
Chickenbeard's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

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After defeating Vhalantru, one of my players has decided that they should un-petrify all of the statues they found in Oblivion. He sees them as a way to replace the half-orc mercenaries that are so unpopular in Cauldron. He has pitched this idea to the rest of the party and even presented it to Lord Taskerhill at the "Meeting of Minds." Of course, Lord Taskerhill thinks the force will be loyal to him and my PC will try to set himself up as their trusted leader instead.

I think I'll let this work and refer to these returnees as "The 44." Of course, the events of Foundation of Flame may slow down how this plays out. He's already figured out that break enchantment will give him a really quick method to get them free.

I am really confused by the map and description of area V4 (Balcony) of Vaprak's Voice. The only interpretation that kind of makes sense is that the entire oval area (V4) is the balcony and it connects directly to V7 via the passageway (that way the giants in V7 can come help). The dotted lines represent a passage from V2 to V6 at a level beneath the balcony. However, this interpretation makes it very tough to get in this way (perhaps the intent). I can't even guess what the "smaller cave mouth" located 15 feet above the entrance is. What path does it connect? Clearly, it's not one used by the giants. Any help would be appreciated -- my PC's are on the verge of encountering!