
Caleb The Cold's page

16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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steven lawson wrote:
...This caused many problems, for many of you power gamers, addition of feats and other accoutrement; and yes I am using that word correctly, look it up; led...

Yes that is the correct use of accoutrement, but it certainly isn't the correct use of a semicolon.

What you wanted are called parentheses.

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I'm personally all for the deck. so long as the GM treats it as the ridiculously powerful item that it is (do not simply give someone a deck for funsies) the deck can lead to all manner of interesting character moments. One of my parties stumbled across the deck unknowingly and the results were wonderful. My character had to cope with a spontaneous undesired sex-change after drawing the twins, the skill-monkey gained the ability to summon a lunar dragon who was used purely to confuse enemies/show off, and another party member was nearly beaten to death when he tried to draw a card on purpose.

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James Jacobs wrote:

If diversity "taints" a game for someone, then perhaps Pathfinder isn't the game for you.

Two things:

firstly- I don't believe anyone said that diversity taints the game, diversity becoming an issue taints the game. If you want a good example of this take a look at what's happening with the warhammer community right now. Lorewise If Korvosa is an area with little outside influence (I can't honestly remember) then little diversity would make sense within the area as the people living there have lived there for a long period of time.
secondly- so long as the character's race doesn't have any major impact on their personality, there should be no issues for a GM looking to recast some people without rewriting the adventure. Just try to avoid swapping a human with a bugbear and it'll be fine.

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Seeing as how wisdom is tried to planning/decision making you could play somewhat recklessly

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Ouachitonian wrote:
Just think of how problematic a kobold-built ship would be; the passages probably all have four foot high ceilings, tiny little rooms, air ducts too small for any medium creature to squeeze into. I pity the Vesk marine platoon assigned to board it. They'll probably all get knocked out just by repeatedly banging their heads on things, nevermind the antipersonnel systems all over the ship.

This is wonderful