
Captain Rosalind Sunstone's page

69 posts. Alias of Trevor86.


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Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

The inquisitor raises an eyebrow over the mage's rather flamboyant tone. "Garret is correct. You summoned a large fire elemental to burn the Smithy, taking that large parts of the city are made of wooden structures for granted. When the first one failed, you summoned another one from this scroll, which you then instructed to attack us. Only to then try dominating Ketra, explicitely telling her to kill the Smith. These are all facts. This isn't simple vandalism. You have at least seven accounts of attempted murder on your name, in addition to your complete disregard for the potential collateral damage done to the city and citizens. So I very much suggest you drop your flippant attitude."

She observes the man a bit longer as her allies ask various questions, with Zsofia apparently trying to trick him, though she somewhat doubted it would work, given her tone. "He's afraid of something or someone other than us and is putting up a front to hide it. He isn't bad at lying, I'll admit. But not good enough either," she shares with her allies as the interrogation continues.

An idea hit her then. So he thought at least one of them was a necromancer that had raised Zsofia, hm? "That said, we can probably drop the act of none of us practicing necromancy. He knows too much and with how dangerous he is, no one is going to care what we do to him to get the information. If he doesn't talk, I suggest we just kill him and take the answers from his soul. Just before we turn what is left of that and his body into another puppet. I'm sure Quietus could vouch for how nice that feels."

intimidate: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30

sense motive, does the name Quietus mean something to him?: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.
Szofia wrote:
She jabs a finger in Rosa’s direction. “That one is the kind of god-botherer that scares the piss out of the other god-botherers."

Rosalind just stands there - menacingly.

She waits for him to answer the plethora of questions raised about Zsofia's background, but eventually cuts in with her inquiery on the bigger picture. "I believe I made my stance on the matter quite clear earlier. You are in very dire straights in regards to your criminal actions and how they will likely be punished. You have exactly one chance to give us your version of what happened - what possibly could have possesed you to commit these acts of betrayal against the people of this nation. Do not waste our time."

Sense motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.
Zsofia wrote:
“I know! Let’s have a little chat about who hired you to do this very nasty job - kind of beneath you, though, isn’t it? - and why, and I’ll create a diversion to let you slip away. If you’re information is really good, I’ll make sure you get a nice long head start before all the people with the pointy swords start chasing you.”

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24

Sense motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26

Rosalind frowns at the extended whispering going on between the man and Zsofia. She doesn't catch everything, but most of it, and her seemingly genuine offer of letting him escape doesn't sit well with her. "Yes, we will certainly have words - later, in a less public setting." She emphasizes. "His crimes are currently arson, multiple accounts of attempted murder and attemped magical enslavement of another humanoid. Of course, those are just the ones we know for sure. We can add suspected membership of the Whispering Way to that and almost confirmed involvement in a much more sinister scheme."

She pierces the man with a stone-cold glare. "Let me be frank. I cannot even begin to describe how much trouble you are in. This is beyond simple prison sentence territory. I suspect that when the inquisition is done with you, you will face the gallows, if not worse. So you'd better think very carefully on what you are going to tell us and why we should care to speak on your behalf."

She then orders the watchmen restraining him to pick him up and follow them to the war college.

Intimidate, study, heroism: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Once the fire is under control, Rosalind eventually rejoins the group and their bound prisoner, still dusting off all the ash and soot from her uniform and armor as she arrives. The sight of the paladin manages to bring a smile to her face despite how much danger the city was in. "Silvia! Good to see you again. How did warning the surrounding townships go?" she asks as she waits for any sort of return word from the Academy, where she assumed the interrogation of the -to her- presumed Whispering Way agent would take place.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Posting this to all of my campaigns: I will undergo surgery on my wrist tomorrow the 19th (it was planned for a while, old boxing incident. I just didn't think of posting it here yet, apologies). It is my dominant hand and I may not use it for a while afterwards. The expected recovery time is somewhere between 1 and 3 weeks, during which I cannot use the hand and posting will be very difficult. As such I'm giving everyone permission to agressively bot my characters during this time period. I will still read the forums but any posts I can make will be very short and shouldn't be waited for/expected.

I Apologize for the inconvenience and hope to be back as soon as possible.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.
Rolf? wrote:
"Well I'll be!"

"Are you Rolf? I'm Rosalind. We're here to get you out. Follow me!"

If Rosalind thinks there is a clear path to safety, she just leads him out. If there are too many flames, she will cast Resist Energy: Fire on him first. Once with the others:

"Ah, our presumed arsonist," Rosalind narrows her eyes at the bound and gagged man. "I am inquisitor Sunstone. Please excuse me for a moment while I help the Watch undo your damage. But I promise you, when I am done, you are going to tell us everything. If not, our further introductions are going to be excruciatingly unpleasant and lengthy."

She turns to a nearby guard. "Send a message to the War College. Have them prepare a room fit for interrogating a magic user with the usual countermeasures against teleportation and the like. Say the order comes from Captain Sunstone and that it has the highest urgency. Precentor Veliu will know what it is about." She looks around for the blacksmith. "And Brunna, please come with us too. We need your testimony as well. This was likely an attack aimed at you specifically."

