BustaShitz's page

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So, I've come to the crossroads of trying to find THE all-time best melee weapon for a 2-H Fighter variant, in preparation for absolute high dmg and combo with crit feats. Standard fighter aspirations, ik.

Anywho, it comes down to three options, and I'm stumped. Before I tell you, let me layout the picture:

I want to combo the weapons with Greater Vital Strike AND Deadly Stroke (so additional 4 dice of dmg for one atk). I don't want to get into logistics of "no, you can't use them together!" or other debates; mainly just keep that combo in mind.

SO, my question is which is better, a Greatsword (2d6, 19-20 x2) or a Large-Sized Dwarven Waraxe (the obvious proficiency to allow it to work, -2 atk, 2d8, x3)?
Assume an 18 Str (giving a +6 overal dmg) and a "to-hit" of an 11.

Which would, in the end, prove to be consistantly higher dmg? Please, give all comments, opinions, insight, what-have-ya.

-Also, to just throw in a monkey wrench, what about a TWF Fighter Variant, with the Two-Bladed Sword? No penalties for TWF, 1d8, 19-20 x2. How would that compare to the winner of the above? I know the TBS would beat out the Greatsword in the beginning (and be worse off the higher the opposing AC), but what do you guys think?
