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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
One problem that sometimes comes up for my home game is how to handle missing players. Does their character just disappear for the session or do they get run as an npc and risk death when they aren’t there? One of my home game groups heavily insists that they want the character there to be played by a different player. It can be disruptive and take extra time as they try to scrutinize the notes and abilities of the missing character and there is always the risk they will get killed when they aren’t even there. My idea: what if I had the character be run as a minion? Each round one of the players could give them a command by taking an action to give the NPC two actions. This way they could access healing or buffs without just running them as an extra character in most cases. As a GM I would generally ask them to be careful not to put them at excessive risk but that hasn’t been a problem with my group. I might even just have them be knocked out if they go to zero HP. What do you think? Terrible idea, or something worth trying? Not looking for arguments for why they should just disappear. It is my preference but the group insists we handle it this way for reasons.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
I was thinking a very fun item would be a treasure bundle tracker where I could have the pcs openly keep track of how many they had earned in the scenario. Any good ideas? Hmmm I am thinking I would love to have a little treasure chest that opens when they get to 10 to reveal some candies or chocolate coins inside.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
I am running a PFS convention tomorrow (Cangames 2017) and it has completely vanished from my account. I created the event on Apr 29 and was given the event code 94795. I even applied for support under this convention listing. I added some additional reporters a week or two ago. Just came on the site to print session sheets and it has dissapeared into thin air. Help?
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Hi Folks. In my day (night) job I run Canada's oldest ghost tour company, The Haunted Walk in Ottawa, Toronto and Kingston Ontario. Naturally whenever I get away on vacation I like to relax by taking other people's ghost tours! I am in town early for Paizocon and wondering if any good folks would like to join me on the Spooked in Seattle ghost tour on the Wed night before the con at 6pm? I will probably also try to do the Seattle Underground tour earlier as it is always fun as well.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
I was remiss in not posting earlier to congratulate our very own Tonya Woldridge for achieving her 5th star just before Gencon. With the chaos of that con and its aftermath the official announcement got missed but as I had the pleasure of recommending her for that 5th star (street cred for me) I will take this chance to offer my hearty congratulations on an achievement well earned. Now it's going to look like I'm just sucking up to the boss... Ha ha but Tonya is a very fun, skilled and awesome GM and has earned her place in the halls of PFS legend. And I couldn't be more pleased to have her as our new Campaign Coordinator.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
I am pleased to announce that we will be running 21 tables of PFS at Canada's longest running gaming convention! Please plan to join us and help ensure that PFS continues to grow in the capital! Preregistration available at:
Please note that we will also be holding a PFS Gameday at Wizards Tower in Ottawa on April 21st. Register for the game day at
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
We all know that harpies captivating song requires a standard action to start as a supernatural ability but what kind of action is required to maintain it? Free action as many GMs rule? Standard action each round as per the default for supernatural abilities? Makes a big difference to the likelihood of a TPK. Is a captivated victim considered helpless when he is within 5 feet of the harpy who captivated him? The text seems contradictory on this point.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
I was wondering if there will be any PFS running at Phantasm in September? If we can get some tables I would be willing to make the trip from Ottawa to GM or play some slots. Just wondering if anyone had already looked into this?I know there were full tables when my brother ran it last year but I wasn't sure if anyone was already organizing something this time around and/or planning to be there? |