Hi folks, How does Pathfinder handle undead and age modifiers. Does a human who gets turned into a vampire, say, at age 30 and then (un)lives for another 50 years get the appropriate mental age modifiers. Similarly, if a venerable human wizard becomes a lich do they retain their negative age modifiers to strength and dexterity (obviously constitution is not an issue)?
If recruitment is still open, I would like to join. My suggested character is as follows (please excuse the British spelling throughout): Lucien Demark Male Tiefling Cleric (Nethys) 1 (CR 1/2)
Character creation points - extra feat (3), roll 3 times on alternate tiefling traits (2) (8, 64, 33 - I picked 33, DR 2/silver) Favoured class: cleric (+1 skill point at 1st level) Init +2; Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Perception +2 ------------ Defence AC 16, flat-footed 14, touch 12 (+4 armour, +2 dex)
Saves (includes +1 resistance bonus from domain)
DR 2/silver, Resist Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 ------------ Offence Speed 30ft
Spells memorised (3/2+1) 0 - guidance, mending, purify food and drink
------------ Statistics S 12 D 14 C 12 I 14 W 15 C 12 Base Attack +0 CMB +1 CMD 13 Feats: augment summoning, spell focus (conjuration)
SQ auru (ex), Cleric: Nethys, Domains: Magic (arcane) (arcane beacon 5/day), Protection (defence) (+1 resistance bonus to saves, deflection auru 1/day), Channel Positive Energy (1d6, DC 11) 4/day (su), Spontaneous Casting (convert memorised spells into cure spells) ------------ Equipment backpack, belt pouch, candle (5), cleric's vestments, holy symbol (wooden), ink, inkpen, masterwork chain shirt, mirror, morningstar, paper (15), sling, sling bullets (20), soap, waterskin, 2gp, 2sp, 5cp ------------ Backstory In most places on Golarion, it is true to say that those with fiendish blood would do well to hide it. Sadly, for Lucien Demark, this was never an option. With stark, blue-white skin that would make a Winter Witch look rosy of countenance by comparison, piercing black pupil-less eyes like those of a reptile or insect, and an oddly symmetrical body, only the blind could mistake him for human. Given these unearthly origins, it is hardly surprising that he was abandoned as a baby by his mortal parent on the doorstep of the local temple of Nethys; presumably on the assumption that they would be used to dealing with the unusual and otherworldly. Happily this proved correct, and Lucien's formidable intelligence and natural talent for magic; especially conjuration, made him a most promising novice in the eyes of his superiors. Yet in spite of receiving a far more promising start than most fiend-blooded could ever hope for, a lingering desire to discover how and why he came to be burned within him. Given the many ships within his home town and the tales brought back by sailors of mysterious lands filled with great wealth and magic, Lucien saw a potential opportunity to accumulate the knowledge and power he would require to, in turn, discover and summon his infernal progenitor; and demand answers to the questions that endlessly burned within him. Praying to Nethys for guidance, an image of the Formidably Maid in Port Peril flashed briefly within his mind, and he journeyed there immediately; hoping fervently that the purpose behind the vision granted him by his mad god would become clear upon arrival.
Hi folks, I have been playing around with creating a Red Mantis Monk archetype but other than replacing the normal monk melee weapons with saw tooth sabre and amending the list of monk bonus feats to include two weapon fighting, weapon finesse etc I am unsure what changes to make. Clearly the Red Mantis' signature 'Prayer Attack' needs to replace one or more of the normal monk abilities but I am undecided as to which monk ability or abilities it should replace. Your input would therefore be most appreciated.
Richard Leonhart wrote:
Alternatively why not specify that the character cannot be raised/resurrected unless doing so would further Hell's interests. Indeed, perhaps each time the character is raised/resurrected they are subject to an unbreakable Geas/Quest-like effect requiring them to perform a specific task in Asmodeus' name - however, instead of the normal Geas effect, the character could be informed that they have exactly nine days, nine hours and nine minutes (or maybe even six days, six hours and six minutes) to complete the task or they will die on the spot and their soul sent straight to Hell.
Dabbler wrote: Oh I agree, he may have time to spread corruption, but it'll really send a wake-up call to the player that he really should have thought a bit more carefully about things! And he'll have to either break the contract to get his power back, or else deal again for more from the devils to replace it ... either way, he's just discovered the first and last word on making deals with devils: DON'T! Quite so. As I suggested in an earlier post, it might be appropriate to require the character to undertake a highly unethical quest involving corrupting/extorting members of Abadar's church (and thereby making enemies of his former allies) before Asmodeus will consent to grant him spells. The example I gave of kidnapping the newborn baby daughter of a high level cleric of Abadar (perhaps sending the priest one of the baby's severed hands as proof) and threatening to sacrifice her to Asmodeus unless said cleric acts in accordance with Hell's wishes was specifically designed to hopefully horrify the player and make him/her have second thoughts about their decision - albeit far, far too late :-)
"This of course is possible, but I imagine the player would first discover that they have just lost their divine powers. After all, they have just forsaken their patron deity (Abadar) for an infernal one (Asmodeus), so unless their contract specifies infernal powers/infernal magic, they just lost the lot." Yes but whilst the character will realise this, his former fellow priests in the church of Abadar may not (at least at first)... giving him plenty of scope to spread corruption throughout their ranks for the glory of Hell/Asmodeus.
Selgard wrote:
Not necessarily. If the devil's ambitions and the will of Hell/Asmodeus will be furthered by keeping the character alive (at least for the time being), then alive they will remain. In the case of the Inquisitor of Abadar, keeping the character alive and corrupted, and using them to spread the corruption further throughout Abadar's church and the region as a whole might be far more tempting to the devil in question - remember that Devils (unlike Demons) tend to be long-term thinkers and extremely patient, and might willingly pass up the chance to claim one soul today in order to claim 100 souls tomorrow.
Its extremely important to make sure the benefit gained from signing an infernal contract is considerable as well as the cost - after all, signing one is meant to be extremely tempting; particularly to greedy and power-hungry characters/players. With that in mind, a contract might involve granting the player's cleric character 2 whole levels (representing the acquisition of power through quick and unethical means rather than hard work), a +2 inherent/profane bonus to charisma (representing the infernal allure of Hell, and making the character a more effective representative of Hall's interests) AND an advanced consular imp familiar. Now on the surface this certainly sounds like an attractive bargain (as indeed it should). HOWEVER, as for the costs, you could specify that the Inquisitor character loses access to all spellcasting and can only regain it by converting to the worship of Asmodeus AND carrying out a quest in his name (which should be highly unethical and involve strongly harming the interests of his former god/church, and thereby destroying his previous alliances e.g. capturing and mutilating/torturing the newborn baby daughter of the highest level priest of Abadar in the region, and threatening to sacrifice her to Asmodeus unless he converts/does what the Asmodeun church wants). FURTHERMORE you could also rule that the character automatically fails all saving throws against his Imp familiar's suggestion power, and that his life force is tied to his familiar's e.g. if the imp dies, it's spirit returns to hell and automatically drags the characters soul with it. Alternatively, the character could be subject to a permanent, unbreakable geas effect that requires him to further the will of Hell in all things. |