She walks back and casts Create Water over and over until the fire is sufficiently doused/under control.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"Garret, the next time there is an orc invasion, I'm taking you with me," Rosalind says, very much impressed by the amount of magical destruction wrought about by the halfling in mere seconds. She turns to Sanduro, begins to offer the same compliment but then sees Zsofia very noisily pestering her... master? Summoner? In her usual... ah... extravagant manner. "Maybe just Garret would do."

Ketra's warning shouts pull her back to the present.

perception, heroism: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23

"Garret, can you help Ketra? Sanduro, Zsofia, I might need another healer to help the dwarf!" She says, as she begins to advance through the smoke until she finds the door. "Maybe he's behind here! Stand back!"

Warded by fire, but not wanting to risk the red-hot door right away, she begins casting a spell. "Aquam accerso!" She says, pointing to the door as a significant amount of water is conjured to the area (16 Gallons per create water orison) . Then she takes hold of the door and attempts to force it open...

Str check?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

perception, heroism: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

"Another one!? As if we needed any more proof of foul play!" Rosalind adjusts her stance and engages the new threat, too distracted to notice the nefarious man just behind...

attack 1, PA, Heroism, study +2: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
damage: 1d10 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17

attack 2, PA, Heroism, Study +2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
damage: 1d10 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24

Crit confirm? Probably not vs elementals: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
extra crit damage if it can be critted: 1d10 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"We'll get him out! Just keep yourself safe first!" Rosalind calls back to Brunna as she rushes in.

Fortsave: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Blessed with the brilliant idea of holding her breath and magically fortified against fire and heat, Rosalind is unaffected by the smoke and fire both. Warned by Zsofia, she pushes herself to the side as Garret's ice blast shoots it around the corner. She prays for a burst of divine energy as she then takes up the front before him, hoping to shield the sorceror from retribution.

"If he can do that again, all I have to do is make sure it can't get past me..."

Cast divine favor, move forward 20 feet. Swift action study. There are a lot of walls here so I'm not fully sure where Garret would be and how his blast is aimed. Rosa's current square is the furthest she can get without double moving. I will try and not provoke + give the elemental the first full attack on me if I can help it, such as by rushing her in.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.


Zsofia wrote:
"”So, Cap’n Rosie, I feel like you’re not giving me enough credit. I may not remember the caper, but I’m pretty sure it ain’t because it wasn’t me running the scam. It’s like - it’s like a portrait with the person cut out of it. You can’t see who it’s supposed to be a picture of, but it ain’t like you can’t tell it was a picture of someone. I can feel the outline of the hole where the memory used to be, though.”

"Have you considered the alternative? This is me giving you credit, Zsofia. I vastly prefer thinking of someone using your likeness without your knowledge to the other option - that there is a decent chance you were once an agent of the Whispering Way, actively involved in a scheme that might well threaten the lives of everyone here," Rosalind says, her face hardening as the group hurries towards their next destination. She'd been critically late one too many times. Never again. "I intentionally left out whoever ordered the replica shield looked like you as I do not want undue suspicion to fall on you - or us. After the meeting the Marshall, that is the last thing we need right now."

"Of course, this is assuming all these pieces of information are related and not unfortunate coincedences..."


Speaking of coincidences, the smithy they'd been about to investigate was suddenly burning down. She curses under her breath as the group rushed towards the structure. "You! As a Captain of the Watch, I order you to stand aside. Let us pass!" She says to the guardsmen.

I'm not entirely sure which part of the Lastwall forces Rosalind officially belongs to, but she uses that one. If we get there succesfully:

Once there, she asks her Patron for a gift of fire-resistant energy. "Okay. Now to get inside... Zsofia, can you phase through the wall and see where her Nephew is?" she follows, readying herself to barge into the structure...

Casts energy resistance (resist fire 20) on herself.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"My friend speaks true. Quietus described the workings as oscillating waves of postive and negative energy; perhaps there are some hints of such that could be found on it. I would wager that, to the Whispering Way, using the shield for evil would count as Karmic retribution. It was used to defeat their master. Now they would use it to defeat us. And we already suspect that the Way is a lot better at hiding magical sabotage than we gave them credit for," Rosalind muses, but doesn't object when the group is commanded to get the dwarven Smith.

"All right, we will be back shortly. It wouldn't hurt to get more information on this. Though perhaps it would be best to at least close the exhibition of the shield to the public for a while. I'm sure there is some convenient excuse we could use such as a routine inspection of the wards or such. "

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Taking her cue from Ketra, Rosa starts pleading their case. "It's an honor to meet you, Precentor Martial Heliu," She said, bowing her head to the woman respectfully. "And I am glad you are taking this threat seriously. I wish I could tell you more about the workings of the weapon, but I only know what we learned from the Cult leader..."

If necessary she repeats the highlights of her 33 arcana check she had with Avni Zogross as well as the Speak with Dead results.

