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![]() Harlequin’s Hurlbat
This +1 returning hurlbat feels most at home in the hands of a performer. The wielder can attempt a DC 15 Perform (juggle) check as a standard action and can maintain it as a move action on subsequent rounds. Activation conjures three +1 hurlbats each with a range of 30 feet and affects the wielder with a mirror image spell creating 1d4+2 illusory doubles. The wielder can throw a conjured hurlbat as a standard action. A struck opponent takes damage normally and must make a DC 15 Will Save or be dazed for one round as the bright ribbons disorientate them. When all three conjured hurlbats are thrown or the performance ends the mirror image doubles and conjured hurlbats disappear. This effect may be activated 3 times per day. A bard wielding this weapon gains the martial weapon proficiency: hurlbat; and increases the save DC for any bardic performance using this weapon by +2. Construction Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, abundant ammunition, daze, mirror image, telekinesis; Cost 22,500 gp ![]()
![]() Hi there, Just putting a new character together and must admit this is my first real venture into spell-caster territory, so I'm a little bit lost. Just how important is a good concentration check for a Magus? I assume very? Do they need to make a check when using Spellstrike? I know with Spell Combat you can caste defensively (so I assume you really should unless you like getting hit in the face), but wasn't sure about Strike. Thanks ![]()
Hey there, So I'm looking at getting back into Society after a long absence and have a group who also want to join. But when looking over the listed race options we saw; "To create an dhampir, fetchling, grippli, goblin, ifrit, kitsune, nagaji, oread, suli, sylph, undine, vishkanya or wayang character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation." So I assume this means we need to complete a certain module to open access to each race; where can we find out what modules open which races? ![]()
Hi there, I was just wondering if making an armoured kilt from mithral would negate the increased weight it creates when wearing it with other armour, or the -1 max dex it gives in that situation also? Here's the write up:
Hi there. So was just wondering;
Hi, So the Feat 'Boon Companion' says this:
Benefit: The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were four levels higher, to a maximum bonus equal to your character level. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one to receive this benefit. If you lose or dismiss an animal companion or familiar, you may apply this feat to the replacement creature. Special: You may select this feat more than once. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different animal companion or familiar.
And I was wondering what exactly is meant by abilities; it's attributes? The Special sections? All off it? ![]()
I've been thinking about this for a while and started constructing it only a couple of days ago. A complete list of Traits; what type they are, any pre-reqs they have and what book (with page number) they can be found in, also with a note if they are not allowed in Pathfinder Society. Divided into groups of what type they are but also a complete alphabetical list, though I am considering narrowing it down to one or the other. Having played a bit and DM'ed as well I think this would be a very useful resource for both players and DMs as it would allow players to find the traits they're thinking of quickly and allow DMs to be able to check that the character meets the pre-reqs and is not doubling up on a trait type (such as having two combat traits). I'd love to submit this once its completed to Pathfinder Society for distribution but at the moment they're only looking for adventures, so I figured I'd see if I was alone in thinking this resource would be really handy. I should note that I am suggesting a list of the names of traits along with their page numbers, not a document that actually lists the Trait in its entirety as I'm fairly sure that would be against rules (and would lessen the need for players to buy the books). One small question I have; there seem to be Faith Traits and Religion Traits, they seem to be separate from each other, is this the case or is it just a misprint? ![]()
So I'm thinking of making a Human Alchemist, and I'm beginning to wonder if going Fighter for the first level wouldn't be a better idea than being a straight Alchemist. As stands my stat line is
I went with Medium Armour Prof. and Point Blank Shot for my feats, but if I went Fighter I could easily get Point Blank, Precise Shot and Rapid Shot in preparation for throwing a heap of bombs and alchemist fires. I'm looking to make a fairly high AC Alchemist, as I think they can use their extracts without fear of arcane spell failure stuff, and having a potion of Shield and Reduce Person along with a mutagen of Dex seems like it has potential. Only problem I see is at first level I can only have 2 extracts, and Shield/Reduce Person only last a minute, Mutagens last 10; seems like I could wind up in trouble if I used them too early on. Thoughts? Suggestions? Also, this is for Pathfinder Society, so Alchemists get Dodge for free. |