
Chug Dustpawn's page

55 posts. Alias of Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16).


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Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Aye, no problemo, we understand!

Best of luck with everything to be sure.

So, whose going to Gencon? I've got some open slots and would love to subject some of you to my PFS legal Paladin of Asmodeus!

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8
Mike the GM wrote:

Just an FYI that I have been terribly ill this past week or so, thus the slowness, but I am at nearly full operating function once again and I'll be posting soon!

Summer break is so close... I'll have so much free time... sooooo much!

I wish you had said something. I don't have cure disease memorized today, but I certainly can for tomorrow.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Very well, Chug will wade on in. I believe he can charge the lower right frog (near Aurelian) by moving to the square that is down and left from that frog.

He will power attack as well.

To Hit: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Chug makes a hasty decision, and believing that the Paladin is better able to survive or escape on her own than the wizard, he calls down the power of Abadar, and casts liberating command on Aurelian and cries out, break free my friend Aurelian, for Abadar is with you!

Aurelian can, as an immediate action, attempt an Escape Artist check, with a +18 competence bonus, provided Escape Artist can normally be used to escape from these frogs.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Chug will cast guidance on himself then and draw his pick.

Tex, don't forget your +1 on your first action that needs it.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

I'm happy to cast guidance when needed, as aid another is not universally applicable to actions, but guidance largely is.

Obviously, beating heads and casting heals if needed though!

I'll not be out of touch for the most part though, so I won't need to be ghosted until I'm off on the cruise!

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Having tried with other games before, I have determined I am an idiot, and completely unable to move my character on those google board thingies. As my intent will usually be to stay near Chagh, I can describe where I am relative to him.

Glancing left and right at the approaching amphibians, Chug queries the group, which direction are we handling first?

He casts guidance on Tex, and then takes a five foot step south, so he is back to back with Chagh, shield ready, but pick not yet deployed.

Chagh and Chug should each get their teamwork feat bonuses, should they be needed.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

If I'm afk for a bit, the GM is welcome to ghost me. It won't happen often, but the last week of May, I'll be out for about 10 days on a lovely cruise up the Alaska coast!

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8
Mike the GM wrote:
Thanks for your patience everyone, it is parent-teacher conference season so things are pretty busy here, but I will post soon!

No problem Mike, we're just working our butts off for lots of roleplaying XP. Hopefully we'll be 10th level before we leave the bar!

I'm pretty sure I was about 200xp short of 10th when we finished up last time.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Looking to Chagh, Chug states, as usual you are a half step ahead of me! You read my mind even before I did, but I agree completely.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Chug smiles at the thought that fate was taking the group to a cave.

Excellent, the wide open spaces and wooden houseboxes give me the shivers. When are we leaving?

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Hmmm, I guess that's a no. Your loss, this is great stuff, says Chug, as he tosses another lump of taffy in his mouth and stuffs the package back in his haversack.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Reaching into the pocket his brother directed him towards, the somewhat frantic look on Chug's face slides as he pulls out a hunk of taffy and pops some in his mouth.

Ahhh, coke flavored! With hints of coal and copper. Every bite is like a breath of air from the foundries under the mountains, it's almost like being at home. After handing some to Chagh, he looks around expectantly, "anyone?.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Chug, speaking a bit sheepishly states, "indeed, it was never my intent to offend, merely to query and to learn. As my brother has so eloquently stated, and I so humbly agree, your gifts are manifest, and derived from our Lord Abadar, that one cannot question his wisdom in granting them. I look forward to our time together, and rest assured I am not nearly as practiced at spouting dogma as some, and do not choose to proselytize either, not that such would be necessary with you, of course.. Glancing around to the rest of the group, Chug offers, "while it is my preference to stay in the company of my brother, I will accompany some others if it is your desire to split the party at this time. I would naturally advise against dividing ourselves, but I will support the community's decisions in this."

Delving into his pockets, Chug offers, "somewhere around here I have some saltwater taffy that is so near to perfect, that I am certain that one would not be surprised to learn it actually came from the Vault. Would anyone like some should I find it?" He continues searching into his haversack.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Absolutely, and it will give us a chance to get several questions answered. You're not the first dwarf we've known that follows Abadar, nor are you the first member of his Order of Paladins we've met, but you are the first dwarf Paladin of Abadar we've met. We thought we had met one once before, but in fact he was an Inquisitor, questioning our own devotion. Obviously we respect our Lord's decision to have an Order of Paladins, but we don't fully understand it, as there is no order of evil knights to balance it out. It seems that your need to combat evil could get in the way of supporting lawful trade and civilization, with them as competing imperatives. How do you balance these conflicting mandates of conscience, and how has your status affected your standing among the Dwarves?

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Or we could investigate the livestock disappearing? Anyways, I definitely think you talky talky types need to put your skills to use, before we go directly out to find whatever fell from the sky. The more we know, the better prepared we can be before we get there.

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

I presume that one of you has such skills? How may I be of assistance?

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Again looking to his brother to confirm their mutual intent before speaking to Karlia, Chug nods his head towards the lady and says, "Very well, we accept that explanation, and we would be honored to travel by your side."