"That said, I'm afraid, as an Inquisitor, that doubting is what I do. While the Great Seal may appear intact, I am fairly confident that one of the Tyrant's high-ranking agents escaped the prison and is currently operating within the city. At least three of our allies have either confirmed or have been witness to this Count Gildais's workings here," Rosalind explains, recounting the statements of Dandelion and Gandry, along with Doeswin's implied transferring over seeing the result of Gandry's corruption. Trying to uphold her promise to him, she also requests that Gandry not be punished for his actions. "As to how Gildais got out when your allies confirm the Seal is still intact, I do not know. Perhaps Tar-Baphon has found a way to open cracks that he then closes. Or perhaps our allies are compromised the way Gandry was."

She takes a deep breath. "Regardless, that is of later concern. What is most important now is that Gildais has had access to the Shield of Varnisant. He expressively bribed Gandry to be alone with it, and Doeswen saw him touch the Shield. What is more is that someone ordered a perfect replica copy of the shield some time ago, probably using a false likeness to do so. There may have been a switch or partial switch of the fragments."

"I am not yet fully certain what Gildais did to the shield. But given the existence of this new weapon, I must assume the worst. We need to examine the shield for how it was altered by the Whispering Way, alert that it might seem normal but aware that might be false. Can you assist us in this? There are few more suited to scrutinize a magical artefact than the Dean herself."

Diplomacy if needed: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"Perhaps Gandry's secret isn't as secret as he'd like it to believe. It fits if he was the commander of the shield knights at one point. Otherwise, there may be more corrupt Shield Knights than just the one - which just increases the likelyhood the shield was tainted somehow," Rosalind muses. "Let's ask about Gandry's former poision when we find a convenient moment. For now, I think seeing the Dean is more urgent."

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.
GM wrote:
"This is the display hall, ma'am. Do you need a guide to the Precentor's offices? Our shift continues for another four hours..."

Why did they stop us or did we stop here when our goal was to go meet the dean first? I am so confused XD

Rosa looks from the man to her visitor's guide with a confused frown, then goes 'a ha!' and turns it upside down 180 degrees. "That would explain why the layout made no sense. Thank you, good man. You've been most helpful," she says, then heads straight the Dean's office once Kela is done making her small talk.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"I'm afraid we are not here for sightseeing, even on a festive day as this, guardsman. The temple has taked us with an investigation on Cult activity in the city, and it is highly urgent. We need to speak to the Dean, now , or someone who can help us get in contact with her. Our orders come from Lady Vavatos herself. Can you help us arrange this meeting?" She asks, showing her identification if needed.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"I think we can't afford a detour that long. At best, we would be gone an entire day. I believe it is much more important to have the shield thoroughly examineren first, especially now that we know is was very likely temperen with. We *need* to make sure it is not another explosive device as soon as possible," Rosalind reasons. "I can think of none better suited for it than Veena Helia and Lady Varvatos. Let's try and arrange a meeting with the dean to see if she can assist us."

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

history: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Herbalism: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Not a 25.

"All right. Thank you, Sir Gantry. I will convene with my allies on what to do. I hope you are right about the shield, but fear you are mistaken. Whatever a Sun Orchard is, it sounds really expensive. A suspected agent of the Way wouldn't go through such lengths if they didn't have nefarious designs on it. And none must underestimate the power of their magics."

She returns to the others, finds a secluded spot and tells them everything. Putting things together, it seems the whispering way had someone disguised as Szofia order a replica of the shield. They probably then shattered the replica and replaced parts of the original with parts of the replica, masking the aura's to appear real. The question is why? Is the shield the second bomb? Also, can amyone else roll on that exlixir since Gantry's mother might be a zombie/spy?

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Rosalind keeps a straight face, trying not to judge and remain true to her word. It was a lot to take in, the implications troubling at best - what did the Cult want with the Shield? Wat it stolen? Defiled? Turned into the next explosive device? Each of those was bad in their own way.

But could she really say she wouldn't have done the same for her family, if there was no other way? She'd like to think so. Bhaekho would have demanded it, even. Death was only natural. But until such a time of trial actually came, it was easy to judge others - until you were in their place.

"...Okay. I will try to fix this, whatever they did to the shield. And I will attempt to keep your role in this unknown to the Law. In the meantime, do not mention this to anyone," She says, following a brief pause. "Before I go, I must know. When was this? How long ago did this woman come to you? And was there anything noteworthy about her? What did she look like, for instance? Have you ever seen her again, or felt that someone was watching you since?"

I have no further questions than these. After he gives an answer, I will report back to the others and share this information so they don't get sidelined too long. Rosalind also doesn't know yet that the others just met a smith who had a copy of the same shield commissioned.

"...Your son loves you very much." She says to the old woman as she leaves.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

So I am now inside Gantry's House with everyone else still inside the Pub?

