You are able to suspend your body in a large mass of elemental matter. Until the next time your burn is removed, you can change your size to Large or shift back to your original size as a standard action. This doesn’t change your ability scores in any way. At 16th level, you can accept 1 additional point of burn to instead change your size to Huge. You cannot use kinetic form to decrease your size.
If you were 16th level and spent 2 burn, do you HAVE to change size to Huge and back to normal or can you choose to change to Large at any time (as a standard action)?
Using 1 burn, you can switch between Large and Medium all day (as a human). Using 2 burn can you only switch between Huge and Medium, or could you be Huge for a bit, switch back to Medium, then change to Large (instead of Huge) and then back to Medium (or up to Huge) as a standard action?
Doesn't seem broken to do so, but I just wanted to make sure before I get to 10th and possibly take this power.
I have a Warpriest (Sacred Fist) of Sarenrae that has Crusader Flurry so I can flurry of blows with a Scimitar. Warpriests of Sarenrae can also cast Flame Blade which is "wielded like a scimitar" for feats like Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, etc.
Would that allow me to Flurry of blows with a Flame Blade?
I know some of these might have already been answered, but I couldn't find any with search, so thought I would ask.
The Fervor aspect that lets you cast a spell on yourself as a swift action, but:
Fervor wrote:
When cast in this way, the spell can target only the warpriest, even if it could normally affect other or multiple targets.
Invisibility Purge has a range of Personal and a target of "you", but negates invisibility in an area of effect centered on you. Can you Fervor cast this since it has a range of personal and technically targets only you?
Flame Blade (Warpriest of Sarenrae) has a range of 0' and no target (but creates an effect of "a sword-like beam"). Can you Fervor cast this, or since it has no target, it is ineligible?
Silence has no target line, but specifically states you can target a creature (which gets a save if unwilling). But it effects all creates within 20' of that target (much like Invisibility Purge). Can you target your self with the Fervor casting option to silence a 20' area around you since the other creatures are not targeted?
Undeath Ward is an emanation centered on you, but also has no "Target" line. If it can be Fervor cast, would it prevent undead from entering the 10' emanation or would it have "no affect on others"?
Guardian of Faith can be transferred to another after it is cast. Can you Fervor cast it on yourself, and then next round transfer it since it "only affects you" is only on the round it is cast? Or does it only affect you for the duration of the spell?
Random Some Spell any weird interaction of spells (or new spell that comes out) that targets one (or more) creatures but then creates an affect to others around that target. Can the "others around that target" still be affected by a Fervor casting on oneself? What if they had access to a Chill Touch type spell (but heals) that lasts more than one round? Can they be the target of the spell on the round it is cast, and then use it to touch others later?
I know that spells that "target" weapons like Magic Weapon or Sun Metal can't be cast with Fervor, but what about spells that target the caster and state "any weapon wielded by the caster" like Lead Blades (if they had access to that on their warpriest spell list some how)?
Can anyone think of any other spells that might be questionable with this application of Fervor?
I can't find anything about the two abilities not stacking, but at the same time, they both do the same thing basically, so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't stack.
Energized Weapon wrote:
Choose a manufactured weapon in your hand (not an unarmed strike or natural attack); if the weapon is a double weapon, you must choose one of its ends to receive this benefit. You imbue the chosen weapon with your elemental energy as part of an attack action, charge action, or full-attack action to add extra damage to each of your attacks with that weapon until the beginning of your next turn. Your attacks with the chosen weapon during that action deal 1d6 additional points of damage. At 7th level and every 6 levels thereafter, this bonus damage increases by 1d6 points. Blue flame blasts deal double this additional damage. The additional damage is of the same type as the infused blast’s damage. This additional damage ignores spell resistance and doesn’t apply any modifiers to your kinetic blast’s damage (such as your Constitution modifier).
Flaming wrote:
Upon command, a flaming weapon is sheathed in fire that deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. The fire does not harm the wielder. The effect remains until another command is given.
If a 5th+ level Fire Kineticist with Energize Weapon (and Infusion Specialization so the blast costs 0 burn) picked up a Flaming dagger, would that dagger deal +2d6 fire (1d6 from Energized Weapon, and 1d6 from Flaming) or would only one of the abilities work?
If you are a level 6 Kineticist with the Elemental Ascetic archetype (gets Kinetic Fist for 0 burn), and you have Monk VMC for unarmed damage....
...and you punch a Diminutive Swarm, does all your damage count as "involves a sizable mass of elemental matter or energy, so kinetic blasts always deal full damage to swarms of any size" or is it only the 1d6 from Kinetic Fist that does any damage?
...and you punch a Ghost. Does it deal 1/2 damage from the whole attack since "All damage from a kinetic blast is treated as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction", or only 1d6/2 for the Kinetic Fist?
In both of those situations I'm pretty sure Kinetic Blade would do:
3d6+6 (16 WIS, simple physical blast) to the Swarm and (3d6+6)/2 to the Ghost but you would only get 1 attack instead of the 2 you would get from flurry. But if only the Kinetic Fist part is doing any damage and your "ordinary" fists aren't doing anything in those situations it seems better.
When you finally get +2d6 on Kinetic Fist, your Unarmed Damage is 1d10, and your Kinetic Blade is 6d6+6+WIS (11th level) per attack with 2 attacks (+8/+3).
If you are using Unchained Monk, do you get the +1 attack at level 11 for the Elemental Ascetic's Elemental Fury ability?
Does "Chained" Monk just use the chart on the Monk Class since it doesn't make any stipulation on base attack bonus like the Warpriest Sacred Fist does?
Elemental Ascetic wrote:
When using the kinetic fist form infusion with a full attack, he can make a flurry of blows as the monk class feature.
Unchained Monk wrote:
At 11th level, a monk can make an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus whenever he makes a flurry of blows.
A: Unarmed = +8/+8/+8/+3 for 1d10+2d6+STR (Unchained)
The Air Supremacy power from the School of Air says:
Air Supremacy wrote:
You gain a +2 enhancement bonus on Fly skill checks. This bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess. In addition, you can cast feather fall on yourself at will. At 5th level, you can cast levitate on yourself at will. At 10th level, you can cast fly on yourself at will. At 20th level, whenever you make a Fly skill check, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
This means that at 10th level you would have +4 to Fly checks and the ability to cast Fly on yourself at will.
Fly spell wrote:
The subject can fly at a speed of 60 feet (or 40 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load). It can ascend at half speed and descend at double speed, and its maneuverability is good.
Using a fly spell requires only as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells normally. The subject of a fly spell can charge but not run, and it cannot carry aloft more weight than its maximum load, plus any armor it wears. The subject gains a bonus on Fly skill checks equal to 1/2 your caster level.