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

After making eye contact with his brother to make sure his back was covered, Chug stands, surveys the group and fixes his eyes on the woman calling herself "Sender."

"Am I to understand that your stated purpose is the destruction of those considered outsiders, like my brother and myself?"

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Turning to Chagh, "but aren't the people of Galt mostly of Taldane origin?"

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8
RainyDayNinja wrote:
[dice=False Life]1d10+9

You're too kind! Should I just add that to my sheet?

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Chug elbows his brother, nods in Aurelian's direction, and whispers "Taldane?"

Male Oread Fighter - 1/Cleric - 8

Yes brother, I was just getting to that. Tell me again, did you want an ale, or a porter?

RainyDayNinja wrote:
We should all learn D'Ziriak.

I would need to spend a whole skill point just to learn to pronounce the name of the language!

motteditor wrote:
Hmm. I apparently never picked languages. But I get 10 of 'em, so I suppose I can fit dwarven in there.

Pick Spanish! You can't go wrong with Spanish!

Mike the GM wrote:
Next stop: DOOM!

Perhaps this is a nuance of the common tongue (Taldane, correct?), but I had assumed that when the module was named "Doom comes to Dustpawn" that it was particularly appropriate, since our adventuring group is called "Doom." However, I now suspect given that my brother and I are involved, that what is meant is actually "The Dustpawns come to Doom," and thus "Doom" is the name of a town. I get it. Silly Taldane tenses, and indefinite articles and such!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled drivel:

I notice that we're loaded with dwarves, and oread wanna be dwarves. Anyone not speak dwarf? Always nice to have a "battle language."

Q: What's the difference between the United States Marine Corps and the Boy Scouts?

A: The Boy Scouts have adult supervision.

Tex "Arcana" Johansson wrote:
(So you've seen that movie too?)

I am unfamiliar with any movie that uses this particular gag, which in itself is odd, as I do a pretty good job of quoting movies. I am, however, aware of several variations on this theme relative to stories told by members of the military.

Q: What's the difference between a "fairy tale" and a "sea story?" (or a "war story")

A: Fairy tales start out "Once upon a time" and sea stories start out "Now this aint no $#!+." (for war stories it's "so there we were...")

Did I ever tell you fellas about the time Chagh and I joined up with Crick Deadfall to clear some underwarrens of the deep gnomes that were encroaching on the locals?

Chug looks around for interest from his audience. Not seeing any, he takes a sip of beer, and continues on anyways, so there we were, three against a thousand.

Pause for effect

Toughest three we had ever faced! ...

Mike the GM wrote:
Patience, dear victims. Patience.

When the GM starts the smack talking even before the opening tavern scene, that's a bad sign right?

Yes, much!

We ummm, we doing this?

Changed your profile picture I see. You take ranks in disguise, because you're not that old, although you are that ugly. I like that you added our last name as well.

Hmmm, yes brother, but we are not Paladins to need to divulge our entire history, including every misstep. While I am not ashamed of our lives, there are certainly chapters of which perhaps I am not quite proud.

I have oft wondered what a fantasy world would look like with such creatures as Oreads and Half Elves, when the progeny would have much longer lifespans than their parents. Indeed, the youth and adolescence of a longer lived child could easily be longer than their parents lifespans in instances, which is somewhat true of the Dustpawn twins. When writing their history, I looked at the age tables (which don't actually give an age for adulthood, but do give starting adventuring ages), to determine when we could/would have started. And then figured we needed years to make 9th (although in some campaigns it might seem like a matter of months). Backdating from the current year, got me a year or two away from when Molthune broke away, so I said "eh, what the heck, we'll use that." As the group was already Dwarf heavy, and Oreads and Dwarves go together like peas and carrots (there is even a Feat for it), I dove in completely. It looks like James didn't completely hate what I wrote up, so let's play ball!!!

Roger, I put some updates on. If I don't have everything I need, I'll claim that's the sort of stuff my compatriots should have brought, or something we don't need underground!

I did leave a 2nd and a 4th level spell free, so we can grab a spell or two as we go.

A Brief History of the Dustpawn Twins

Eighty two years ago (in 4632), Chagh and I were born to a pair of Chelish expatriates of Molthuni descent, who had come to Dustpawn to settle down ten years earlier. However, two events in 4632 caused their parents to have to leave Dustpawn after having lived there for 10 years. The first was the birth of the twins, whose obvious differences from most Varisian children caused certain accusations to be levied against their mother, which their father knew were untrue (because he knew his own bloodline was tainted), but are too hateful to describe here. The second was the declaration by Molthune that it was independant from Cheliax. Being of Molthuni descent, their parents were viewed with a lot of suspicion. Thus, their parents travelled back to Canorate where the boys were raised. Their father died when they were but 42, and mother followed ten years later. Thus orphaned, and long since identified as Dwarf Blooded Oreads, the two lads followed their parents abiding faith in Abadar, renamed themselves with more Oreadish names (including the earthlike sounding name of their birth town, which they had used informally for years), and signed on with some dwarf explorers headed to Rolgrimmdur in The Five Kings Mountains. There they spent years adventuring, mostly underground, where the weak dayseer races simply cannot travel without artificial light.