"Because we had an encounter with an... interesting woman. Someone who helped us get here after our fight with the whispering way. Someone more powerful than I have ever seen, though also on the run, fighting an unseen enemy. Or so she claimed," Rosalind answers, lowering her voice to where it would be difficult to overhear from anyone not in the room. "She warned us that Gildais, some... Count who once served Tar-Baphon, had escaped his prison and was operating secretly in the city with his agents. When we mentioned this to Lady Varvatos, she knew you had spoken of Gildais in the past, long ago. So... if both are true, does that mean you have somehow encountered him or his agents before he escaped?" She asks, studying the former knight carefully.

sense motive? Is he truthful? Is he afraid of the woman? Is this a trap?: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27

More diplomacy if needed: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Sorry, forgot this check in the last post.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

sense motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

"Something clearly bothers him. Shame and guilt, perhaps - like me," Roselind mutters, giving the aging knight a sympathetic look as he withdrew. "I'll try talking to him," she decides and slowly follows. Catching up to a retiree with a walking cane wasn't too difficult for a trained soldier in her prime.

"I'm sorry if our question caused you discomfort, Sir Gandry. Unfortunately, I too know of suchs burdens. Recently, the town I was assigned to was raided by the Whispering Way and destroyed. It is a regret I will carry with me forever," She adds, inclining her head somberly. "Still, I owe it to the fallen to try and make their losses mean something. The reason we are asking you of Gildais is not to pressure you, nor punish you for any wrongdoings you may or may not have done, if any. It is simply that the Cult seems to have a connection to that name, and it is all we have to go on to find more of its members supposedly active in this area," She explains, sticking to the truth without the more gruesome details of how everyone in the city was likely in mortal danger. "Please, Sir. Former Knight Gandry. Can you find it in yourself to aid your nation once more, and help us in this investigation? All we wish is to stop them from striking again. As far as we know, you are the only one with this information - the only one that can help us."

Silver Crusade

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F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"Anything you know regarding this topic would be appreciated." Rosalind adds, showing her identification as she watches Garret play, nodsing at him when he eventually joins the table. "Your song reminds me of better days, Garret. I... wish more of us remained to hear it."

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Assuming the Marshall does not try to stop us leaving:

"The Knights of Ozem are not without their petty politics and power struggles," Rosalind says, catching Ketra's glance as they enter the busy streets. "Some take great offense over the servant of a less established, foreign diety achieving a high military position. Or worse yet, one using abilities they don't fully understand. People fear the unknown. Truthfully I'm surprised it took this long to surface."

"Which reminds me... follow me a moment," She says, taking a turn back into an alleyway. "There is a gift from my patron I could share with you all. A bond between us that would heal your wounds from my life force rather than your own. I cannot force any of you to accept it, of course. But it would make protecting you all from harm a lot easier."

This is Life Link from the Life mystery.

Silver Crusade

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F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"Then listen to me as well, Marshall," Rosalind says, cold steel creeping into her tone. "There is only so much a sword can do against a village-wide magical explosion. Or, for that matter, an army. The thing that triggered the last explosion was an enchanted wooden splinter . *Everything* in this city is liable to be the next device, capable of destroying all of us at at a moment's notice. If that does not terrify you, I don't know what does. You may not like me. You may say I am fully to blame for it all. However, *I* have lost everything. If I could have traded my life for theirs, I would, Iomedaean. I see their likenesses in so many of the townsfolk here, blissfully unaware of it all. And no matter what you think of me, I will do whatever it takes to stop the same thing happening to you - and them."

She takes a step back, our of her reach, and readjusts her gambeson. Now, I believe I should go."

Unless stopped, she turns to leave.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"All right. Thank you, Field Marshall. If we uncover anything more concrete about the wherabouts of this figure or the cult, we will let you know. Lady Varvatos believes that our one advantage in this investigation is that the Cult might not know yet that their former leader is dead. If we were to unleash an army on the city without clear direction, they would definitely be alerted, civilian considerations aside," Rosalind says, glancing at her comrades to gauge whether they agreed. Despite her ego, the marshall seemed willing to help. She couldn't decide how to make use of her influence right away, but having made a potential ally seemed enough for now. As far as she was concerned, it was now time to meet with Varvatos' old friend and contact.

Sense motive: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22 Not high enough, but given her ego Rosa wouldn't want to challenge her on her capacities regardless I think.

Silver Crusade

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F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

The captain does her best to remain stoic in the face of the other woman's harsh tone. She'd gotten used to it in some degree, even if the forced impetus of having to prove herself time and time again had grown tiring, the anger at times boiling just beneath the surface.

But the stakes were too high, so she dons the mask. "I will get straight to the point. Perhaps from your position, you have already heard of the fate of Roslar's Coffer. If not, the town was completely destroyed by a necromantic explosion two weeks ago. The Cult used an unknown magical weapon to do it - it is unlike anything the Church of Iomedae has ever seen. And yes, I am acutely aware that I was assigned to it and that I failed to protect the township."

There's a crack in the mask as she can't quite help frowning over the next part. "Yet, in her wisdom, Lady Varvatos still saw it fit for me to conduct this investigation. From the corpse of their local leader, we learned that the cult likely plans to strike at Vigil next. He was on the way here - and of course he was. What better time to kill as many defenders of the realm as possible? What worse way could there be to strike fear into the heart of the nation and sow doubt in the minds or commoners towards those meant to protect them?"

