Cajunfried's page

Goblin Squad Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

Anyone still needing a Shieldmate? I got in fairly late to the Daily Deals, so would love it if someone that has more than me (around 1-20) could help a guy out.

Hey folks, I'm based out of Jackson, Mississippi and looking for some people to game with. I haven't seen much activity at all in the forums for this area, but here's hoping there is at least one group that needs another member.

Goblin Squad Member

Hey guys, just got the 100 dollar level as a birthday present from my wife yesterday and looking for an early shield mate partner if anyone is still available. Let me know as I'm excited to jump into this and would enjoy someone that has as much passion for the game as I do to adventure with.