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Fairly certain it was a fun jab at Ravingdorks comment by the animal not being able to say "its combat trained"

Honestly wish I could add more to this post but I would like to see the answer if any comes about as well.

I played one from Level 9 to 20. Elf Outwit Ranger with LG Paladin Dedication. Dual Wielded a Trident and Dagger. I used Outwit for the purpose of being able to share it with party members. We had a Dwarf DW Pick Fighter and a Swashbuckler who loved to Feint so I shared with them mostly. It was actually fun to play. Didnt top DPR charts but it was no slouch.

Ok well I guess that answers that question. Im not happy about it, but I guess im old school in thought and think that if a Red Wyrm Trips you and throws you to the ground so to say, there should be consequences. Not just "Oh my wings stop my fall I land safely"

I guess the consequence is that your 500ft away and on the ground now and have to use actions to get back into the fight? I dunno. But im not gonna DM against the Feat for sure. I want everyone to have fun.

If you have Nestling Fall(Strix lvl 1 Racial) and are not Unconscious or Stunned 3 or in any way blocked from taking actions, and Fall from either being Tripped while Flying or a Pit Trap for examples, do you Automatically slow your decent and take 0 damage or do you still have to do the Arrest A Fall Reaction?

I actually really like it on a crossbow build I am using. With the 1 lower attack roll and the reload on crossbows, a 1 roll decent damage hit to help overcome DR is gonna be nice

HumbleGamer wrote:
Callin13 wrote:

Being 1 point behind every so often should not be that big a deal I think. Specially with only doing 1 attack a round. Dont forget there are ways to get more to attacks. Pick up Marshal and get +1 status to attacks in an aura if you feel the need to bump it up.

That wouldn't really change anything.

It would be like comparing an inventor with the marshal +1 status with a champion with the marshal +1 status.

The gap would remain the same.

Talking about the megaton strike, does having the weapon as invention force you into always taking the unstable trait? or it's a choice to use an empowered version of the megaton strike?

You are right that the gap remains the same. All I was suggesting was that if you want that +1 back there are ways to get it. Just not baked in sadly.

As far as Megaton Strike. Its a choice to use the Unstable part of the feat.

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Just created a Goblin Inventor for an upcoming game. Going ranged but cant decide between a Handcrossbow or a Taw Launcher (Deep Background Approved by GM). I plan on playing him like a Rogue so heavy on the Stealth and Thievery. Treating his Overcharge like Sneak Attack. Main attack being Megaton Strike.

Being 1 point behind every so often should not be that big a deal I think. Specially with only doing 1 attack a round. Dont forget there are ways to get more to attacks. Pick up Marshal and get +1 status to attacks in an aura if you feel the need to bump it up.

All in all I dont think it will be an inbuilt failing of the class.

Ultimate Champion

Fighter/Champion LG Paladin. Use fighter to get double slice and the shield feats, extra reaction for shield block, and extra reaction for AoO. Use Paladin for Smite Evil, buffing your divine ally ,and the extra reaction to use your retributive strike. Eat through DR and always have your shield up and 4 reactions a round.

I would rather have a stance later on for the parry feat or raise tome. Let the Synthesis be the different subclasses. Works for the other classes, no need to reinvent the wheel on this one I feel.

Initial Thought- Ugh the accuracy is going to hurt and the Action Economy is going to feel clunky.

Playtest thoughts- Accuracy is meh as long as you have Flanking if not then yea it hurts alot, though the Crit Rider helped in 1 instance turning a hit into a crit on a Produce Flame. Action Economy is still Clunky and it really isnt a benefit cost wise, just now my spell has more points of failure.

Ok so got to play tonight and here are my thoughts. I ended up rolling decent and got some nice crits in. Critting a total of 4 rounds on both the attack and the spell and once was because the crit effect boosted my spell attack from a success to a critical. So that was nice. However being around 5 Suped up Scrags in a small room where 3 could reach me with AoOs when I cast was not fun at all. The 3 action Striking Spell then Strike was cumbersome in all of the encounters. I used True Strike twice and rolled very poorly on it resulting in a 1 and a 5, so I didnt use those. If it was not for Flanking I would not have gotten the results I did.

Encounter 1 was 5 Scrags, Encounter 2 was some Water Giant and 2 Shrimp, Encounter there was a Daemon and 2 more Water Giants and Encounter 4 was just a Water Giant Priest of Dagon mini boss. All of it was underwater so I wasnt able to move far to get into flanking unless I spent another action to stride again. Which I was able to do in the Daemon Combat cus of Haste and Combat 1 cus it wasnt underwater just in non difficult terrain water filled room.

All in all the dice really was in the groups favor with many crits going around and the DM rolling very poorly.

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Fighter with Snagging Strike and Combat Grab, last action Cling. If the enemy wants you gone it takes 2 actions with the attack trait so second one has MAP. Just a good way to make your opponent waste actions.