So when you cast Fly on yourself you get Good maneuverability (+4 to Fly checks) and +1/2 level to Fly checks.
Do all of those stack? So a 10th level Air Wizard (or 10th level character with VMC: Wizard(Air)) would get +13 to Fly checks while using the self Fly?
The talents Flame Jet, Gravity Control, and Self Telekinesis all say that you can spend a Standard action to move 60' in a straight line (up costs double). It doesn't say whether the path is blocked by creatures. Can you move through friendly spaces like normal movement? Use Acrobatics to move through enemy squares? (if so, is there a penalty to Acrobatics for moving faster than normal speed?) Can you use the movement to Overrun (possibly knocking over people you blast through)? I know Overrun is a Standard action, but it also says part of a charge, and the "move in a straight line" part is pretty charge-like.
I'm also assuming the movement provokes attacks of opportunity, but the talents don't specify that either. Should I just assume that it is normal movement (within a straight line) without any additional restrictions?
So I'm thinking of proposing the following archetype to my DM to see if he will let me play it, but I'm not sure if it is too much or not enough. I also can't seem to get the wording of Elemental Balance right. It doesn't seem complicated until I start trying to explain how it works, then it sounds complicated :)
Elementalist (maybe Primal Elementalist)
Elemental Knowledge (Ex)
An Elementalist adds Knowledge (Planes) to their list of class skills. (This counts as the skills added based on chosen element).
Instead of specializing in one element, an Elementalist has roots in each of the four prime elements (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water). An Elementalist chooses one simple blast from each element at 1st level. At 7th level the Elementalist gains the composite blasts based on their selection of simple blasts.
This replaces Elemental Focus, Expanded Element, the Infusion gained at 1st level, and alters class skills.
Elemental Balance (Su)
The four elements must be kept in balance in order to harness their power safely. For every Infusion or Wild Talent you posses that exceeds any of the other elements by more than one, you start the day with one burn for each point you are out of balance. Examples: You have an Earth Infusion, and a Fire and Air Wild Talent at level 4. If the Infusion you choose at 5th is any element other than Water, you will have 1 burn every morning (because you need 1 Water to be in balance). If you had 4 Fire, 3 Air and 0 in the other two, that would be 6 burn (you would need 3 Water, and 3 Earth to be in balance). A Universal talent/infusion counts as any element you choose when making this calculation (so you could have 2 Fire, and 3 universal and not take any burn, counting each universal as a different element). An Elementalist must choose a balancing talent/infusion if the total burn they would receive every day exceeds the total burn they can accept in a day (3+CON)
You cannot use Internal Buffer if you are out of balance.
This alters Burn and Internal Buffer.
Elemental Resistance (Su)
At 2nd level, an Elementalist gains +2 resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the resistance increases by 2 to a total of +10 resistance at 18th level. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase this resistance by 2 until the next time your burn is removed. The maximum resistance you can gain is 20. This resistance stacks with any resistance you already possess.
This replaces Elemental Defence.
Everything else seems to fit with the Elementalist theme (Elemental Overload, Metakinesis, etc.) Anything else I could/should change before submitting?
1. The Blind condition states that you get a -4 to Perception checks that don't rely on sight, and automatically fail ones that do rely on sight. Can you still "notice" an invisible opponent that is 30' away using Perception if you are blind? I'm assuming that the "notice" doesn't mean "see the shimmer of movement like the Predator's armor" but more "hear/feel/smell" that there is something there.
2. Base DC to "Notice" an Invisible creature within 30' is 20+Stealth (40+Stealth to pinpoint). Does that already take the distance into consideration? Would that mean it is a 21+Stealth to notice an Invisible creature within 40'? If you have the Unchained Rogue skill unlock for Perception so that you only take -1 for every 30' instead of -1 for every 10' (10 ranks) does that lower the Perception check to notice within 30' then?
3. If you have Blindsight out to 30' (but are blind otherwise) and there is an Invisible opponent 40' away, you have the same chance as noticing them as a normal blind creature correct (including the -4 to Perception)?
4. Greater Blind-Fight says you have to pinpoint an Invisible creature at range to avoid losing your Dex (and giving them a +2 to hit), and states that it can be farther than 30' (which is covered by Improved Blind-Fight) but doesn't give the details on what is required to pinpoint an Invisible foe farther than 30' out. Do we just add distance penalties to the normal 30' DC as in question 2?
5. An Unchained Rogue can Sneak Attack someone with Concealment (unlike a regular Rogue), but not Total Concealment. If you have Greater Blind-Fight so that Total Concealment is treated as Concealment, can you then Sneak Attack an Invisible opponent (or anyone with Total Concealment)?
6. Can you use Stealth to "sneak past" someone with Blindsight? Or would it be the same as trying to use Stealth against someone with Darkvision (i.e. automatically failing due to lack of "concealment")? (I'm just picturing the fight scene with Daredevil and the ninja that "masked their sounds" to fool his "blindsight" being the equivalent of Stealth vs. Perception).
EDIT: 7. Against Mirror Image, Blind-Fight is "accepted" as a way to ignore the spell effect for the favorable 50% miss chance due to the caster being "invisible". I've always wondered what happens to the images though when you "attack a creatures square" and miss due to Total Concealment. Do you automatically miss all the images too? Seems very unlikely that missing AC by 5 or less automatically destroys an image, but hitting AC without an issue, but rolling lower than 50% misses everything in the square.
1. If a Warpriest 3 / Druid 4 selects Weapon Focus (Claw) and Wildshapes into a Leopard (medium sized animal) the claws deal 1d6 for Sacred Weapon right? (Instead of the 1d3 that they normally would)
2. If you had the Improved Natural Attack (Claw) feat, would the Leopard's claws do 1d8 for the "size" increase of the Warpriest damage or would it stay 1d6 since the Sacred Weapon damage is higher than what the claws would be with the feat (1d4)?
3. If you gained 4 levels in Druid and then Wildshaped into a Lion (large sized animal) would your claws do 1d8 (large size Warpriest) instead of 1d4? 3b. With Improved Natural Attack (Claw) feat, 2d6 for Warpriest increase?
4. Anything prevent you from using Fervor while Wildshaped? For the "Cast a spell as a swift action" part you would probably need the Natural Spell feat, but for normal uses of Fervor (healing / damage to undead)?
Some of the VMC is pretty straight forward when it comes to abilities vs. "levels" and some are not. Some magic items are pretty straight forward how they relate to abilities and some are not.
For instance:
Fighter VMC wrote:
Bravery: At 3rd level, he gains the bravery class feature as a fighter of his character level – 1.
Armor Training 1: At 7th level, he gains armor training 1.
Weapon Training 1: At 11th level, he gains weapon training 1.
Armor Training 2: At 15th level, he gains armor training 2.
Weapon Training 2: At 19th level, he gains weapon training 2.
