Cairn Wight

CSN's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.



Would it be possible to add the Holiday21 discount to this order? I didn't see that discount until after I had placed the order.



I sent an email regarding this order a few days ago and haven't heard back yet.

I cannot access the Bestiary PDF I purchased on this order. The Core Rulebook I purchased I can access no problem. Can you please look into this for me?

Thank you.


Can you please cancel my Starfinder Adventure Path subscription?


Please cancel my Starfinder Roleplaying Game subscription.

Thank you,

I'm having the same issue.

Please cancel my Starfinder Flip Mat subscription.

Please also cancel the Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn Collection in my side cart.


Please cancel my Starfinder Accessories subscription.


Please cancel my Pathfinder Battles and Pathfinder Roleplaying subscriptions including the pending Monster Codex shipment.

Thank you.

I absolutely love the Hill Giant Chief.


I did not receive an email. However, I'm assuming you told me that the item couldn't be canceled because the order was shipped.


Can you please cancel the Wrath of the Righteous Pawn Collection off of this pending order?

Thank you

Yes, please!

Thank you for your help.

The order # was 3139236.



I sent customer service an email with a copy of the gift certificate email I received.



I received a gift certificate gift last night and it doesn't show up on my account. From reading the boards, this looks like an ongoing issue. Can you please add it to my account? Also, I have a pending subscription order, would it be possible to add use the gift certificate for that?


P.S. I forwarded the email I received as well to the customer service email.

Thanks Erik.

I realize you are still backed up from the GGS and I've sent a couple of emails on this subject that haven't been responded to, so I'm posting here to make sure this doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

The Gamemaster Figure Flight Stands I received with this order were broken in the package. I was hoping to get a replacement set sent out with my pending order #2926451.

Also, on a minor note, the Legacy of Fire bundle is still showing as pending from this order. I've already received the individual books, so I thought you might want to cancel it.

Thank you,

I sent an email regarding this on Sunday and I'm posting here in case that got lost. Instead of receiving my order, I got order #2892061 for a different customer. The box was addressed to me and the shipping breakdown was for hat I ordered, but the product and invoice inside the box where for the other customer/order. Please let me know when a replacement order will be shipped out and how I can go about returning the product I received.

Thank you,

Works for me.

I'd buy it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd be happy with the fiction being dropped and replaced with more articles. I'm not a huge fan of short stories and like them even less when they are divided up among 6 books.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Where can I get an official Paizo golem onesie?

This would be awesome.