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I had players who really wanted to go the hive market. I crafted up enough stuff for a good session and a half but I wanted to make it a really big moment for one of the characters. I went looking for inspiration.
The lore provided in this scenario inspired me to create many sessions of potential worth of material rooted in the hive market and surrounding area. The provided scenario itself I won't review but I liked the concept enough to include it as an as a lead in to a bigger multi session adventure expanding on the provided setting information.
Served my purpose MUCH MUCH better then I had hoped.
I like the ideas. They provided me a lot of inspiration as I prefer big upgrades coming from looting rather then most loot coming from shopping in my games. The ideas are fun and work as a nice way to spice up a tier of weapons to give the players lots of choices.
My personal taste would be to make the quirks and flaws stronger to make them significant decisions for the players tasked with tracking them. As it stands there's some I'd be a lot more inclined to actually use BUT I wouldn't complain as I can easily tweak the numbers myself a point or two.
Exactly what I hoped it was worth buying.
If you have a player who wants to use grenades primarily this provides a nice system of advancement with the provided feats. I am testing the balance in a campaign with the feats and my impression is that it improves grenades as a primary weapon while not hurting overall balance. Perfect.
My favorite part about the feats is they were designed to add a lot of fun and strategy to the experience of using grenades instead of just strictly increasing their strength.
The grenades themselves are probably too strong. I love the ideas and several of them I will allow early on (I rule that you have to have knowledge of a weapon IN GAME to craft it). Others to me could break a lot of encounters and should probably be reserved for very high level play or very limited (I gave a player an arrow with the death spell on it at level 5 in pathfinder and it was an absolute blast for everyone weeks of anticipation and thought from it). Still awesome ideas and I LOVED the concepts. They provided all the necessary mechanics and I thought they were well worked out in that department.
Worth the buy for sure.
I came away with from reading it with enough inspiration that I wrote three sessions worth of material. I also have plenty of situational plot devices that I could see being useful. All of them felt like a very good fit in the starfinder universe.
I wish that in a couple of cases more lore/mechanics were provided though I found everything perfectly usable and inspiring in their current form.
100% worth a purchase ESPECIALLY if you have players who want space travel but not spaceship combat. It's good stuff regardless but it's priceless for my party.