Sash of the War Champion (Fighter level is 4 higher for Bravery and Armor Training class features)
Since Bravery has an "equivalent" Fighter level, it would be easy to add 4 to it to find out what the Bravery bonus would be, but Armor Training 1 does't have a level associated with it. Fighters get -1/+1 for ever 4 levels, so the magic item would give a fighter with Armor Training 1, -2 to ACP and +2 Max DEX (the equivalent of Armor Training 2). Would the Fighter VMC get -2/+2 for Armor Training 1 with the item or not gain anything since Armor Training 2 for the VMC isn't available until 15th level? (I think this is along the same lines as the Myrmidarch ability of the same name that "stacks" with Fighter levels, but doesn't have any Fighter levels). Would the Fighter VMC gain Armor Training 2 at level 11 with the item (4 levels sooner than without the item)?
Gloves of Dueling on the other hand (pun TOTALLY intended) gives anyone with the Weapon Training class feature +2 to whatever level they have it at. So a Fighter VMC that was 11th level would get +3 to hit and damage with the one group they choose. Item works just fine for the VMC (and any class/archetype that has the class feature). Not based on level.
Since both Bravery and Armor Training advance every 4 levels, would it break the world if the item was reworded to match the Gloves? "Anyone with the Bravery or Armor Training class features increases their bonus with each ability by 1". That would allow Myrmidarch, Dragoon, and other classes/archetypes that have Armor Training benefit from the item without having actual Fighter levels.
There are other combinations (Sorcerer and Robes of Arcane Heritage, Monk and Monk's Robes, Druid and Druid Vestments, etc. that might have similar wordings that don't work RAW but probably should RAI, it has just taken me most of the day (at work so not able to focus on it) to get these two examples down.
The Elemental Annihilator seems to be a fighter that uses a modified form of Kinetic Blast (Devastating Infusion) as their weapons (ranged and melee).
They get Good base attack rather than Medium with their Devastating Infusion (which can only be a physical blast, not an elemental blast, so it targets regular AC instead of Touch AC)
Their damage is 1d8+CON and doesn't get better.
They get bonus combat feats that they don't have to qualify for like Specialization and Two-Weapon Fighting.
They can use Vital Strike with their Devastating Infusion.
They can us Rapid Shot with their ranged Devastating Infusion.
At 4th level they can make attacks of opportunity with their Devastating Infusion (to make melee attacks).
They get fighter Weapon Training with their Devastating Infusion.
They can make regular iterate attacks with their Devastating Infusion and benefit from Haste.
Now for the questions:
1 - Since you can make attacks of opportunities with the Devastating Infusion at level 4 (meaning it is "always present"), could you take the Snap Shot tree of feats for the ranged Devastating Infusion? Granted the first feat would do nothing for you since you already threaten within 5' and your melee and ranged attack deal the same damage, but with Improved Snap Shot, could you threaten within 15' with your ranged Devastating Infusion?
2 - Can you take feats with a base attack requirement = to your level (as if you were a fighter) since your base attack with Devastating Infusion is = to your level, or do you have to abide by your actual base attack for feat requirements? (for feats that aren't taken as bonus feats where you don't have to meet requirements).
3 - Because the Devastating Infusion is physical (affected by DR) can you take Clustered Shots for ranged Devastating Infusion?
4 - Since you can take Specialization, you can qualify for Point Blank Master to not draw attacks of opportunities when shooting ranged Devastating Infusions. Could you then take Opening Volley and use your first attack as a ranged attack, giving your second attack (melee) a +4 bonus to hit (after you have iterate attacks of course)?
5 - Devastating Infusion states that the damage bonus from Elemental Overflow doesn't apply to Devastating Infusion, but it doesn't say anything about the bonus to hit. Does that still apply to Devastation Infusions?
If I use a Move Action to move 30', and then use a Standard Action to cast a spell, I can still use the Counterspell Exploit (Immediate Action) to prevent an enemy spellcaster from casting right?
Because the Exploit works like dispel magic, I just want to make sure that there isn't a "can't cast more than one spell (the Standard Action spell, and the "Dispel Magic" exploit) in the same round type of restriction.
Elemental Bloodline Arcana allows you to change the elemental damage from one type to your bloodline type. Nothing else on the spell changes. So a Shocking Grasp that deals fire damage instead of electricity still gets +3 to hit against metal wearing targets and is considered a [Fire] spell.
My question is about spells that have multiple elemental types based on when the spell is cast, like Elemental Touch. It is a [Fire] spell when you choose to deal fire damage, [Cold] when you deal cold damage, etc. Can you choose to cast it as an [Electricity] spell and then use your bloodline arcana to change it to [Fire] in order to deal fire damage, but make the target save or be staggered as if it was the [Electricity] type, or by changing the type of the spell as it is cast do you have to use the entry for that type?
Can a Magus/Warpriest cast 2 spells per round using Spell Combat for one and Fervor for the other?
Spell Combat is a full round action allowing attacks + 1 spell of standard action or less, this still allows for Swift actions yes?
Fervor allows you to cast a spell as a Swift Action.
Granted, you wouldn't be high enough level to have a bunch of spells, and you would have to take 6 levels in Magus and the Broad Study Arcana in order to use Warpriest spells with Spell Combat / Spellstrike, but being able to full attack and cast Shield and Bless or something (self only) in the same round at low levels isn't too bad.
This spell functions like lesser angelic aspect, except you gain low-light vision; darkvision 60 feet; DR 10/evil; immunity to acid, cold, and petrification; resistance to electricity and fire 10; a +4 racial bonus on saves against poison; and protective aura and truespeech as supernatural abilities for the duration of the spell. Also, your wings give you a fly speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability.
Protective aura provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures to anyone within 20 feet. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet.
Truespeech allows you to speak with any creature that has a language, as though using the tongues spell.
So if the Cleric casts this spell on the first round of combat, protecting the entire party, and then the Wizard casts Haste, does the spell do nothing? Normally a Lesser Globe of Invulnerability is an immobile bubble that spells can't pass through. Protective Aura is an emanation that protects those in its radius (and can move). Does it suppress spells "brought into" it's area (or if the area moves into a square with a spell effect in it already)? Does it basically become an anti-magic field for spells 3rd level and lower? If the other party members (now with suppressed Haste) leave the area, does Haste kick in? If everyone moves 20' away from the Cleric (usually a bad idea) does Haste begin to affect them normally? Does this prevent the Cleric from using Cure Light, Moderate, and Serious Wounds on anyone?
Doesn't sound very "Protective" if that is the case.
