Chief Sharky |
Mask is for giving glory to Lamashtu! Make pig-man and man-pig! How you think Goblin Snakes got started? Can Mask find invisible creatures? Probably not, else all human "heroes" would start wearing it and appropriate us goblin culture. They not impregnate animals, just rob Evil item to increase their own privilege.
Any DM who not allow this item ban lots of fun. How you can ride around on animal with head like yours unless you use Demon Mother's Mask or maybe you're minotaur? Any DM who let this item grant Scent probably going too far in other direction though. Smelling fertile creatures seem like fun side effect, not main purpose of item. Lamashtu not want you to waste your efforts to increase her glory. If creature not fertile though you can eat it and give glory to Venkelvore! (2 of 3 F's of goblin religion - "fecund" not just for orcs anymore)