
Brother Faust the Elder's page

373 posts. Alias of Turin the Mad.


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Animate Thread

I have no idea why he thought that about the original HotOE ending, Bellona. As you read late last year it was pretty gruesome.


A largely different group.

Only you and Haru are confirmed investigators, and it won't be for the Horror on the Orient Express.


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Cole Deschain wrote:


And yes, it's totally connected with the 2014 film.

I like the way you chant.


" Nyarlathotep … the crawling chaos … I am the last … I will tell the
audient void… "

—H. P. Lovecraft, Nyarlathotep

Taking a bit of liberty with the thread premise.

Trans-Pacific Telegraphy

  • Thank you for joining the expedition STOP
  • Please join me in Lima STOP
  • Have booked you room at Hotel Maury STOP
  • Meet 18 March at 7 pm at Bar Cordano, Jiron Ancash 202, Distrito de Lima STOP
  • Augustus Larkin

Masks of Nyarlathotep p. 54, Omnibus PDF for 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu


I believe that beans are a very poor substitute for brains. Are you feeling well, AZ? ;)


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Quibblethulhu wrote:
Chyrone wrote:
102. They step through a portal, unknowingly entering the sunken city of Cthulhu.
Oh fhtagn!

The sudden onset of pressure damage and drowning rules should clue them in a wee bit. ;)

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Alas Patient Zero, you shall be missed. o7

When you animate and claw your way out of your coffin, pick a template that renders you impervious to decapitation.

Hiding in plain sight amongst all those headstones, shallow graves and poorly documented ancestral burial grounds.

GreyWolfLord wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:


Am I thread crapping or just keeping it light? I only ask for your perspectives, not necessarily the ones I have.

I think you were trying to keep it light, but you need more Cthulhu.

Cthulhu is like cowbell. These things always need more Cthulhu. *wiggles tentacles suggestively*

Too bad we have to wait until 23rd October.

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A wise person once said that very few things are impossible, however improbable.

reply to the spoiler:

It never ceases to amaze me how seldom people look down. Everyone else is busy reveling in anarchy except those being eaten and those fleeing.

I think the setting is reflecting "not fondness for La Policia" that boils to the surface with all the 'shootings of innocent victims' (that also happen to be a tad hungry for flesh of other bipeds). As with most riots, the target of their rage is not the recipient of the lion's share of the carnage. In this case, the spread of the Horde is taking place in plain sight.

I noticed scattered zombies all over the place amidst those-who-have-yet-to-be-eaten. Smartly, the larger starting pockets are in hospitals. "They're sick, where else do we take 'em? " I'm waiting for a morgue scene, but I don't know if that'll happen.

The power grid going down ... all kinds of bad. I do wish they'd shown that happening. MAybe a later moment?

Denial, always fun. "Sick" ... yeah, you guys go with that, mmm'kay.

Regarding incineration ... the point that is made is valid: burned particles could float in the smoke to be inhaled later, carried on the winds to no one knows where. The hospital full of Horde members is a giant airborne vector when the place caught fire.

A thought: What if the 'infection' spread from El Salvador? ;)

That would still be wrong if you use 2014 estimated Metropolitan Statistical Areas.

I guess it depends on where the stats are pulled from. <grin>

I'm curious is all.

Edit: Ah, I find that one is referencing a 5-county Combined Statistical Area. Which is strange, as one source cites L.A. as the largest yet the second one directly linkied cites the NYC CSA as the largest.

Interestingly, where the Washington D.C. area falls in the ranks depends on which set one examines. In the first, it places 7th. In the second, it places 4th. Either way, traffic sucks. ;)

erm, the Big Apple has a good 4.5 million more Horde members waiting to happen than Lost Angles, more or less. Or is a larger geographic area under consideration?

This week is when the "west coast offensive" airs, is it not?

We'll share. I'll eat his hamstrings first, the rest of you can take your time.

Aberzombie wrote:
Mead Gregorisson wrote:
Bacon is the only thing.
I like the way you think, and your name! When the Zombiepocalypse comes, I think we'll eat you last.

Best that someone so well marinated doesn't suffer and ruin the flavor. Eat him first.

I believe that means they shall be eaten first.

Aberzombie: Lord of the Undead wrote:
I think what we need is a good, old-fashioned Zombiepocalypse. Just sayin.....

Any day now would be nice.

Don't stare into the lights ...

*le sigh*

Too late.

I believe a great many brains will be eaten tonight.

*dons bib*


Haven't caught up yet. Be glad it's only the fodder getting killed off. All the smart ghouls are lurking behind the scenes.


Glenn is sooooo getting him some payback. We'll get to eat those just desserts. *smacks lips in anticipation*

Do we have the Splattered Whitecoats spooling up the Narfgate Program? We're going to run out of self-propelled field rations sooner rather than later...


Rewatching the first half of season 5 as we type, clearing them as we go, in anticipation of being fully caught up for tonight.

Go team Ghoul!!


It takes a truly refined ghoulish palate to appreciate the brains of the demented.

*unrolls bibs and tableware*

Shall we?


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A bejewelled floating cyclopean skull slurping souls is too tempting to resist.



Nice idea. If I ever run Kingmaker again, Big V becomes an awakened demilich.


No, no it cannot.

Izzat a bag of juicy brains? Are they ... tasty? Are they ... scrumptious?

