and studying. He is a halfing tiffling and he is convinced and he feels the magic inside, but for some reason he is not able to cast. I will role my fighter trying to cast spells in combat, and every time he finds a sorcerer or a wizard I will be fascinated and trying to talk with them to learn. It will be very epic at level 6 when I will shoot my first magic arrow and it won't feel wonky.
I really like Eldrich Archer concept but I really don't know how to build it. First of all I think going for a martial class is the right choice. The most important thing is accuracity, becouse we will shot only 1 arrow/turn. Fighter is the best option for this. There are some options that seems good too like Investiagator, Ranger o Rogue. __________________ The second important thing is if it's worth to multiclass into a caster delaying 2 levels Eldrich Archer dedication feats. __________________ Last but not least spells selection. I like arcane: Cantrip:
A lot of times when I create a character I like to build it with a friend, so we share our personal past and we have sinergy and work as a duo. This post if created with the intention of giving ideas or experiences with combinations of 2 characters. Giant barbarian + Healer cleric: This was one of my favourites combos, and it's really simple. The Barbarian have a lof of HP and low AC. He is a crazy beast that hits really strong while his best friend takes cares of his hp and to calm emotions of need. Both have devotion for the same God and they take care of each other. Bard + Rogue: Bard is the face and the rogue is the scouter. The bard provides the rogue with invisivility and utility spells to do better his job. Out of combat it's really fun to play if both ar cahotic and law brakers. In combat the Bard provides flatfooted conditions to the enemy with invisibility 4th level or the combo of frightened (Dirge of Doom) + Dread Striker.
Tarondor wrote:
In my case I created a Goblin riding a wolf.
Really good guide! I think cavalier rogue is very good with ruffian 1- Gang up = perma flat-footed (so sneak attack)
Sudden bolt (lvl 2): You call down a small bolt of lightning on the target, dealing 4d12 electricity damage. I am running a low level campain where my players just hit level 3. I told them they can use all the official books feats, spells, etc. Most of them use pathbuilder 2e. This spell seems way better than the other spells of the same level and it has the uncommon trait. Do you think I should allow that or is it OP? Thanks a lot!
I really like investigator and it's my favourite class concept. I like high tactical roles with a lot of decision making options during a combat and strong damage. What archetype should I take for improving my damage? and what class? - Assassin: I love the concept and the level 12 "Assassination". - Archer: Crossbow terror and quick shot to be able to shot the when I get a succes. - Beast master: I can comand animal if I don't hit the enemy. - Poisoner: So I can apply poisons if I know I can shoot. Maybe I have good multiclass options that are interesting.
I am building an Eldritch Archer fighter and for level 2 there is not a good class feat for it (assisting shot but I don't like it). I am taking half-elf as ancestry, so I can have access to some cantrips. At level 1 I want to take "Shield" spell. AGGRESSIVE BLOCK Trigger: You use the Shield Block reaction, and the opponent that triggered Shield Block is adjacent to you and is your size or smaller. You push back as you block the attack, knocking your foe away or off balance. You use your shield to push the triggering creature, either automatically Shoving it 5 feet or causing it to become flat-footed until the start of your next turn. The triggering creature chooses whether to be moved or become flat-footed. If it chooses to be moved, you choose the direction. If the Shove would cause it to hit a solid object, enter a square of difficult terrain, or enter another creature’s space, it must become flat-footed instead of being moved. Am I allowed to do this?
Martialmasters wrote:
That's something I created too but it have some down sides IMO: First of all, you only can do this if Devise a Stratagem is a free action. 2, enemy is not flat footed so you have less chances to hit. you only have 1 hit / round. Teliknetic projectile shoudn't work IMO. An arrow is not unattended object. Not sure about this last one.
Weapon: spear (1d8 + reach) - Sneak attack with Ruffian rogue
STR 18 (+1) At level 5 make () increse
Class Feats: 1 - Nimbus dodge (reaction) 2 - Cavalier: Riding drake (support: 1d4 everytime you attack) 4 - Mature animal companion: Drake can attack/stride without animal comand. He grows to large so he have reach. 6 - Gang up (you will sneak attack while mounted with reach) COMBOS: 1) Comand Animal: stride + support
2) Comand Animal: Breath weapon
Damage x hit
This make a great combo with ASSASSINATE (lvl 12 feat) As you are unoticed by the enemy means that you can roll dices until you hit the crit (avarage of 30" x natural 20). It also combo really well with "ANARCHIC" rune and deadly weapon. Exemple aplications: Crossbow or compositve crossbow for stealth sniper (you can oneshot enemys from far away). Invisibility + mele attack. With half elf at lvl 9 you can take investigator multiclass for free, so level 10 you get this feat and lvl 12 assassinate if you want to do this combo with a rogue, ranger, warrior, monk, etc.
Ultimate sniper: Ranger precision
1 - X
Hide from the enemy (stealth or invi), hunt pray (ranger) + hunt for dead (assassin). You must be in a spot where you can be for a long time. Every turn you try Devise a Stratagem (investigator) until you hit with a crit. Then you shot: Composite longbow with the best runes and amonition. (Anarchy rune) Damage: (Normal bow damage + STR ) x2 + runes
+ sneak attack dmg
I swap the ancestry to human half-orc with dark vision. My scores at lvl 5 are:
Combat strategy: I play in tandem with a "Gnome flickmace" Fighter with "Intimidate Strike" So I have this options for sneak attack:
Goblin Rogue Thief - Unbrakable goblin
Dark vision (we play with dynamic lights so dark vision is a must for a rogue) Inicial Scores 10 STR
Skills (in order to increase)
Feats L1 Trap Finder / Nimbus dodge
General feats:
Skill feats:
POISON WEAPON [one-action] FEAT 4 Requirements You are wielding a piercing or slashing weapon and have a free hand. You apply a poison to the required weapon. If your next attack with that weapon before the end of your next turn hits and deals damage, it applies the effects of the poison, provided that poison can be delivered by contact or injury. If you critically fail the attack roll, the poison is wasted as normal. Special: During your daily preparations, you can prepare a number of simple injury poisons equal to your rogue level. These poisons deal 1d4 poison damage. Only you can apply these poisons properly, and they expire the next time you prepare. ¿Wich kind of poison can I create?
I don't understand how this feat works.
After stabbing your opponent in a weak spot, you tear the wound open. You deal persistent bleed damage to the target equal to your number of sneak attack damage dice. is this percistent damage acumulative if you can do this more times in the combat?