Building a frontline control fighter using the Shield Brace feat and a Bill (polearm)
So far the build looks like this:
Human STR 17 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 10 CHR 8
1st lvl
Multiweapon Fighting
Shield Focus
Shield Brace
So he walks onto the field with a large steel shield and a Bill wielded in 1 hand braced against his shield (if you ever wondered what that little notch in the Shield is for, that's what it's for).
He takes the Shield ACP -2 to his attack roles with the polearm and he takes the two weapon fighting penalties if he decides to bash with his shield and attack with the Bill -2/-4
His backup weapon is a Scimitar And/Or Kukri
2nd lvl
Combat Reflexes
This his primary battlefield control element. He now has 4 attacks of op at reach.
3rd lvl
Improved Shield Bash
Armor Training I reduces his ACP by 1. He now only has a -1 to hit with the Bill.
4th lvl
Weapon Focus: Bill
Now he has no penalty with the Bill
5th lvl
Stand Still
Successful Op attacks stop movement
Weapon Training I: Polearms
Now he's +1 to hit with the Bill
6th lvl
Shield Slam
Pushing people back out to range for the Bill
7th lvl
Iron Will
A little sustain at this level now that spells are flying around a lot more.
Armor Training II. I'll skip the Advanced Training this time around because the reduced ACP also increases my attack. Bill attack is now +2
At this point the primary build is complete. I was thinking of adding Improved Critical to the Bill. Or going for Greater Two Weapon Fighting or Specialization with the Bill. I could also keep stacking Shield tree feats.
I'd like to improve damage output but I'm not sure what the best way to do that is.
8th lvl
Defended Movement
9th lvl
Vital Strike
10th lvl
Weapon Speclization: Bill
11th lvl
Shield Master
Any suggestions Would be appreciated.