I was at the same table as Thefurmonger, so had about the same experience with the PFS Special...
First, I want to thank the many, many volunteers and Paizo staff who put in tons of hard work to pull off a huge slate of PFS events over the weekend. Round 1 of the Special was a great gaming experience. Intense, challenging, and fun. Thanks for running a great table Carlos and it was great to meet "Sebastian" and "Zennifer" - a real pleasure overall!
Round 2, as previously discussed, was not. I went in expecting something truly "special" but my experience was three hours of tedious puzzles, followed by a thrilling final battle, followed by a TPK via boxed-text ten minutes after the slot had ended. The puzzles were tedious because no one in the party had the requisite Knowledge skills, so it was a series of random guesses followed by annoying penalties for failure. Nothing lethal, but nothing fun. The final fight, on the other hand, was truly epic (even for our Tier 5-6 party). Before starting the fight, we debated turning tail and running, but ultimately decided to take on the challenge, fully open to the possibility of a TPK. Ultimately, we triumphed over the monsters in a deadly environment. Our GM hand-waved us through the steps to acquire the maguffin and then we started our way out only to be slowed by new obstacles. We were holding our own in this fight when time was called. Yay, we had survived!
A bit later, our DM comes back after turning in our score sheet and sheepishly tells us that we are all dead since we failed to exit the dungeon. The previously quoted text about a 15 minute warning was never provided to us and quite frankly I think our GM was as surprised as we were that we were dead.
Ugh. Pretty crappy feeling. I've been playing some form of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game at GenCon since 1998 and I don't think I've left the table more disappointed in the play experience. I trust Paizo will learn some lessons from this. I know I did...