Spell Tinkerer (Su): The arcanist can alter an existing spell effect by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. To use this ability, she must be adjacent to the spell effect (or the effect's target) and be aware of the effect. She can choose to increase or decrease the remaining duration of the spell by 50%. This ability can be used on unwilling targets, but the arcanist must succeed at a melee touch attack, and the target may attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. This ability cannot be used on a given spell effect more than once. This ability has no effect on spells that are instantaneous or have a duration of permanent.
Mage Armor modified by Spell Tinkerer = 1.5 hours per level
Extend Spell wrote:
Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat.
Level Increase: +1 (an extended spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.)
Mage Armor modified by Extend Spell = 2 hours per level
Would both of them used together follow the multiplier rule of adding multiples together, for 2.5 hours per level instead of 3?
A blood arcanist selects one bloodline from those available through the sorcerer bloodline class feature. The blood arcanist gains the bloodline arcana and bloodline powers of that bloodline, treating her arcanist level as her sorcerer level. The blood arcanist does not gain the class skill, bonus feats, or bonus spells from her bloodline.
Does a Blood Arcanist count as a Sorcerer for a Robe of Arcane Heritage or other items that are "bloodline" specific?
Robe of Arcane Heritage wrote:
These elegant, dark purple robes are usually decorated with gold stitching suggesting a particular sorcerer bloodline, though some might indicate a family tree. When a sorcerer dons a robe of arcane heritage, the stitching pulls itself apart and reweaves to match her particular sorcerer bloodline. The wearer treats her sorcerer level as 4 higher than normal for the purpose of determining what bloodline powers she can use and their effects.
Sort of redundant, but for roleplaying purposes, this villian is a Serpentfolk Sorcerer with the Serpentine Bloodline.
The first level power of the bloodline is "Serpent's Fang"
Serpent's Fang (Ex) wrote:
At 1st level, you can grow fangs as a free action. These fangs are treated as a natural weapon inflicting 1d4 points of damage plus your Strength modifier (1d3 if you are Small) plus poison (Bite—injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Con damage; cure 1 save). At 5th level, these fangs are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming DR and the poison damage increases to 1d2 Con. At 7th level, your poison requires 2 successful saves to cure. At 11th level, your poison damage increases to 1d4 Con. You can use your fangs for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
The Serpentfolk race, already has fangs with their own (different) poison.
Serpentfolk wrote:
bite +5 (1d6–1 plus poison)
Poison = Bite—injury; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 2 saves.
The save DC is Constitution-based.
So when they use their Serpent's Fang ability does it completely suppress their natural fangs for the duration? Use the higher of the two damages and both poisons? I assume it is a polymorph effect basically and I'm thinking it would just replace their normal fangs in all ways.
Looking to create a spell for a Magus or Arcanist/Fighter big bad my group will be facing soon, and I would like to develop a spell for him that is kind of an Arcane version of Divine Power that is more "magic" like. Was thinking something like:
Magic is Might
Level: 5 Sorcerer/Wizard (maybe 4 Magus)
School: Transmutation (like Haste or Transformation) or Evocation (like Divine Power)?
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a triangular stone)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round / level
Caster gains a +1 Insight bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls for every 3 levels you have (maximum +6). You also gain +2 Dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose your DEX bonus to AC (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. All forms of movement gain a +30' Enhancement bonus up to double normal base. Whenever you make a full-attack action, you can make an additional attack at your full base attack bonus. This additional attack is not cumulative with similar effects such as haste, or speed.
Do you think this is balanced? Should it be a higher level spell? Is it too similar to another spell that I could look at instead?
At 4th level, the evangelist may select a new language as a gift from her chosen deity. She gains the ability to speak and write this new language fluently, so as to better communicate with those she meets in the course of her travels. At 8th level, the evangelist selects a second language to learn. The ability to comprehend these languages is an instantaneous divine gift, and spells and effects that dispel persistent effects can't remove the evangelist's gift of tongues.
Can they choose Druidic or other language restricted to other class/race not normally chosen with Linguistics?
So, I want to make sure my maths and rules are correct.
Assume: wrote:
8th Level Magus
20 STR
Weapon Focus Longsword
Longsword +2
Magus casts Monstrous Physique I to turn into a Gargoyle.
His gear resizes (making room for the wings and bulgier muscles).
Now with a 22 STR, and natural attacks...
Does he get +15/+10 sword, +7 claw, +7 bite, +7 gore with a full attack?
Maths wrote:
6(BAB)+6(STR)+2(weapon)+1(focus) = 15 (-5 for iterate attack)
6(BAB)+6(STR)-5(Primary natural attack becomes Secondary when used along side weapon attacks)
If he chooses to cast a spell with Spell Combat, he would lose the claw attack (free hand), but would he retain the bite and gore? All attacks would be at -2 (13/8,5,5,Spell) where Spell could be a touch attack allowing a Spellstrike of +13 (or touch of +10)? Is that correct?
I know the spells themselves don't require "familiarity" with the creature you are turning into, but my GM likes a certain level of common sense at his table. If you have never heard of Creature X, why would you be able to transform into one, and gain abilities you didn't know it had in the first place?
What do you think would be a suitable Knowledge DC to "have heard of" Creature X to turn into one? Would you use the Knowledge Skill "Identify a monster's abilities and weaknesses" DC of 10+CR? Or something a little easier just to have heard of it (like 5+CR). If it has multiple abilities (like Grab, Energy Resistance, Vulnerability, Freeze, Pounce, etc.) would you get them all with a successful check or do you think the "for every 5 in which you exceed the DC you learn another ability/weakness" would be reasonable/unreasonable?
This would make it advantageous to "research" creatures you are interested in ahead of time to make sure they are available when you get the spell needed (Monstrous Physique, or Beast Shape, etc.)
So... at 7th level, the Kensai Magus gains this ability:
Fighter Training wrote:
Fighter Training (Ex)
Starting at 7th level, a kensai counts his magus level –3 as his fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for feats (if he has levels in fighter, these levels stack), but forfeits the benefit of such feats with weapons other than his favored weapon.
And at level 10, they get this ability:
Fighter Training wrote:
Fighter Training (Ex)
Starting at 10th level, a magus counts 1/2 his total magus level as his fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for feats. If he has levels in fighter, these levels stack.
After searching the forums for a while, it seems this means that a 10th level Kensai is considered a 7th level Fighter for feats relating to his specialty weapon, and 5th level Fighter for feats with other weapons. So my question is what about feats like Disruptive? If the Kensai takes the feat at 9th level, do they get the benefit from it only when wielding their special weapon even though the feat isn't weapon specific?
EDIT: Oops, I meant for this to be in the Rules Forum.
Hey guys, I'm getting ready to run a homebrew game, and need to setup some "behind the scenes" stuff for my players. One of the things I need help with is setting up logical (or kinda logical) lists for the different classes. My first run through is below, but glancing at it, I find it lacking. I was hoping to have each class be in at least two different lists, but a few (like Fighter) only show up once.