Ok so my DM finally convinced me to change my existing character over to a Magus since I wasnt having fun as a Wizard. I tried to keep the spirit of the character the same as well as keep his in game choices that grew out of this homebrew game. Luckily my DM is a cool guy who likes to make magic items not found in 2nd Ed and has influence from first so some (most?) Of my magic items I kept from my original character and took a few out of our sitting loot.

Here it is. I only left out a few minor things as it wasnt pertinant. (Though admitidly its very few haha)

Twilight Halfling Magus lvl 13
Background- Mystic

12, 20, 14, 19, 16, 10
34 AC Leather +2 Resilient Shadow
HP 149
Saves- 20 23 23
Melee- +26 Dagger +2 Greater Striking

Keen Eyes, Adroit Manipulation, Halfling Luck, Cultural Adaptability (Human,Natural Ambition), Multitalented, Incredible Luck

Familiar (Nat Amb), Wizard Dedication, Basic Spellcasting, Martial Caster, Arcane Breadth, Rogue Dedication (Multitalented), Trapfinder, Expert Spellcasting

Arcane Sense, Additional Lore, Wary Dismemberment, Multilingual, Magical Crafting, Quick Identification. Inventor

Ancestral Paragon, Adpoted Ancestry (free), Toughness, Fleet

Attack 22 (homebrew +1 potency Aeon Stone)
DC 31


Cantrips- Acid Splash, Electric Arc, Prestidigitation, Produce Flame, Ray of Frost, Telekinetic Projectile, Shield, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Read Aura

First- Befuddle-2, True Strike-5
Second- Enlarge
Third- Haste
Fourth- Enlarge (fighter loves this)
Fifth (Utility)- Haste-1, Fly-1
Sixth- Black Tenticles-1, Chain Lightning-1
Seventh- Eclipse Burst

Magic Items
Sword Gauntlet/Shield Bracer- Homebrew counts as 1 invested. 1 action extend a sword from gauntlet. Gives Shield Cantrip.

Aeon Bracer- Homebrew set an Aeon Stone for additional benfits. Has the Magic Potency Aeon Stone in it.

Ring of Ferocious Action- Homebrew grants 1 Focus Point. Free action spend 1 focus to gain 1 action. Can be used for anything. Become fatigued 2 at end of turn for 1 round.

Ring of Wizardry 1

Pearl of Sirens ( we had an underwater stint)

Purple Aeon Stone- stores 3 levels of spells

Wands- Color Spray, False Life (1), Freedome of Movement, Locate (5), Invisibility (2)

So yea lots of homebrew items but the game focuses on his world where an ancient magi-tech race died off and people find the ruins. Also turning out they aint as dead, they became starfaring (starfinder tie in)

All in all with keeping in line with original character it hits 100%. Will see how it plays monday night. So far on paper I am happy with it. What do yall think?

Fighter with Temple Sword using Combat Grab. Deal damage twice since it resolves on the strike and then the grapple.

Or go Leshey and shoot Seed Pods.

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Maybe as a "Warmage" thesis for Wizard? It would put spellcasting as the forefront instead of the Martial I always saw (and played) as a PF 1 Magus.

A Stance to have Spell Parry up once you enter it. For balance it could discharge once you use a spell you steal and discharge.

Shinimas wrote:

Somatic component gets replaced by a Strike is a must imo. So Strike+Cast a Spell as a 2-action activity. It counts as two attacks for MAP. The Spell lands if the Strike lands, but the Spell can never crit. Striking Spell gains the Fortune trait. The weapon stays charged until the end of the next turn.

Slide Casting is removed or made a very high level class Feat.

Sustaining Steel is made available for all melee weapons.

New Synthethis: Roaring Spell. If the Strike delivered during Striking Spell crits, the spell is a crit as well. This only works for Attack spells.

I like that! Simple and easy to follow

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Ok so first off I know I got skewed results because I rolled so well this encounter unlike normal. Usually I cant roll to save my life.

So I played a lvl 2 Magus with 18 Str 16 Int 12 Con 12 Dex 10 Wis and 10 Cha. Had 26 Hp and a 19 Armor Class using a Breastplate. I was +9 to hit using a +1 Dogslicer and was +7 to Hit with Spells and DC 17. My Party consists of a Barbarian, Monk, Fire Oracle, Sorcerer, Tempest Druid, Precision Ranger, and Myself.

Our party was shipwrecked on an island where were chasing after lost pirate treasure. We make it to a temple of cursed Undead and traverse our way to where a skeleton was sittin in a chair. Then 11 of em stood up and started to attack. Here is how my combat went

Severe Encounter- 10 -3 Creatures and 1 +/- 0

Round 1- Moved and cast Burning Hands. Got 3 and did minor damage.
Round 2- Electric Arc Killing 2 and Strike killing 1. Same 3 I hit with Burning Hands
Combat Over- or so we thought as 3 rounds later they rose up and attacked again

Here is where my unusual rolls happened. I never Crit, so naturally as I am testing out the class I crit 4 times in a row... way to skew results.

