gnome bard Stats 6 str; 16 cha; 16 Con; 14 dex; 14 wis; 10 int 7 rounds of song
HP 54 AC 20 (10 +1 size +2 dex +4 armor +1 enhancement +2 sheild) fort 6 ref 8 will 8 Spells
gear: +1 chain shirt 1250, heavy shield 7 Clock of Res +1 1000
Base Stats 10 str Dex 16 Con 14 Wis 12 Int 10 Cha 8 (15 point buy)
Feats: WF Longbow, Point Blank+Percise+Improved+Rapid+Manyshot,Deadly Aim, Bodyguard, In Harms Way Patron: Ancestors
Gear: MW Lg Comp Longbow STR +7 733gp 24lb MW LG LB str +12 1067gp 24 lb
AC = 10 + 4 armor + 5 dex +5 nat -1 size = 23 -2 rage + 2 fox cunning + 2 barkskin -2 enlarge
Bite = BAB +8 str +5 rage +2 Bless +1 bull str +2 MoG +3 enlarge + 1 Song +2 size -2 = +22
Longbow = BaB +8 Dex +5 Cats Grace +2 MW +1 WF +1 Bless +1 MoG +1 Song +2 Size -1 Enlarge -2 Deadly Aim -3 = 15
Once his pack howls in alarm he will know they are withing 1000 feet.
Eagle eye to get try and find them.
Bard will cast
If the party flees and lets all of the spells lapse the bard/ranger can repeat all buffs once except Bless Green sight and Eagle Eye Since the Bard will be size small, she will remain in the Rangers space. From there she will use Hideous Laughter on any who come close enough. This will probably require a readied action because the cavalier is only one who will enter melee and he will zip across the entire range of the spell.
My two cents on the charm monster bit. Charm makes you think of the caster in similar terms as you would close family member or lifelong friend. Would you attack someone who attacked your family, since you are and adventure, hell yeah. The problem comes in that the other party members are also close family. Would you attack your mother to defend you wife or vice versa? This is much more iffy. The oppose cha check makes sense but then just having the PC try to break it up would work to. Or they might just sit it out and try and stop the victor from killing the loser. Also you can love your brother and still call the police and even take him in against his will if he is crazy.
I am not responding for the PFS but I as GM allow my players to control their AC except in strange circumstances. My druid solve the control problems fairly easily having a very high handle animal. By second level any trick the AC knew was a 1 on the die while Pushing the animal became trivial by 5th level (feats, magic items and skill points). My only house rule rule is that the same command can be given to multipul animals as part of the same action. Now I have to be careful about what animals and magical beasts I include since they will become the druids friend and he has all the handle animal he needs to get them to fight for him at least for a while. They usually only help for an encounter or two but he loves trying to make BBEG's pet turn on its master. It even works sometimes.
My group has 5 players and is is Carrion Crown but to challenge them even a little I have always give my monsters max HP instead of average. I do have the monster die early though if it takes a hit for more then average damage. Deadlines help as well. My group has learned that they need to get through things fast. I will often only allow one rest in dungeon if they hope to accomplish their goals. That often means 12-18 encounters before a rest.
The sorc has grease so I think that will give the cav a chance to not be grappled. Lots of rules questions about the AB If the AB is staggered does it still get the extra move action from quickness? Can is full attack and take a move action? If it grabs someone successfully after making an attack does it do constrict damage? Would choke apply to tentacles? If a person is grappled in the tentacles at the start of the AB's turn and it takes a standard action to maintain the grapple what happens? Do str penalties effect attack or damage rolls? Do dex penalties effect AC? If the AB takes the -20 penalty on its grapple check does it have to move the victim adjacent? Can it move with out grapple check? Can it move the Victim? How about this for a set of conditions? 1. confused with out the targeting parts and the following chart.
2. Blind 3. Shaken 3. Stunned
1 Suarion shaman druid wild shapes into a pterodactyl and the gnome sorc wants a lift. The Druid has decent fly score but the sorc has no ride. The Sorc weighs less then the druids light encumbrance. What rules do I need to reference to adjudicate this? 2. Cavalier has fly cast on his wolf steed. Wolf is at medium encumbrance due to barding and weight of rider. Wolf is not trained fly. Can this be a trick? What DC to encourage the wolf to fly if no trick? Thanks.
OUCH! I am going to use that as well. My party is 2 gnomes, a halfling from mwangi. a dwarf and a humman. I think I can get some good old fashion racism in on that one. I know they will help the croooked kin and the human hates when people who are not him get money so he will take issue with the robbing on "principle". As to the orcs, they had a blast, after the fight I had the captives admit that they would not have attacked a heavily armed party and just let them walk by if they had not been attacked. I had the orc barb throw his axe at the annoying sorc (18 HP) and the look on the player's face when I announced 23 HP to AC 14 she freaked out until she remembered that she had mage armor up. That was priceless
Thank you for the ideas. I went with an orc raiding party from Belkzen. For my encounter I set up blinds for the orcs to hide in and had them set up to trees as dead falls to trap the party.