Are there any categories I could add or change?
Are there any classes that would fit better in a different list (or added to it)?
Area there any classes that don't fit the suggested lists?
The main reason for this is for character creation "Due to the attention of the gods being directed elsewhere, you can't start play as a Divine class" or "You will begin play as members of the High Art tower, you will be playing gestalt characters, but one of your classes has to be from the Arcane list", etc.
The closer I can get similar classes together (even if it means making new or removing lists) the more consistent it will be to have characters pick a specific list, or have them choose a list that they want nothing to do with, etc.
So both Arcane Pool from Magus and the Arcane Weapon exploit from Arcanist increase the enhancement bonus of a weapon, stacking with a weapon's existing bonus OR can add special abilities.
Do the abilities stack?
If you are a 5th level Magus (+2 from Arcane Pool) and you have a +1 weapon, you can make it +3, or +2 Keen, or +1 Flaming Burst, etc. by spending a point from your Arcane Pool as a swift action.
If you then take 5 levels in Arcanist and take the Arcane Weapon exploit (+1), you can spend a point from your Arcane Reservoir as a standard action to make a +1 weapon into a +2, or +1 Shock, etc.
Can these two abilities be used together to increase the Enhancement bonuses, the special abilities, or both?
Arcane Pool (Su)
At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.
At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal.
Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the magus uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the magus.
Arcane Weapon (Su)
As a standard action, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to enhance her weapon. The weapon is treated as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. At 5th level, the weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus, which increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 5th (to a maximum of +4 at 17th level). These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5. An arcanist can also use this exploit to add one of the following weapon special abilities: dancing, defending, distance, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, spell storing, and throwing. Adding these special abilities replaces an amount of enhancement bonus equal to the ability's cost. Duplicate special abilities do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added to it before any other weapon special abilities can be added. The benefits are decided upon when the exploit is used, and they cannot be changed unless the exploit is used again. These benefits only apply to weapons wielded by the arcanist; if another creature attempts to wield the weapon, it loses these benefits, though they resume if the arcanist regains possession of the weapon. The arcanist cannot have more than one use of this ability active at a time. This effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the arcanist's Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Would you let the Iaijutsu ability of the Magus (Kensai) (gained at 7th level) count as "Quick Draw" for a feat that required it?
Iaijutsu (Ex)
At 7th level, a kensai applies his Intelligence modifier as well as his Dexterity modifier on initiative rolls (minimum 0). A kensai may make attacks of opportunity when flat-footed, and may draw his favored weapon as a free action as part of taking an attack of opportunity.
Can draw his weapon as a free action, like Quick Draw, but only for attacks of opportunity.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks as long as you start combat with a dueling sword in your hand. As long as you wield only a single dueling sword in one hand, you gain a +2 shield bonus to your AC—if you wield the sword in two hands, this bonus drops to a +1 shield bonus to AC.
Although the dueling sword inflicts slashing damage, you treat it as if it were also a piercing weapon when determining the effects of weapons used by a duelist.
Which requires you to have the weapon in your hand already before combat, so neither Quick Draw or Iaijutsu is going to be used, but it is there in the prerequisites...
Prerequisite: Magus 6, levels in another spellcasting class
Benefit: The magus selects another one of his spellcasting classes. The magus can use his spellstrike and spell combat abilities while casting or using spells from the spell list of that class. This does not allow him to cast arcane spells from that class’s spell list without suffering the normal chances of arcane spell failure, unless the spell lacks somatic components.
As written, Broad Study only allows spells from the other class to be used. So if you were a Magus 6 / Elemental Sorcerer 3, you could cast your Sorcerer spells with Spellstrike and Spell Combat, but you couldn't use your Elemental Ray ability with either.
Would it be overpowered to do so? Use your Wizard's Arcane School ability with Spell Combat as a Magus / Wizard, or Summon Monster ability as a Magus / Summoner? Or if you were a Magus / Cleric, use Spell Combat with a Channel Energy in place of a spell. Something like that? Would it require a higher level version of Broad Study (with Broad Study as a prerequisite) to be "balanced"?
As it stands, there are things that are "as you cast a spell", like the Admixture Wizard Arcane School ability, which you could use with Spell Combat as long as the spell you were casting was on your lists, but there are a lot of "other class" abilities that you can't.
Arcanist Exploits? Lightning Lance vs. Metamixing? One is used like a spell to blast your enemies with lightning (totally Magus) the other allows you to add a Metamagic feat to a spell without increasing its casting time. As written, Metamixing would work with Spell Combat, but Lightning Lance would not.
I could have sworn it was spells and abilities of the other class, but that might have been a playtest version I'm thinking of. If doing so would require an "Improved" version of the Arcana, what requirements (other than Broad Study) should it have (if any)?
I designed this archetype for an NPC in a game I am running (a group of NPCs actually) but wanted to get some input on balance/flavor for making it available to players at some later time or for some later game.
Inconspicuous Watcher (Druid archetype)
Add Disguise, Knowledge (Local), and Stealth to the list of class skills, and remove Handle Animal and Ride.
Nature Bond (EX) – An Inconspicuous Watcher may not select an Animal Companion. Instead, she must choose from the following domains, rather than those usually available to druids: Darkness, Knowledge, Luck, Travel, or Trickery. They can also choose from the subdomains Night, Thought, Fate, Exploration, or Thievery.
Spontaneous Casting – Instead of calling upon the allies of nature, an Inconspicuous Watcher can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower. This ability replaces the ability to spontaneously cast Summon Nature’s Ally spells.
Wild Shape (SU) – At 1st level, an Inconspicuous Watcher gains the ability to take the form of unassuming animals that are more suited for observation than combat. They can only change into Tiny animals (use Beast Shape II for size, but Beast Shape I for abilities). She can use Wild Shape twice per day at level one, and gains an additional use at 4th level and every two levels thereafter, for a total of 10 times at 18th level. At 20th level, a druid can use Wild Shape at will.
At 4th level, a druid can now assume the form of Small animals (as per Beast Shape I).
At 6th level, a druid can Wild Shape into Medium animals (use Beast Shape I for size, but can now use Beast Shape II for abilities).
At 8th level, a druid can now assume the form of Diminutive animals (as per Beast Shape III).
The Inconspicuous Watcher cannot use Wild Shape to become larger than Medium, or assume the forms of elementals or plants like other druids. This ability alters Wild Shape.
Favored Terrain (EX) – At 3rd level, an Inconspicuous Watcher gains the ranger’s Favored Terrain ability. She treats her druid level as her ranger level for this ability. If she has levels in both classes, both class’s levels stack for determining the effects of this ability. This ability replaces Trackless Step and Resist Nature’s Lure.
