
Chief Sharky's page

8 posts. Alias of Devilkiller.


Mask is for giving glory to Lamashtu! Make pig-man and man-pig! How you think Goblin Snakes got started? Can Mask find invisible creatures? Probably not, else all human "heroes" would start wearing it and appropriate us goblin culture. They not impregnate animals, just rob Evil item to increase their own privilege.

Any DM who not allow this item ban lots of fun. How you can ride around on animal with head like yours unless you use Demon Mother's Mask or maybe you're minotaur? Any DM who let this item grant Scent probably going too far in other direction though. Smelling fertile creatures seem like fun side effect, not main purpose of item. Lamashtu not want you to waste your efforts to increase her glory. If creature not fertile though you can eat it and give glory to Venkelvore! (2 of 3 F's of goblin religion - "fecund" not just for orcs anymore)

Venkelvore! She make goblins hungry so they never stop eating their enemies!
Lamashtu, Mother of Monsters, because sometimes monsters need father too. "Demon Mother's Mask" great tool for "animal husbandry".

When Sharky get swallowed he always Bite his way out. He never think before about grappling whatever swallow him from inside so it can't Bite him again. This sound very smart and kind of stupid at same time - maybe he look for something big to get swallowed by so he can try it!

@Calth - Cast spell, attack with bludgeoning weapon, or drink healing potion not on list either, but Sharky think you can do those things while inside monster. Grapple monster from inside only different because it makes no sense. Funniest part is monster can't move anymore, which make even less sense. Maybe Sharky Bite its spinal cord and legs stop working - wait - goblin chief not know about medical science - oh well...

Feral Gnasher with Ankle Biter feat can bite you as swift action while he's Pinned. Probably he bite you "Down Under" since "No rules, just bite!"

Making your own goblin more fun than using "pregen" goblin like boring human. Chief Sharky was PC made to play "We Be Goblins", and now he 15th level. Maybe you name your trash heap Mount Trashmore?

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Sharky find that if goblin chief talk with silly Beavis-like accent and keep bringing up Evil Plans soon even players who had bad week at work start thinking about what tortures to inflict on human prisoners, what ways to murder gnomes, etc. Maybe DM have tougher time inspiring people, but even lowly NPCs can get in character and drive story forward (until they get eaten by goblins)

Chief Sharky glad to hear of the mayhem your tribe caused. Killing halflings almost as good as killing gnomes. Setting stuff on fire worth extra goblin points. Killing boggards fun too, but even better make boggards see that Lamashtu is true goddess of animal headed people like hyena headed gnoll and frog headed boggard.

Goblin Heroes of Sharky's tribe recently descend into "Devil's Drain" to find sunken ships and sunken treasures. Sharky almost got eaten by Sea Serpent which sneak up on him, but Janka the Witch put it to sleep. Then Sharky eat it instead. We also do many other Evil things which Sharky only talk about if you say that you want gory details. Some of it kind of disturbing even to Neutral Evil goblin chief. Janka the Witch very, very bad...

Your tribe not have Feral Gnasher? Who eat the enemy for the glory of Venkelvore? Riding slug sounds almost as fun as eating slug, but Chief Sharky think you should extend game for many more levels beyond 5th. Why not give goblins chance to ally with boggards, attack gnome villages, and maybe one day lead fiery assault on Sandpoint itself? This what Chief Sharky's tribe is planning. We have 14 levels now, and game still fun. Maybe Evil DM who run for us could give you some ideas.