The question hangs before she eventually shakes her head. "Of course, you understand the gravity of this situation and why it has to be kept from the public. But also why we need to make haste with our inquiries. You are a rising star among the crusaders and populace both, infinitely better connected than I could ever hope to be. Now please, all we have to go on now is a name - Gildais- who is somehow connected to the local Cult. Does this name mean anything to you? And if not, have you seen or heard anything off regarding the city's security? Any hint of potential Whispering Way activity locally? Anything at all would be helpful and could stop a disaster."

I will try and read the Field Marshall for her reactions towards Gildais, the description of the weapon and whether or not she knows anything and may or may not be telling us.

sense motive, study: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27
if another diplomacy check is needed: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

sense motive, study: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32

"My apologies, honored field Marshall," She inclines her haid as befitting of her station. "We are conducting an important investigation on behalf of the Church regarding potential Cult activity in the city, and Lady Varvatos said only you yourself can help us," Rosalind produces their badges (or equivalents) of temporary office. "Please. It has the utmost urgency , especially during these festivities. The lives of many innocents could very well depend on your willingness to spare but a moment of your valuable time. We will ensure your contribution to this investigation is well known to our superiors."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

First, apologies for the long absence, everyone. Second, since I don't think Rosalind's location was mentioned and to give some lore explanation to her temporary absense:

"Ah, here you are. I apologize, I was... delayed following the questioning. As expected, I suppose." The inquisitor briefly shakes her head towards the others, perhaps deliberately choosing not to elaborate in the presence of commoners. "Hm? Do you know these people, Zsofia?" She asks the more solid than usual Phantom.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"I detect no falsehoods," Rosalind states. as presumably her +18 sense motive checks didn't?

She watches the Lord Commaner for his reaction and asks for permission to speak further, especially given her earlier explosion over the decorum breach. Assuming he gives it: "It is unfortunate, but to be expected. A secret organisation wouldn't be able to exist long if it didn't employ compartamentilization; every one of its members only knowing what knowledge they strictly have to know for it to function. Especially one so large and dangerous as the Whispering Way." Rosalind frowns as she ponders how to continue.

"In my opinion, a plan must be formed to quickly and decisively counter this danger. If a wooden splinter can destroy an entire town, who knows what a larger version could look like and if it is already here or not. Lady Varvatos, Lord Commander, after hearing this, may I ask if you agree that this is a critical threat to the nation?" She asks.

diplomacy if needed, Heroism: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"I require no Legal council, Lady Varvatos. I have spoken naught but the truth on these matters - as far as I understand it - and intend to continue doing so. I believe I have nothing to hide during these proceedings, Baekho be my Witness - as well as the lady inheritor, of course," she quickly adds. "In regards to the interrogation of Quietus' remains, how many questions do we have and how sure are we of the truthfulness of the answers? To what degree can we magcially detect such?" Rosalind asks the Head Priestess after Saluting Commander Lundgren and introducting herself to her. She was much more refreshed that day after their improptu stay at the Pathfinder Lounge and its colourful inhabitants.

"I think questions of pressing matter are: 'How does the spell or divice the Whispering Way used to destroy Roslar's Coffer work?' along with 'How can those effects be replicated?' and 'What are the limits the Whispering Way has in employing that method of destruction?'. Perhaps aided by 'Are preparations being made to destroy Vigil using similar methods? If so, how far along are they?'"

She frowns and conciders further. "Also, a vital piece of information would be: 'how can we contact the Agents of the Whispering Way in Vigil? Who is their spokesperson, and where is their base or hideout if they have any?"

Rosalind will Study target Quietus and heroism herself prior to the ritual starting. She will Sense Motive at +18 each of his answers for falsehoods.

Silver Crusade

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F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Arcana, heightened awareness: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

"I understand your scepticism, miss Zognoss. As to how it works..." Rosalind makes the kind of suffering sigh only someone forced to the worst kind of boredom could possibly make. "I had the unfortunate 'honor' of being a prisoner of Quietus for a while. And he just could not stop gloating about their work. In excruciating detail. Here, Let me tell you all about it..."

What follows is a symposium of arcanobabble so technical it would have most wizards running screaming for the hills and question their choice of career.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"Yes, I think the perspective of a group of semi-outsiders might be wise here. If nothing else, Pathfinders usually come from all walks of life. They probably have extensive connections in the city. And if I had to place bets, it makes more sense for agents of the Whispering Way to be involved in the government itself rather than a tightly regulated band of mercenaries," Rosalind says, arms crossed and leaning against the cell wall.