Additional Domain – At 9th level, an Inconspicuous Watcher can select another domain or subdomain from those available through her Nature Bond. This ability replaces Venom Immunity.
I had originally only included the Wild Shape part to the NPC, but then later thought that if Wild Shape was the only part changed, it could be mixed with some other Archetypes so I flushed it out a bit. That and it was still a very "nature" centered druid, even though most of the NPCs observed civilization through the eyes of rats, ally cats, and ravens. So I looked at some of the other archetypes and figured that the Favored Terrain option made sense, especially for those that preferred the urban locations.
Looking for some advice and possible modifications to make it more "PC friendly"
There is a list of Exploits that this Arcanist Archetype can select, and one of them is Magus Arcana. It states that a Blade Adept can select from a list of Magus Arcana, using Arcane Reservoir in place of Arcane Pool.
The list includes Wand Wielder. However, Wand Wielder can only be used with Spell Combat, something the Blade Adept doesn't get.
Not sure if it was just added as a mistake (and should have been Wand Mastery instead) or if they had originally intended to give the Archetype a Spell Combat like ability (since the 1st and 9th level exploits seem like a hefty price for Arcane Bond).
Should I just remove it completely or change it to Wand Mastery instead?
There is a list of Exploits that this Arcanist Archetype can select, and one of them is Magus Arcana. It states that a Blade Adept can select from a list of Magus Arcana, using Arcane Reservoir in place of Arcane Pool.
The list includes Wand Wielder. However, Wand Wielder can only be used with Spell Combat, something the Blade Adept doesn't get.
Not sure if it was just added as a mistake (and should have been Wand Mastery instead) or if they had originally intended to give the Archetype a Spell Combat like ability (since the 1st and 9th level exploits seem like a hefty price for Arcane Bond).
Should I just remove it completely or change it to Wand Mastery instead?
I would like to develop a 4th level Wizard/Sorcerer spell that functions like Produce Flame (but electricity instead of fire). Being a much higher level spell, I was thinking of having the damage be 2d6 + 1/level (max +10) per attack. I'm not sure if that is too good though. Other 4th level spells that deal damage mostly require saves for 1/2 damage and affect a large area (Ice Storm, Shout, Dragon's Breath) being able to affect multiple targets. But being a "to hit" spell, the target wouldn't get a save (if it hits) dealing 2d6+7 to 2d6+10 damage (with the possibility of doing double damage on a critical), once per round for 7+ rounds. Granted, it isn't that impressive compared to a Two-Handed Sword wielding Fighter that can attack 2+ times per round for the same or more damage per attack, but it allows a Wizard/Sorcerer to cast 1 spell and be "effective" in combat for 7+ rounds. This is one of the reasons behind the spell, to manage resources a little better with my Sorcerer.
If it is "too good / not good enough" what might I do to tweak it? I want to have something to propose to my GM that I can backup with examples if need be.
It is my understanding that Magus cannot use Metamagic Rods in conjunction with Spell Combat or Spellstrike (since you have to have the rod in hand to use it, but you have to have a free hand to use Spell Combat, etc.) so you can't cast a spell with a free hand AND hold the rod AND wield your weapon at the same time.
However, could you wield the Rod as an improvised mace in your "main" hand? That would seem to meet all the requirements of having a free hand, wielding a "weapon" in the other hand, and having the Rod available.
If the Magus in question was a Kensai, that wouldn't work though. Would it be possible to make a Ring, or Bracer, or other item function as a Metamagic Rod? Would you price it the same? Rods don't take up body slots, but a Ring, or Bracer would. Would that change the pricing at all? Would the crafter of such an item need Craft Rod AND Forge Ring (or Craft Wondrous)? I would think so.
If a Sorcerer with the Draconic Bloodline picks Mage Armor as one of his spells known at 1st level, what happens at 3rd level when they get Mage Armor as a Bloodline spell for free. Do they "gain" that ability even though it doesn't do them any good, or do they lose that ability? At 4th level if they chose to swap out Mage Armor (that they got at 1st level) with another 1st level spell, does the Bloodline spell ability that was previously redundant kick in (adding Mage Armor to their known spells) or do they lose Mage Armor from their list of spells known because they never gained the Bloodline spell in the first place?
Along the same line, if a Fighter chooses Endurance as a 1st level bonus feat later becomes a Ranger who gains Endurance for free, do they "gain" Endurance if they later trade their 1st level bonus feat for another feat using the Fighter feat retraining thing?
Basically, for redundant abilities, do you write them down for each source so that if one of those sources changes later, the redundant source then kicks in?
Ok, so I'm pretty familiar with the Magic Item crafting rules as they pertain to making items, and then how you go about upgrading them (+1 weapon to a +2 weapon, etc). What I am not sure about is if you can upgrade an item you have crafted yourself to have a higher caster level (like when you level) when the Caster Level on the item doesn't play a part in its cost.
Example: A Belt of Giant Strength is usually Caster Level 8 for purposes of dispelling it, or how strong the aura is for Detect Magic. But the cost to create has nothing to do with Caster Level. It is just Bonus X Bonus X 1000g (so a +2 Belt is 4000g). Thusly, a 5th level caster could make one that is easier to dispel, and a 12th level caster could make one that is harder to dispel for the same gold and time investment (2000g and 4 days).
So, if a player makes one at 5th level and decides at level 12 (after having his Belt dispelled a lot) to upgrade the caster level on it, how much (time and/or money) should it cost him to do so? (I know the "correct" answer is to upgrade the Belt to +4 or +6 and then just upgrade the caster level at that time since it doesn't cost anything, but this is a hypothetical scenario for all items, some of which might not have "upgrade" options available).
I have a monk that I have been playing for a while now, but never really thought about some of the things that come up on these boards, so never really questioned how certain aspects of the monk work. I ask those questions now.
AC Bonus: "He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless". Helpless is a condition and pretty straight forward, but which other conditions make you "immobilized". My guess is that Paralyzed, and Pinned fit that category, but what about Cowering "Frozen with fear"? Dazed, Fascinated, and Stunned also don't allow any actions (which includes move actions, which means you can't move) so that would technically make you "immobile" right?
Flurry of Blows: "A monk may substitute disarm, sunder, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks as part of a flurry of blows." Does this mean that if I were 8th level with a Flurry of +6/+6/+1/+1, I could substitute any of those attacks for a Trip maneuver calculating my CMB as if my BAB was = the attack sacrificed, or, I just use my CMB in place of whichever attack I sacrifice. I'm pretty sure it would be the first one, but let me plug some numbers in to make sure I have it correct.
Relevant info (if calculations are wrong, please point them out): STR = 14, DEX = 18, Weapon Focus (Unarmed), Weapon Finesse, Improved Trip. CMB = +11 (8 BAB, 2 STR, 1 Focus), +13 for Trips.
