Master Historian

Captain James T. Yesterday's page

13 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Freehold DM wrote:
I like my rain and snow like I like my women.

Thick and plentiful.

Oh man, how did they get him away from Star Fleet Command!

Damn, Star Wars became Star Trek so suddenly no even noticed.

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Today we're getting some extra red shirts for our project.

Literally, as last year they printed out a whole bunch of red shirts for everyone but I refused, as well as co-worker and a bunch of other people that used to work for the same company that had red shirts for everyone, so you know all the new guys because they're the only ones wearing red shirts.

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The search for Spock is over!

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If I have enough sex with my wife will that give me super powers, because that's what she's been telling me.

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Orthos, Recurring Evil Henchman wrote:

Gives them a red shirt.

Shut up and go in that cave! I'm, not, paying you next week, for nothing.

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I don't like restraints either, I'm more of a hands on type of guy.

Just ask my wife.

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That's, not, how, winter works.

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Don't kill the baby. My god. What if that baby is really Mister Spock.

After all the holes I've riddled their ship with, they can keep it.

Besides, ever try to sell a used car that you just smashed up, you won't get much.

That's okay, it's probably better to leave as is, thanks for looking into it for me though!

Steady as she goes Mister Diego!

Edit: Oh, and don't you worry about me leaking walls o' text after it ships. We voted as a family and decided to wait to look at Starfinder until we open the box, to really capture that whiff of new rpg nostalgia. :-)

An. Attractive. Green colored alien. From another planet. Needs. Your. Help.

What. Are you going. To do.

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One. Order. Pending.

Hip. Hip. Hooray!