Round 1- Slide Casting Step. Crit SpellStrike Strike and Crit Electric Arc killing Zombie
Round 2- Crit Spellstrike Strike and Crit TkP killing Skeleton

Combat Over.

For the time between combats I was busy loading up coins and loot into my backpack. Then we ran out of the Temple with just a few undead able to respawn and the GM didnt really bother with em after the second round.

All in all I felt like a Magus the whole time I played. I mean yes my first 2 rounds were no different than what a Multiclass could of done at lvl 4, I did it at lvl 2. I was chomping at the bit to Spellstrike though LOL. So thats why I did it the second combat because I wanted to test it even though it wasnt the most optimal because I was fighting 3 opponents. I should of Electric Arc'd and then did a Strike like I did in round 1. But it worked out just fine. 1 dead opponent is better than 3 hurt opponents. I did 22 Damage with the first Crit round and 26 the second. The Barbarian did 24 with 2 normal Greataxe strikes for comparison.

So yea I will continue to play this character and see how my normal rolls play out.

edit- Also to add. My two Crits did NOT happen from the crit mechanic. I nat 20d the TkP and the Zombie crit failed the Reflex save of Electric Arc.

I get to try out a Magus at lvl 2 in a game I have been playing in that started not too long ago. Im using the same Ancestry so Versatile Human but his stats have changed from a Dex/Cha Swashbuckler to a Str/Int Magus. Going Slide Casting (of course) and using a Dogslicer +1 (since thats what the character was using before hand)

Versatile Human- Fleet (speed 30)

Natural Ambition- Find Familiar- Cantrip Connection- Gain 1 Cantrip
Partner in Crime- Auto Aid on a Deception or Thievery skill check
Touch Telepathy- telepathically communicate with you via touch
Scent- It gains scent (imprecise, 30 feet)

Background- Underwater Maruader

Level 2 Feat- Cantrip Expansion

Skill Feat lvl 2- Arcane Sense

Cantrips- 8 - Acid Splash, Chill Touch, Electric Arc, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigation, Ray of Frost, Telekinetic Projectile.

Level 1- Burning Hands (1), Spider Sting (1)

I purposely did not choose Shocking Grasp and I actually like Spider Sting. I will give a report after my game finishes at 8pm Eastern.

kripdenn wrote:
Callin13 wrote:

Serious question for those who can actually Math.

Whats the average damage of a lvl 20 Rogue with 2 successful Sneak Attacks vs a Magus and a Successful TkP and a Strike vs an on lvl opponent? Cus I was wondering since everyone says the third attack is pointless other than crit fishing are the two vastly different if having spells be a 2 action combo cast strike that worked like Double Slice and letting the weapon attack act as the stand in for the Magus' damage booster like a Rogues Sneak Attack? Maybe even if you couldnt add Int to the spell damage but would still use your normal spell DC if it was a save.

Could someone do that for me please? Thanks.

Was just a wild idea I had and that could possibly leave the Rogue as the All Day Skill Monkey and the Magus as being either a Nuker or Utility as their spell slots as needed a few times a day

The average damage of a 20th lvl thief rouge with a +3 major striking rapier using impossible striker (meaning the enemy isn't flat-footed but you still deal sneak attack damage) against a 45 AC opponent is 47.13. It's 60.78 if the enemy is flat-footed.

The average damage for the same lvl magus using striking spell, telekinetic projectile, and a +3 major striking greatsword is 38.98

Thanks! Thats alot farther off than I thought it would be.

Take it to the Staff thread please

Make it a feat to free up Class Ability Budget and then people who like it can take it and those who dont, dont.

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I agree with shroudb. Cant even use rings of wizardry since the -

Actually a - means you dont have access to those slots. Like a Ring of Wizardry would give you no benefit. If it was a 0 I would see no issue with it. Upcasting is not the same as having first level spells but being able to cast a lower level spell in a higher slot making it a higher level spell.

I hope I am wrong in this line of thinking.

Gnome Flick Mace? I think that would be cool for a 1 hand option.

I 100% agree

I like that!

Neither? I wouldnt like any of the 3 haha. I would rather an upgrade to my Synthesis instead.

Serious question for those who can actually Math.

Whats the average damage of a lvl 20 Rogue with 2 successful Sneak Attacks vs a Magus and a Successful TkP and a Strike vs an on lvl opponent? Cus I was wondering since everyone says the third attack is pointless other than crit fishing are the two vastly different if having spells be a 2 action combo cast strike that worked like Double Slice and letting the weapon attack act as the stand in for the Magus' damage booster like a Rogues Sneak Attack? Maybe even if you couldnt add Int to the spell damage but would still use your normal spell DC if it was a save.