If I Flurry, my attacks are +11/+11/+6/+6 (8 BAB, 4 DEX, 1 Focus, -2 Flurry). If I sacrificed my last attack for a Trip, would it be +6 (3 BAB, 2 STR, 1 Focus, 2 Improved Trip, -2 Flurry)? If I chose to Disarm instead of Trip, it would be +4 instead right? (since I don't have the Improved feat). If I tried to Disarm multiple times (say attack once at +11, then Disarm 3 times for +9/+4/+4) would it draw an AoO for each attempt or just once?
Stunning Fist: "At 4th level, he can choose to make the target fatigued." There is no duration listed. Does this mean that it only last 1 round like the stun would have or is this full on Fatigue, and can only be "cured" by resting for 8 hours (or any other effect that removes the Fatigue condition)? If the later, does that mean a second Stunning Fist with this modification can make the target Exhausted?
Fast Movement: "At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement bonus to his land speed" Does this mean the same thing as "Your speed" when it comes to Acrobatics, Climbing, and Swimming? At 8th level, my "land speed" is 50, but my "base speed" is still 30 for being human right? So I can use Acrobatics to move 25 without incurring a penalty, but if I had a spell cast on me that gave me a swim speed equal to my "base speed" it would only be 30?
Slow Fall: (I already asked about the "wall" part of this in thread of its own here) I realized I had more questions and instead of making a thread for each, thought I should just make one "Monk" one.
Abundant Step: "as if using the spell dimension door". Though this is a move action, you are still unable to take further actions after the teleport without feats like Dimensional Agility right?
Tongue of the Sun and the Moon: "speak with any living creature". This isn't the same as understanding their language though right? So if you don't speak Aklo, you can speak to someone that is speaking Aklo and "understand" them, but you wouldn't be affected by language dependent spells and effects from someone using Aklo as the language would you? Or are you automatically affected by all language dependent effects at 17th level?
Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for input.
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At 4th level or higher, a monk within arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow his descent. When first gaining this ability, he takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The monk's ability to slow his fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with his monk level until at 20th level he can use a nearby wall to slow his descent and fall any distance without harm.
So, level 4 Monk can treat falls as 20' less when next to a "wall".
What constitutes a "wall"?
If I climb a 30' tree and then fail a climb check by 5, falling 30', can I use the tree to slow my fall?
Also, can Acrobatics be used to increase the damageless distance by 10'. Effectively "jumping down" from the top of that 30' tree for no damage?
Falling: When you deliberately fall any distance, even as a result of a missed jump, a DC 15 Acrobatics skill check allows you to ignore the first 10 feet fallen, although you still end up prone if you take damage from a fall. See Falling Damage for more details.)
I have a few questions on Ability Damage with Ability Penalties. (I asked this in an Ability Damage thread that was dying and never got a response).
Ability Damage:
If the amount of ability damage you have taken equals or exceeds your ability score, you immediately fall unconscious until the damage is less than your ability score.
Character with 12 Dex. Takes 12 points of Dex Damage, he becomes unconscious (damage = score). Easy.
Penalties to ability scores:
While in effect, these penalties function just like ability damage, but they cannot cause you to fall unconscious or die. In essence, penalties cannot decrease your ability score to less than 1.
Same character is Exhausted (-6 penalty to Dex), takes 2 points of Dex damage, and then is grappled (-4 penalty to Dex). Is he unconscious? His total "damage" equals his score, and 2 points of it isn't affected by the "...cannot cause you to fall unconscious or die" clause?
If he was Exhausted (-6), Entangled (-4) and Grappled (-4), he would effectively have a Dex of 1 since the Penalties cannot make his score 0, but Damage can cause it to be 0. Do you count Damage first, then Penalties?
If this is the case, what happens if you have a 12 Dex, take 11 points of Dex Damage (-5 to Dex things) and then become Exhausted? Are you now at -8 to Dex things but still have an effective Dex of 1 (not unconscious) or does Exhaustion do nothing to you since penalties cannot decrease your ability score to less than 1 and it is already at 1 due to Damage?
When you fire an arrow, and it hits, it is destroyed. If you miss, there is a 50% chance that you can recover it (and 50% chance that it is either destroyed or lost).
Generally speaking, ammunition that hits its target is destroyed or rendered useless, while ammunition that misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost.
Can you (or your friendly party wizard) use Mending on arrows that are destroyed on impact?
This spell repairs damaged objects, restoring 1d4 hit points to the object. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this spell to function.
Since arrows only have 1 HP, one casting of Mending could fully restore a destroyed arrow. That is if a "destroyed" arrow has the "broken" condition.
Wouldn't have to purchase as many arrows, or carry multiple quivers if this was the case.
The ranger in my group is considering getting a magic item commissioned by a friendly wizard that they saved on a recent adventure. He has two ideas, and isn't sure which way to go.
First idea was a "Never Empty Quiver" based on the Abundant Ammunition spell. This would allow him to have 1 quiver with 20 arrows in it that would never run out (once he shoots an arrow, it appears back in the quiver at the start of his next turn).
SPL (1) X CL (1) X 2000 (continuous effect) X 2 (1 minute per level spell) X 2 (slotless item) = 8000 gold.
Second idea was for a "Quiver of Giants" based on the Gravity Bow spell. This would allow any arrow taken out of the quiver to be considered one size category larger for damage purposes (2d6 damage instead of 1d8).
SPL (1) X CL (1) X 2000 (continuous effect) X 2 (1 minute per level spell) X 2 (slotless item) = 8000 gold.
He hasn't brought it up yet (he doesn't have enough money anyway), but it would be possible to have 1 quiver do both jobs (never ending giant quiver so to speak) for 20k wouldn't it?
8000 for the first ability and 12000 for the second (multiple abilities are 1.5 times more expensive to add).
So the main question is whether or not an Endless quiver for 8k, a Giant quiver for 8k or an Endless Giant quiver for 20k are too good, not good enough, or just right for the price. Formula wise they are right as far as I can tell, but those formulas are just guidelines. Out of the two individual quivers is either one "better" than the other given that they are the same price? If yes, that would lead me to believe that either the better one should be more expensive, or the other should be cheaper.
First I would like to say that I'm only looking for input on the spellcasting mechanic of the Magus class. This is not a "Magus are over/under powered" thread or a "Sorcerers are weaker/stronger than Wizards" thread.
Bards, Summoners, and Magus all share the 6th level spell limit. They all have the exact same number of spells per day. Bards and Summoners are spontaneous casters with limited number of spells known, while the Magus prepares his spells ahead of time and uses a spellbook to potentially have every spell on his list. If the Magus used the same chart for spells known that the Bard and Summoner uses (and were limited in regard to Metamagic like said casters) would that raise any red flags? Are there more considerations in regard to spellcasting that would make this too good?
