Just got done with an interview with Dave Gross last week that will post in March. We have in the past also had Ed Greenwood and Chris Jackson on episodes and hope to get more Pathfinder Tales Authors in the future. If people are interested in listening I will put a link below. Just thought I would post a lil something here to get the word out as there is always cool stuff to hear. www.sideprojectpodcast.com Thanks, enjoy.
not sure if its the MOST brutal. but one of my favorite was put symbol of death on a closed door at the end of a hallway and 5 feet in front of it hung a curtain. no matter what someone is gonna have to make that save, if I'm lucky everyone will. I wasn't lucky, it was the one time that particular group didn't run in headlong and actually planned and prepared for stuff ahead of time. But they still talk about that particular trap now years later. as one of the simplest most engenius and cruel things they have seen. (and I have been running some of them for 20 years)
To me, if the players know they won't die, they make stupid decisions. there needs to be a healthy fear of morality in their character. which means you also need to have them feel invested in their character to care about that. So as a Gm you have to make sure they know, "you are first level, you should run when you hear there is XYZ obvious higher level monster in the next town." as opposed to either "who cares if we die, it'll be worth the loot." or "We can fight it, the GM won't actually kill us." or worse, both. Healthy fear for morality is a good thing.
Hey there guys, I was hoping to get your guy's opinions. I have a podcast (insert your groan here then keep reading) For a quick backstory, we are successful, and have had a bunch of pathfinder people on the show such as Ed Greenwood, and Chris Jackson. As well as high end organizers as well as other authors and game designers. And many such as Kieth Baker and Ed have asked to come back. So trust us. Ok, now that the establishing were not like every other 10 million podcasts. We started doing episodes about specific classes, and have done wizards clerics, and most recently paladins. Paladins being what caused us to make this decision, I was hoping if you get time to listen to it, to let me know your thoughts on what we had to say, and maybe other classes. A) feedback is great B) we want to do more of these, but I feel eventually some of the flavor classes can't really get a whole episode because their class history really starts with pathfinder and other than possible historical references and the class itself doesn't have a lot to make a whole episode about. So we have been mostly sticking to the core classes. But I am sure you good folk out there may have some more insight that would be awesome helpful to us. Thanks
I think this has been hammered until dead. lol However I like everyone else still want a piece of the action. I think if Players don't trust their GM, that at the very beginning is an issue. As was said earlier, if they do not like it let them GM. Players cannot play if no one will GM. Also, there is a reason every gaming system in the world has a GM screen, and it isn't just so you can have easy to get stats and information. Also, if they complain when you hide rolls, you simply state, I will stop hiding rolls, if you stop using out of character information to motivate your characters when you see what dice are rolled. on my final note, none of that should really be necessary, if you want to hide the rolls, as a GM that is your right. Meta gaming is a disease. I wish I would have seen this thread a few years ago when our podcast covered metagaming munchkins and minmaxxers. I would have loved to cover this topic, and who knows I might still. Personally, I don't need to hide rolls from my players, as I emphasize Roleplaying over Rollplaying, and they know better. However, if I ever feel I need to hide a dice roll which does happen, my players trust no matter the outcome of what I say, they roll with it. In the end it isn't Players vs. GM Which is how a lot of people see gaming these days (god I sound like an old guy) That is a place where a lot of issues we see come these days. Often some of the Players feel they need to "beat" the GM. So they cheat, min max, complain, etc. and sometimes GM's do it as well. Trust each other and work together to make a good game. And for "f"'s sake be honest and just tell them in a non conflicting manner how you feel.
Just ran across this making my first alchemist, and this is the only post I see that covers the subject. (that I can find) as far as I have read, and some GM's differ on the ruling. But most don't allow you to identify a magic item unless you have detect magic up. So at first level alchemists can get the spell identify to give them a bonus to their spellcraft check to identify a magic item. Which they cannot do, because they can't make an extract to give detect magic. I feel something is missed here, unless they seriously think that waiting and wasting a much higher arcane sight is more probable than allowing a few 0th level cantrips to make their way into the formula lists. has this been pointed out or covered anywhere else, and I am missing it? Honestly I am sure a GM can approve of adding detect magic to the 1st level list in a homespun game. But it woulod be nice to get an official reasoning behind the 0th level spells that would make total sense for being added to the formula list. just my 10 cents. ;-) Thanks
I am sure everone is well aware of the weight and size of roleplaying books. And many people have rooms specifically for gaming. But most cool gaming themed styled book ends are 2-3 lbs a piece and not tall enough. So when you have a row of players guides, bestiaries, ultimate this, and complete that. No basic bookend will hold them up when you pull a book out. I believe that designing and selling a few cool gaming styled book ends that can withstand the height and weight of roleplaying books would be a very good and profitable product to produce and sell. Also, if you wanted to go a step further, it would be extra cool if you sized it to work as a "mini" that could double as a figure. Could have it be a dragon, giant, ship, elemental, heck if if it looked like other books, or a wizards/scribes desk area. Just look at all the coole ones that exist, but aren't tall enough and/or weigh enough to hold roleplaying books. Just my thought "and hope" someone will make these. -Nick
Hrymm is much better in Liars Blade. He seems much less like an a-hole who could care less about Roderick and more like a guy who has witty banter with a friend. I wish Steve would get his own book series to narrate instead of jumping in after establish voicework, and doing nothing to attempt to get even close to the continuity of the previous voice actors. They are getting paid to be professional voice actors/readers/narrators. And we are paying money to listen. I would like at least an attempt to match a caidence or if you are going to insist to do accents, attempt to do the same ones as previously established.
I agree, it seems like all of the longer standing PF Tales have a great starting narrator then jump to Steve West who makes it brutal to listen too after having good voices. The Pirate Series, Liars Series and I plan to return my audio book of Lord of Runes it is so bad. If I am a narrator picking up after someone else, I would at least try to emulate the previous reader, especially if they are leaps and bounds beyond my skill. Not sure the reasons, but if you as a company sign up to have a bunch of books done, wouldnt it be good business sense to try and keep it all as close to the same as possible? There is a reason Val Kilmer and George Clooney as Batman failed. Other than Bond changing the actor is not good. Same should go forbaudio books. If at all possible, don't change the narrator.
Timitius wrote:
Thank you... and Submitted. Wish my friends would have pointed this out to me sooner, otherwise I would have had it in sooner. Best to everyone involved.
A friend just told me about this today. I created a great gambling system for in character gambling using standard deck of cards and poker hand rules.. but again for in character use. So, fast and based on character skills. Ill polish it up and write out a little history and it will be awesome for this! -Nick