How do you know Dalviss Crenn and why would he ask you for help?

Crenn? Crenn? Mother used to speak of a kindly woman named Mavis Crenn who had three sons in Dustpawn. She kept up communications with Mavis until she died. Let me check here, ruffles through his backpack and finds some letters, yes in the last letters she had from Mavis, there was mention of a grandson [or son, or great grandson, if the timeline needs it to support] named Dalviss. I can only assume that is the one. Mother and Mavis were the best of friends, perhaps Mavis told her grandson that if he ever needed help to contact us? Indeed, in this letter from Mavis, she makes reference to our chosen names, rather than our given names, so it must be that Mother did tell her all about us.

You are 9th level. What did you do to get there?

As stated above, a considerable amount of underground adventuring with dwarves in The Five Kings Mountains.

What is your reputation in Isger? In Dustpawn? Elsewhere?

I don't imagine we have much of a reputation in Isger, or Dustpawn. As for elsewhere, The Five Kings Mountains have become a home for us, and we are well known as staunch followers of Abadar, and respected as such among the dwarves who usually follow Torag. Our diverse beliefs have never been a problem, and our spells and skills being atypical of other dwarves have always been considered useful if not a bit odd by dwarven adventurers.

Hmmm, now that I've written all that, I might make some slight mods to my character. Like Dwarven Stone Plate maybe, and such, for RP reasons. Shouldn't be anything that will affect mechanics.

I can post a backstory for us, no problem, but not until Monday I fear.

And I will fill in my non magical loot list.

Bookish is a relative term!

It should be noted that Chug is choosing to leave several cleric spell slots open, so he can learn spells in them during the day if needed. Right now, I believe he has a 2nd and a 4th level spell slot open.

It should also be mentioned that Chug and his brother have expended numerous feats on Teamwork Feats, and will make maximum use of them as we go. So, when establishing marching orders, the two clerics will be walking side by side, or at least adjacent.

Both Chug and Chagh are Fighter-1/Cleric-8. Thus, no 5th level spells, but yes on the 8th level domain powers.

They both wear plate mail and carry tower shields.

Chug is the stronger, and more melee oriented. Chagh is the more bookish (if one can say such of an Oread).

I've never played with James before, so we will all be exploring the Oread twins at the same time, and via this medium. I envision there being some a Raistlin-Caramon thing, but as Clerics, neither are as weak as Raistlin, or as strong as Caramon.

May Abadar have mercy on us all!

Alrighty, I have posted a "strong draft" for Chug in his profile.

I need to get some more minor disposable magic items, and who knows what else, but he's basically there.

Probably a thing or two to deconflict with "brother" as well, like "age" and we'll get our combined background posted.

The two Oread clerics are coming along! We've been negotiating commonalities of sibling Oread clerics! Think we've about got it!

James R. Casey wrote:
Ooh teamwork feats would be cool.

Shield Wall and Tower Shields?

Each of those 2 feats will effectively provide +2 to AC each, and if we coordinate our tower shield directions...

Earth Domain gives 10 points of acid resistance, so if you take Earth, you may as well trade away the racial resistance.

Is there a good cleric- caster teamwork feat? Even if it's just something to improve our AC, or concentration or something.

Ok folks, I need advice on spells to have ready on scrolls, I'm not usually the cleric, so advice is welcome.

I was going to go straight cleric, but I could take a PrC, if it kept up my spell casting, at level 9, I don't was to lose out on 5th level spells, and if I multiclass, I won't get my 5th level domain spell right?

Hmmm, the Plant Domain doesn't suck. Is there a decent deity with Plant and say, Luck? I love the luck domain as a force multiplier!

I was looking at doing treacherous earth and grainit skin, granite skin is useless if you've got earth domain.

Let me take a look at the earth domain.

With the preponderance of dwarves in the group I was considering Dwarf Bloode, if for no other reason, I was gonna take heavy armor as a cleric, and keep my 20' movement.

What are your thoughts?

I'm absolutely up for doing a sibling thing. Any teamwork feats or background traits you want to share?

Want to discuss in PM?

James R. Casey wrote:
Hmmm now I am not so sure. I need to chew on a couple of things.

Let me know if there is some synergy anyone needs from my character. Is there a spell you need from me to make you uber? etc.

Sure, sure, everyone wants to be a Juggernaut!

Anyone playing a Dhampir? You're hosed, buy a wand, hahaha.

James, you gonna roll up Chag Dustpawn? Oread isn't bad for Pally, except that CHA hit right? Great role playing opportunity.

I'm going with LN and Abadar and taking Earth and a Travel domains.

I couldn't find an archetype that really works though. The decent ones would force me to only have one domain, and as an Oread, I'm taking Earth, which isn't great mechanically, so need a second to actually draw spells from.

Right now, my draft character is a little more melee than I think I intend. I intend a support cleric, who isn't afraid to swing the crossbow when necessary.

I'm a lazy gamer, so I'll be statting him up in Hero Lab and putting a text export into the profile, I trust that is acceptable.

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