Could someone do that for me please? Thanks.

Was just a wild idea I had and that could possibly leave the Rogue as the All Day Skill Monkey and the Magus as being either a Nuker or Utility as their spell slots as needed a few times a day

I dont like it. Its 1 degree less so you need a crit on the first attack to even get a success on the echo spell if it was an attack spell or have the opponent crit fail to get a fail if a save spell.

It just seems bad to me. I get its supposed to help make your spell slots last longer but I cant see your echo spell actually connecting.

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1d6 that is basically what a lot of people have been asking for.

I see a Magus as someone who casts a spell and delivers it with their weapon. AoEs become single target bombs to drop on someone, touch spells are funneled through the blade of your sword, save or sucks are delivered unto your foe with a horrific slash. Casting fly on your self to go chasing after the elusive dragon. Hasting your party members and then standing next to them against the coming horde.

All a few times a day if you blow through your limited slots and upcast others.

I wouldnt say required to meet design goals, but required to meet players expectations.

I mean if its supposed to be a blend of Sword and Magic then its like TWF. Thats a cost. Heck doubling rings wouldnt work since your "focus" wouldnt be a weapon so the extra cost to get those runes is a balancing factor. Not to mention contending with every other spellcaster in the group. You would be like 3rd on the list or beg for hand me downs.

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He played it the way I want to play it. So this is me being sad that its panning out to be about as much fun as my Wizard...

Yea I think the biggest issue is the spell accuracy. AC takes into account potency runes but spells cant benefit from those. Its a basic failing of the system I feel every week on my Wizard. If there we Potency Runes for spell attacks and" Power" Runes for DCs I think it would alleviate some issues.

How about 1 spell slot a level that can only be used for Buffs? Like at 5th level it would be 1st- 0(1) 2nd-2 3rd-2? Then get rid of the popular Martial Casting Feat. That also gets rid of the funky you dont have lower spell slots thing.

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Why do some people assume you have buffs like True Strike and Flanking and all that? Thats not base numbers. Thats not how you establish a baseline. If you want to add buffs you should at least figure out the unbuffed first and then get the numbers modified by both to show variables.

I have seen baseline numbers and I was not happy with them. Others were not as well. Thats why we have been having these discussions about it. Then someone comes along and says "But if you add in True Strike the numbers are really good so the ability is fine yall just havent playtested it yet" it is fairly insulting.

In no way talking about anyone in particular. I have seen it in a few different threads all day.

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And here I saw a Fighter double crit a Double Slice on monday for 130 damage at lvl 12.... using picks of course, but still.

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If you have to get outside help or spend a resource to just get to competent then its not tuned right.

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Its closer to what I was hoping for. Maybe just reduce the -4 to -2 and upping to -4 on a crit? Or even 0 and -2.


Can they even use Rings of Wizardry? Their spell progression leaves them a - instead of 0.

As a main class feature Spell Strike should always look good with normal spellcasting being the situational CC, AoE, or Self Buff.

Edit- though its nice to see that they can cast and not be totally worthless

Just me but I would prefer a sustained approach over nova, but I am not against it. I as well like the 2/2 casting and feel it fits once the Math is right.

When I first read Eldritch Archer I was 90% happy with it just being ported over to a melee version for the Magus. Why make up something new when you already did something that worked?

Big key there is without multiclass dedications. I agree it falls short and others are better at explaining why than I am. I have spent so far 12 levels playing a Wizard. I have not taken a Wizard feat period I think. I did dedications out the wazoo to get class features. Also I have been very disheartened with the spellcasting. Having to change up my playstyle twice to try and find some way to make it fun.

I just really hate to see the Magus make the same mistakes to make it be unfun for me. So far the class has tons of potential. The profs are right except for the spell casting. Master ar 17 would be better, 19 is too late I feel.

Spell Strike is just not workable for me. Im fine with 3 actions, but requiring 2 attack rolls is not going to be fun. Remember the old thing about 3.5 Monks and the "Flurry of Misses" thing. Yea, missing with your main class feature is not fun. My Wizard misses or get saved on more times than I can count in an adventuring day. Its not fun. Now if I only had 4 spell slots (which I dont mind on the Magus btw, I think 2/2/2 would be better but anyways) I would just reroll.

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Because if its not talked about enough then the devs can think its ok.

could make it once an hour with reduced effect if used more often like the Dragon Barbs Breath Weapon

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Yea that is a very frightening chart.

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Yea using 2 Stats for Attacks is bonkers to be baked into the base of a class.

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I mean giving access to some fighter feats at higher levels like some dedications use would be nice to have built in.

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