"Does anyone object to informing their... um, 'First Lodge Knight' -or whatever their title is- of the whole story? Personally, I believe with how much of a threat this new weapon is, the more factions are aware of it, the better. And perhaps that would press them into more decisive action. "

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"I believe you," Rosalind says pretty much immediately. "We too encountered a similar prozaic figure on our way out, though she was a woman. She spoke in vague terms of being a gardener to weed something out every year. According to Garret, she wielded reality shaping shaping magic the likes of which normal mortals can only dream of. It would be trivially easy for her to mask her appearance to whatever form she wished. And her message too was one mostly of vague warnings and promises of future answers."

She sighs then and rubs her temples. "I wish these blasted savior figures would be a bit more clear at times. If you're planning to tell us anyway, why not right then? Surely one can get the gist of whatever is happening across in a few sentences."

"...Wait, who or what is Garmid, Squire?"

Silver Crusade

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F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.


Rosalind is silent during most of the proceeding with Wallace's father. She knew enough about protocol that his station was such that you didn't speak unless he gave explicit permission. She tries to give some subtle warning shakes of the head to the others - except being subtle had never been her forte - and when one too many liberties are taken in the conversation he predictably explodes.

"I should have warned them." She thinks as the group is ushered out, standing at salute and nodding at Brutus' command. Yet rather than following the others, she briefly remains in place.

"Sir. I apoligize profusely for my companions' conduct - the fault lies with me, as I failed to instruct them on proper protocol. They are civilians, not soldiers like us. As I am sorry for speaking out of turn, for which I will accept whatever disciplining you deem fit. But before we go, I must inform you of something crucial, which could be vital to the survival of the city and the nation."

Diplomacy, hopefully to be allowed to speak: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

If given permission, she adds: "We tried to preserve the body of the enemy leader as well as we could. Quietus' remains are downstairs, bound in cloth and rope. The smell was the least I could make it with what meager herbs I could forage on the way. Extracting information from the dead is unfortunately beyond my own ability, but I know it isn't to the clergy of the Inheritor as a whole. He likely knows more of how this explosion was engineered and how to prevent it. At least, we can but pray. I only advise caution as we know there are agents of the Whispering Way active in Vigil. If they know, they will probably try to reclaim it. And he is a dangerous foe if brought back to life. Or otherwise reanimated."

Afterwards, she nods and withdraws as commanded. Once outside, she sighs. "Sadly, I can't fully fault the Commander for doubting his son. For all his virtues and... 'enthousiasm', Wallace has a very vivid sense of imagination, as I'm sure you'd have noticed." She brightens then and grins at the companions. "Still, it will be good to see him. The mood is so dark and somber. I dare say we could use some theatrics."

Wallace wrote:
"Garret! Ketra, Sanduro, am I glad to see all of y--oh! Captain Sunstone!" His back goes ramrod straight and he snaps a salute. "I can't tell you how glad I am that you're alive, ma'am!" His expression falters a bit as he takes you all in. "...Where's Silvia? Did she...?"

"...Survive like us? Yes. She's working to spread the news to the surrounding towns, as you have. Well done, squire." She smiles warmly at her subordinate. "Please, at ease. It warms my heart to see you at least, survived. I'm sorry your words met with skepticism, but I'm afraid that was to be expected. Even we ourselves don't fully understand what happened to the town or us. Yet we are to report to the temple tomorrow to have our words detected on falsehoods by the priests. Hopefully, when they see we too speak the truth, you will be released."

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Rosalind sits down on a nearby rock, taking in the nearby spectable. A warm smile adorns the blonde's features as she speaks. "Home. Would that I saw it again under better circumstances. But to done so at all is a treasured gift. Especially during the festival."

She sits up straighter, alarmed. "The festival! So many people will congregate on Vigil to see it. If there ever was a perfect time for the cult to set off another explosion, this would be it. We need to see the Watcher Lord as fast as we possibly can!"

@GM Do I know anything regarding how to potentially reach him or a relevant Government figure? I'm not sure how far or not Rosalind's rank extends and how familiar she is with security features on the city.

profession: soldier?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Rosalind level 8:

FCB: +1 second level spell (Resist Energy)

+1 BAB (first iterative, +6/+1) , +1 fort, +1 will.

ASI > Wisdom (to 16; +1 will)

+16 hp (8 level, 8 toughness).
+10 SP

+1 level 2 slot, +2 level 3 slots/day.
+1 level 2 (FCB) and level 3 spell known (dispel magic).

+1 History (background), +1 geography (background), 1 heal, 6 dungeoneering, 1 planes.

Class features:
Slayer talent (combat feat > toughness).
Life mystery revelation: Lifelink.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

sense motive with Study: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

"I get the sense you do not like the Whispering Way, but that the same is true of us. And of the Leadership of Vigil. You consider us the lesser of two evils. But who here would like neither side?" Rosalind wonders aloud to the mystery woman, peering intently at the woman's odd physical features.

When Garret speaks, the inquisitor shrugs. "There's no telling if or when she will turn on this... 'alliance'. However, I do not get the sense that she is part of the Whispering Way and that this would be some Elaborate trap. So I say we accept her aid for now. At the very least so that Garret can be restored."

Turning back to the woman, she adds: "If you do not wish to tell us of yourself or who you serve, that is fair as far as I'm concerned. For now, at least. Still, we do need a name to call you by."

