
Caim01's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Does anyone know how the price of the monk's robe was calculated? If a character wanted to make a greater version (say, one that granted the unarmed strike/ac of a 10th level rather than 5th level monk), what would be the price?

Hi folks,

How does Pathfinder handle undead and age modifiers. Does a human who gets turned into a vampire, say, at age 30 and then (un)lives for another 50 years get the appropriate mental age modifiers.

Similarly, if a venerable human wizard becomes a lich do they retain their negative age modifiers to strength and dexterity (obviously constitution is not an issue)?

Hi folks,

I have been playing around with creating a Red Mantis Monk archetype but other than replacing the normal monk melee weapons with saw tooth sabre and amending the list of monk bonus feats to include two weapon fighting, weapon finesse etc I am unsure what changes to make. Clearly the Red Mantis' signature 'Prayer Attack' needs to replace one or more of the normal monk abilities but I am undecided as to which monk ability or abilities it should replace. Your input would therefore be most appreciated.