
Calaquende's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 5 posts (50 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Goblin Squad Member

I admit that I have not been paying particular attention to everything that's been going on, however, I just popped in and noticed that there's some sort of land rush taking place shortly:

Are we getting involved in this? Should we be putting together some strategery? If there are things I need to know to catch up and participate, I'd appreciate the help.

Wonderful! Thanks for the help.

Something seems to be broken. I posted a thread at NewCharacter, but you may add me to the list of people who are having problems. Thank you for your assistance!

Cosmo wrote:

Are you still having this issue?

Unfortunately I still can't get it to work. On the character page I enter a name, pick a faction and click "submit," but the only thing that happens is that I'm taken back to the previous page, and there's no character there.

I'm just starting out and was told that I need to register my character at When I click "Register a new character" I'm taken to a page with a bunch of fields. I enter a character name, choose a faction and then click "submit changes," however, all that happens is that I'm taken back to the previous page and there are no characters listed. Am I doing something wrong?