Casting stat would stay INT for this case study so no other aspects (Arcane Pool, etc) would change based on "main" stats for the class.
In general, a character can sell something for half its listed price, including weapons, armor, gear, and magic items. This also includes character-created items.
Trade goods are the exception to the half-price rule. A trade good, in this sense, is a valuable good that can be easily exchanged almost as if it were cash itself.
Scenario: I punch a dragon in the face (thus killing it instantly) and ramble into his lair to check out my newly acquired wealth. Among the baubles found is a gold scepter set with rubies. My appraise check and kind DM states that it is "worth" 1000 gold. On my next trip into town, I head over to the scepter merchant Septar Guy (I swear that is his name!) to sell this valuable treasure.
Outcome 1: Septar buys said valuable for its treasure value of 1000g giving me 100 pp, a smile, and a wave as I strut out of his shop.
Outcome 2: Septar considers this treasure "weapons, armor, gear, and magic items" and puts an offer of 500 gold on the table smiling smugly as he knows he will sell it for 1000 gold twenty minutes after I leave.
RAW do adventurers get 1/2 price on EVERYTHING they sell (unless it is listed in the Trade Goods section)? Is "worth" a fancy way of saying "what you would have paid for it, and double what you can get for it"?
Do art, jewelry, and gems fall into the "Trade Goods" category? Or is a bar of silver (Trade Good) "worth" 10g worth more than a silver ring "worth" 15g seeing as though I can sell the silver bar for 10g and the ring for 7.5g (if jewelry is sold for 1/2 it's worth like weapons, armor, gear, and magic items)
Are treasure hoards made up of 90% coins worth more than treasure hoards of "equal" value made up of gems, jewelery, and art?
So... According to the rules on taking 10, if you are not in immediate danger, you can make a skill check as if you had rolled a 10. This is a blanket statement for all skills. The question then, is why does it specifically call out the ability to take 10 for Knowledge checks as a bard?
At 5th level, the bard becomes a master of lore and can take 10 on any Knowledge skill check that he has ranks in.
Shouldn't that read: "At 5th level, a bard becomes a master of lore and can do what everyone else can do at 1st level by taking 10 on any Knowledge skill check that he has ranks in."?
I like the Take 10 thing for simplification on a lot of rules, but always thought that if something special "allowed" you to do something, then the "normal" was that you couldn't.
So recently it came up that a Sorcerer in my group wants to eventually use Create Demiplane, Greater someday to create a plane where 1 year passes there while only 1 hour passes by on the Prime Material Plane. He says that it is completely valid based on "Flowing Time" from page 185 in the Game Master Guide.
While our DM agrees that it is totally valid for a plane to have this quality, the spell doesn't allow it based on this line:
By default, time passes at the normal rate in your demiplane. By selecting this feature, you may make your plane have the erratic time, flowing time (half or double normal time), or timeless trait (see Time, GameMastery Guide 185).
That according to the spell, the only valid "Flowing Time" options are Half or Double normal time.
Thoughts? DM right RAW but not RAI? DM reading too much into it (his thought was that it wouldn't specify half or double if it was intended to be anything).
So a wolf only has one natural attack, a bite, thus it gets 1.5 x STR damage. Pretty straight forward.
If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls.
But when the Druid hits level 9 and gets Multiattack, the wolf now gets a second bite at -5.
An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with its primary natural weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty.
Does that change the damage so it only gets 1 x STR for each bite (now that it has more than one) or are both bites still 1.5 X STR?
Ok, so a Summoner in one of my games just hit 9th level. His Eidolon is a Biped, with 2 arms and Slam (so one slam attack). It wields a Bastard Sword in one hand (took the feat). So it normally attacks twice with the sword, and then a Slam at -5 (it becomes secondary when you add manufactured weapons into the mix).
At 8th level - (STR: 20, BAB: 6, Focus in Bastard Sword, +1 Bastard Sword)
+13/+5 sword, +6 slam.
Now at 9th it gains Multiattack if it had 3+ natural attacks (which it does not). The special ability though states that if it doesn't meet the requirements, it instead gains another attack with a natural weapon at -5.
An eidolon gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has 3 or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite 3 or more natural attacks (or it is reduced to less than 3 attacks), the eidolon instead gains a second attack with one of its natural weapons, albeit at a –5 penalty. If the eidolon later gains 3 or more natural attacks, it loses this additional attack and instead gains Multiattack.
That would mean that he would gain a second Slam normally, but when you add the manufactured weapon in there is that still the case?
+14/+6 sword (BAB increased by 1), +7/+2 slam? Or would the second slam only come into effect when he wasn't wielding a weapon?
So, this is going to be a long post... Basically it has been said in the FAQ that Sorcerer Bloodline Arcana affect all arcane spells regardless of source. So a Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) / Wizard (Evoker) gets to add +1 damage/die to elemental spells that match the Draconic bloodline energy type whether they are cast using Sorcerer spell slots, or Wizard spell slots. It doesn't specifically say, however, if the Evoker's ability to add 1/2 Wizard level to damage of Evocation spells works for Sorcerer spell slots, or just Wizard. I would probably rule that it would based on the Bloodline Arcana FAQ, but this leads into my real question. Do Domain abilities work like Bloodline Arcana abilities in that they work for all divine spells/powers regardless of source?
Some examples: Healing Domain's 6th level power, Healing's Blessing. "At 6th level, all of your cure spells are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to damage dealt to undead with a cure spell. This does not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat." Does this mean that a 6th level Cleric, 4th level Oracle can use Healer's Blessing on Cure Light Wounds cast as an Oracle?
Sun Domain's power, Sun's Blessing. "Whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt. Undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy." Does the 6th level Cleric / 4th level Oracle add 6 points of damage to undead affected by the Oracle's Channel Positive Energy (Life Mystery) ability? 3d6+6 for Cleric channels and 2d6+6 for Oracle channels (since Channel Positive Energy from multiple sources doesn't stack).
Glory Domain's passive power "In addition, when you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, the save DC to halve the damage is increased by 2." Does this (and the Improved Channel feat for that matter) add 2 to the DC of all Channel Positive Energy uses by the character regardless of source? (DC 19 for a 6th level Cleric with 18 CHA, and DC 18 for the 4th level Oracle with 18 CHA)
And lastly what about this unlikely scenario: Level 21 character, 20 levels of Paladin, and 1 level of Cleric (book states that easiest way to run Epic level characters until a source book comes out for it is to just start taking levels in another class after you reach 20). Paladin's 20th level ability says "In addition, whenever she channels positive energy or uses lay on hands to heal a creature, she heals the maximum possible amount." Does that mean that all of the Cleric's Channel Positive Energy uses will heal 6 points automatically?