Unfortunately for the orcs the party spotted the first tree and caviler said to the sorc, can you drop meteors right behind that tree. A flaming sphere and an entangle later and the and everything was pretty much wrapped up. The cleric used his travel domain freedom of movement to run down the fleeing shamman so no one got away.
My party just finished the haunting of Harrowstone and came up a little bit short of 4th level. I have 5 PCs that have stat mod that adds up to +12 to +16 respectively. I know they are overpowered but to make up for it all monsters get max HP. Anyway I need a good encounter while the travel to Liepstad to get them level 4. If any one has a good one let me know. My only stipulation is no undead or constructs. Thanks
Male Human Paladin 1
Brun rises from his bed early in the morning and goes through his morning rituals and training while still in state of shock. While Brun had taken part in many scuffles before he had never truly been in mortal danger before. Beyond that there was the business with the young lass and Ceinwynn's cryptic remarks about his tattoos. Did she really know of his origins? When it came time for breakfast Brun entered the tavern, even as his mind reeled his duty told him what he mush do. Good Morning, defenders of Sandport. I am glad to see that you have chosen to continue in its service. After breakfast shall we seek out the sheriff?
Male Human Paladin 1
The Sheriff should have several in custody. Brun replies as he shakes off his stupor some what. Did this one reveal any more information? and where are we going? After a few more moments of walking Brun looks a bit sheepish Sorry about leaving you guys during a crisis, turns out it was not related to the goblin attack as far as I can tell.
Male Human Paladin 1
Brun is still stunned by what happened in the house and quietly falls into step with the half-orc. His thoughts are on his tattoos, did the the halfling actually know where they came from? Did she know anything of his past. The young man desire to know is great but his fear and confusion is even greater.
Male Human Paladin 1
Brun is not undressed yet just unarmed and armored, he is however kissing the man's daughter passionately. Brun stands up quickly and hastily adjusts his clothes. The dark man blushes even more darkly and his fiery tattoos stand out in stark contrast. The young man tries to speak but words fail and only a spluttering sound can be heard. He quickly looks back and forth between the young lady and her father and then assumes at attention stance and waits for the storm.
Male Human Paladin 1
Brun still does not believe what is happening but the hormones flooding his system overwhelm his ability think clearly and willingly falls into the cot with the young lady. Along the way he drops his sword and shield and starts to strip his armor from his body. In his haste he fumbles with straps, pulls buckles the wrong way and generally manages to bungle the job.
Male Human Paladin 1
I know one evil act causes you lose pal status but is that also true of non-lawful acts. As far I know you actually need to do enough to change alignments to lose pal status for non-lawful acts. Also gonna need the results of detect evil before I do anything else since local and sense motive failed me.
Male Human Paladin 1
Brun is stunned my a fantasy coming true but does not let himself be dragged along right away. He stumbles a bit in confusion and it takes an extra minute to get to the cot. All of his experience as an outcast in this town leads him to distrust this affection and as he stumbles he takes assessment of this situation. Knowledge local about her: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Male Human Paladin 1
Brun shares all of the knowledge that he obtained from Grak with the half orc. [b]Do you want to stay here on the chance more goblins can will show up or come with me and with a guarantee of combat with big rats. I want to leave at least 3 people here. Little one, you got anything to handle swarms? AoE
Male Human Paladin 1
craft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
I have to attend to rats because I gave my word. If a few of you want to come with me I would be grateful. I shall return as quickly as possible
Male Human Paladin 1
So mister goblin, you did not tell me your name and you did not tell the name of the person who should burn at the stake for leading this raid. There might be mercy for those who were not in charge. Right now it looks like the stake for you. Brun's tone is very civil and his demeanor are not threatening but there is conviction in his words.
Male Human Paladin 1
Get every one inside and hide the horse. We may have more showing up and we have to be ready in case they do. Fix that rear door so that they do not notice anything wrong on the way here. Spectrum, can you have little keep watch from the roof unseen and send the other with a note to the sheriff? Ceinwynn, look around outside and see if you can find anything. The rest off you search the house for anything useful and try and find out where the owners are. I will keep an eye on this one. pointing towards the cuffed goblin. So why did you raid the city and who is in charge? Since you can cast magic I will have to assume you are unless you can convince me otherwise. Brun then starts search the room for some ink and paper.
Not sure how ordering around the party will go with several CNs in it. I will not break the game with it. I realize I am the lawful minority. |