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"Thank you, all of you, for your understanding," Rosalind smiles. "As to whether I am welcome... I suppose we'll see. I don't believe my posting away from the capitol was coincidental. If there's anything I dread, it's not man or beast." She shudders. "It's politics."

She's about to ask Garret what he meant about 'traveling with spirits' when Szofia suddenly appears out of thin air. Too stunned at the event (and her behavior) to even draw her sword, she glances around the group for help. "...Is anyone going to explain the pirate?"

Silver Crusade

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F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Wiping the sweat from her brow, Rosalind looks up at the radiant dawn and smiles. "And so, hope goes on," she says, before she too clasps her hands in prayer. "Thank you, Lord of Claws, for your deliverence. May we fight for truth and mend again what was broken."

Garret wrote:
"Thank you all for helping us achieve this victory against the forces of evil that destroyed my home."

"Roslar's Coffer belonged to each of us - and its people deserved a better lot in life than they had. Their hopes and resilience go with us now. Orc raids couldn't break it, nor cultists wielding doomsday weapons. Not while we still draw breath. If we manage to stop the cult from doing this again, their sacrifices can yet have meaning. I'll strive to make it so."

Before the group sets out for their next destination, the Inquisitor hesitates. "All of you, before we continue, there is something you should know of me. I... was assigned here from the capitol over what some would say is a religious dispute. While I pay respects to the Lady Inheritor, I am not her servant. My divine patronage hails from Baekho, a diety from my Grandmother's culture. In Tian-Xia, he is the lord of Nature, Healing, Might and Duty. But also of keeping an open mind in disputes... which has garnered him a fair share of ill will in Vigil. Some believe he is too willing to forgive evil, regardless of what I say or do. That is, unfortunately, what led to me being stationed here... in what some would say is a dead-end posting meant to end my career." She snorts. "I suppose they almost got their wish. But the point is, I can't guarantee we won't face simular behavior in the future. And some... abilities I might manifest are not ones of common divine magic. Is this an issue to any of you?" She asks neutrally.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Rosalind stands by with her sword drawn and shield at the ready, just in case something went wrong here. You could never be too sure when necromancy was involved, especially artefacts...

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Rosa can cast heroism, but only after a rest, and it only lasts 70 minutes. I don't think she can help you unless the heal skill is allowed to grant some bonus. By RAW, it isn't...

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Oddly, Rosalind does not seem to have spellcraft. An oversight I'll soon correct, next level. Let's say she's still a bit out of it. Sanduro seems to have decent spellcraft at +9 though.

"I'm not sure what the strange key is... if no one knows, we should probably handle it with care and not touch it directly. Knowing Quietus I wouldn't put it past him to curse his possessions just to spite whoever got the best of him," Rosalind says.

Once back inside and barricaded in what they thought was a safe area of the mansion with the survivors, she does her best to treat and stitch the wounds of the remaining survivors. Afterwards, she begins the slow process of wrapping up Quietus' body in a number of blankets from inside the mansion and then tieing it up with rope. "Personally, I think we have no choice but to take his body with us to Vigil. Assuming you're all willing to go there with me? The danger to the nation is too great to not glean from him what we could, I feel."

When the guard schedule for the night is set, she finally allows sleep to take her.

Perception for her watch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.
Ketra wrote:
""Off easy? He seems very dead to me, and that doesn't seem all that easy. If we go torturing him too, we'd be sinking to his level."

"...You're right, of course. By doing this, perhaps we would be confirming his claim of humanity having no decency. However, if this mass explosion effect can be replicated by the cult, the fate of the entire nation, perhaps even the entire world, would depend on what we could have learned from him. I'm not sure the lives of so many innocents are worth giving him a quick way out. Not when the cost is all of it turning into a wasteland ruled by The Whispering Tyrant," Rosalind sighs and looks at the body again. "Regardless, we have to make a choice. Either we hide his body so well that he can never be resurrected or animated by the cult and hope that is enough, or we take his remains with us and see if some information can be gleaned anyway by Speaking with the Dead. It is beyond my own capacities, but surely not to Vigil at large."

"...Assuming they're willing to listen to the servant of a heathen god for once," she mutters.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Apologies - what exactly does the evil artefact do? Is there any benefit in turning it over to Vigil for study before destroying it?

That aside, would casting Bless on the water here work if we want to destroy it or do we need the actual Create Blessed Water spell?

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.
Ketra wrote:
"One final middle finger... Good riddance to someone so vile."

"Yes, *cough* though part of me regrets him getting off so easily. I wish we'd instead been able to hand him to the inquisition at Vigil alive. Torture isn't exactly my favorite method of exactracting information but he *does* owe me quite a bit of it," She glares at the body and unceremoneously kicks it over once the cloud disperses. She stays there until then, casting a quick heal on herself and making sure the dogs didn't return not that something else appeared to steal the body. Then she kneels to search it for anything useful.

Lesser restoration on self: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Heals the Con damage and removes fatigued. Once Quietus is thoroughly examined (Rosalind will take 20 + detect magic on it) she turns back to the heroes.

"Thank you, all of you, for saving us and avenging the townsfolk," She adresses Ketra, Sanduro, Garret and Sylvia and smiles warmly. "Each of you is strong warrior by any standard. I only wish I'd have seen that back then. Perhaps, if you'd been with the guard that day, we could have stopped him. But that is my failure for not recognizing your talent, as it was my duty to stop him myself."

She'd say more but it partly depends on if we find more leads on Quietus' body or have only the note implying we have to go to Vigil.

Silver Crusade

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F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

"Or follow this floating javelin leaking blood from the tip!" Rosalind calls out as she rushes forward, quickly drawing a throwing spear and launching it at the invisble yet also blind and stumbling Quietus!

Free: Pass Nodachi so shield hand holds it. Move 50 ft, draw javelin during move, swift: Bane. Standard: Throw Bane Javelin at blind Quietus. If anything about this squence doesn't work she just drops her sword instead.

attack, javelin, heroism+2, fatigue -1, haste +1, study +2, Bane +2, vs blinded ac, deadly aim -2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

damage, study, bane, deadly aim : 1d6 + 7 + 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 7 + (1, 4) + 4 = 20
Sneak attack precision damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Assuming Sanduro is okay with 5ft stepping aside after firing, so Garret is in healing range:

Quietus wrote:
"Humanity has no decency, whatever you may pretend. The peace of the grave is it's fate, and all it deserves besides."

Struggling from having her bones broken and then fired upon by a flurry of magical bolts, Rosalind struggles to stay upright.

But she does!

"And who... are you... to say that. You, who uses the corpses and souls of his own men as disposable puppets." She spits out blood and forced a disdainful laugh. "You wouldn't know hipocracy if it slapped you in the face."

Seeing the injured Garret move up behind her and fire another spell, Rosa contemplates rushing for the wizard here and now despite her injuries. But then she remembered his earlier trick with Ketra and decided to play it safe.

Incredible healer 5 of 7, Garret and Rosalind: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35

Heals both for 44.

Their wounds vanishing from her channeled wave of positive energy, she straightens and grips her Nodachi with renewed strength. "He's weak! Now is the time to finish him!" She says to those near her.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.
Quietus wrote:
"To think: had any of you fought this hard the last time we met, you might have saved your town. Your wrath comes far too late."

Rosa's expression hardens. "Face it. You got very lucky that day. I didn't have any of my spells left. If I had and faced you by yourself? You'd be dead, no question. Perhaps if I hadn't tried to welcome a stanger into town then, it'd be diferrent too. But it's not like you would know anything about being a decent human being, all your pretense at scholarship aside."

She takes a swipe at the stumbling undead, which unfortunately misses, then disengages to flank the cat-like being with Ketra, who she strikes next!

Arcana, Study, identity monster (monster knowledge, heroism): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33

attack vs Purple, PA, fatigued, heroism, haste: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

damage, PA, -2 fatigued: 1d10 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

attack vs Nekomata, heroism +2, haste +1, flanked +4, study +2, PA -2, fatigued -1: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

damage, PA, study+2, -2 fatigued: 1d10 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14

sneak attack damage vs cat: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

If Ketra crits green during her turn, AoO due to outflank:

attack vs Nekomata, AoO, haste +1, heroism +2 flanked +4, study +2, PA -2, fatigued -1: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

damage, PA, study+2, -2 fatigued: 1d10 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14

sneak attack damage vs cat: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

Finished with her healing, Rosalind finds herself absolutely surrounded by undead!

"Just how I like it."

She grins and begins destroying the abominations!

Swift: reactivate undead bane, attack.

attack, undead bane, haste, heroism, -2 PA, vs FF?: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
damage: 1d10 + 15 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 15 + (6, 3) = 32
Sneak attack if paralyzed: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9

attack 2, undead bane, haste, heroism, -2 PA, vs FF?: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
damage: 1d10 + 15 + 2d6 ⇒ (9) + 15 + (2, 6) = 32
Sneak attack if paralyzed: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11

Rosalind will prioritise the blue and purple undead as such: critically injured > paralyzed > injured > blue (was studied: +2 extra hit and damage) > purple.

Silver Crusade

F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.

The cultists close in just as Rosalind sees Quietus stumble around in the background, quickly gaining his bearings. She again contemplates rushing him, even injured as she was - whether his death was worth hers, perhaps even all of theirs, so long as he couldn't use whatever he had on their town anywhere else.

But then the animated cultists begin viciously knifing Sanduro right behind her and she finds she can't leave him to his fate. No one would die again under her watch. Over her second dead body!

Shifting backward, she quickly heals both herself and him and urges him to withdraw! "Back into the building! Leave them to us!"

Healer's hands + Incredible healer 4 of 7, heroism: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (8) + 23 = 31

This action provokes from blue in a non-flanked position. It then heals both Rosalind and Sanduro for 40. I'll study blue as a swift action and Bane fades this round, leaving 2 rounds available for the day.

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