*smacks lips*


The boxed set did at long last show up. I'm awaiting the rest of the loot (coffee mugs, miniatures set specific to HotOE, other things that I forget) to show up.

The new boxed set is on par in size with an old school VHS player, weighing in at a solid 5 kilos.

Most impressive.


They've STILL not shipped my box o' goodies as of yet. I poked them with a sharpened femur just the other day, prompting update #123. Which basically says "We hired 2 temps to help us pack and ship all this stuff via Priority Mail, please don't go [redacted] on us!"

So, yippy skippy, the wait continues.

Pathfinder simply isn't suited to a CoC style game. Better bet is to take an "E6" approach. However, given the massive retooling certain CoC monsters would require in E6 Pathfinder, I don't think it would be worth the effort. At least, not right now.


Brains is brains. Flashback brains are bestest brains 'cause you know you ate 'em.

Killer_GM wrote:
Brother Faust the Elder wrote:

The 2013 edition of Horror on the Orient Express is taking FOREVER to get finished and produced. It was supposed to be done and delivered by about GenCon this year. Instead, here we are at the end of Thanksgiving weekend and they're still working on it.


Did this update ever occur? This game which I was a player in to the bitter end (as detailed on this campaign journal) was absolutely hilarious. Any self-respecting player should wish to be a participant in such a game. Hopefully this game continues at some point in the future. The Mountain of Madness still beckons I think...

Still waiting. At this point, I will be amazed if they get this shipped to us for Cthulhumas.


Omnomnomnom ... oh, are we early? It can wait.

I kinda-freaked out a bit 2 Sundays back when, for whatever reason, I was absolutely certain that TWD was coming on that night.

Mrs. Fausts' reply: " You don't get to watch faces being eaten for another month, dear. Now enjoy some equally mindless football with me. "

The 2013 edition of Horror on the Orient Express is taking FOREVER to get finished and produced. It was supposed to be done and delivered by about GenCon this year. Instead, here we are at the end of Thanksgiving weekend and they're still working on it.


lucky7 wrote:

The knowledge is intelligible.

And no zombie, I'm not giving you any brain food. Look at your local supermarket!

Most of the self-propelled field rations to be found in the supermarket aren't all that ... well seasoned ...

Aberzombie wrote:
I believe if I get through this move with my sanity and/or body completely intact, it'll be a f**@ing miracle.

I believe that in day to day life, the most SAN loss is inflicted by moving. Not because it is lost all in one fell swoop. Oh no, it is lost in dribs and drabs, 1d2 at a time, day by day, until you finish unpacking...


The primary mechanics for combat are getting a substantial overhaul, for example. Not sure beyond that. Guess they don't want as many investigators getting off the hook with mere death at the hands of mooks so that they can properly lose their marbles and wind up gibbering in an asylum or eaten by Things Man Was Not Meant to Know About.


I would dearly love to scarf up the pair/sets of leather bound tomes myself.

Alas, unless substantial lottery winnings are burning a hole in my wallet, I don't know how much I can throw into this Kickstarter.

Fortunately, we have a few weeks' time for the stars to come right...


Go here to revel in the forthcoming 7th edition of the classic Call of Cthulhu!

Note the tasty, tasty goodies ... the promise of carnage, foolishness, madness, mayhem and violence upon the bodies of hapless investigators as they attempt to thwart the heinous acts of Mythos cults and entities!

Pledge your support ... and grovel before the Greater Evil. 'cause settling for the lesser evil just doesn't cut it anymore. ;)


GM Hands of Fate wrote:

Yeah I have made probably 40 characters for C0C. It's how I learn how to make characters in a system. Although from reading this journal, I realize I put way too much backstory into a a character that may very well die or go insane within 4 minutes. Hehe.

Maybe I will try it as a one shot.

Many of the adventures published for CoC do not delve overmuch into character development. EDIT: For a one-shot, if you are the Keeper for a group that is new to CoC, I highly recommend one or more of the short scenarios presented in the basic rules set, especially the Horror in the Attic (which I used). If they can handle that, they can probably handle Call of Cthulhu.

At GenCon / this August a new, improved Horror on the Orient Express will be released. There are a ton of props [a medallion, passports, miniatures, a soundtrack, and more] that should also be available for the HotOE as well.

HotOE - for character development - depends on the players not going 'combat munchkin' and the Keeper recognizing that the investigators really need to get through all the way to the end if at all possible. Going full 'combat munchkin' tends to make Keepers ... remorseless. ;) Having said that, the irony is that for a RP-intensive group, HotOE can really go the distance. There are dozens of NPCs to interact with without swinging a fist/firing a shot. There are a gob of ways to potentially develop one's investigators ... before they die hideously / are driven insane/ both. (SAN loss in some ways is too incremental ... but that may be the PF GM in me.) In a way, the intent here is to get attached before the fit hits the shan, making the pain and suffering all the worse.

The availability of a plethora of replacement investigators through passengers boarding and disembarking from the train along its route, even from among the crew, makes new PCs easy to introduce... yet hard to integrate as only the investigators from the beginning will appreciate the full story. I would suggest any replacement investigators be introduced by way of "your relative's stuff showed up via courier/post - part of your relative's estate demands that you continue his/her task" or somesuch.

Having respectable combat capability is a must, one could do very well with investing INT points into dodge, martial arts, punch, a melee weapon and an easily concealed handgun (such as the M1918 or even better the 'Broomhandle' Mauser). Use the combination of EDU + Occupation to collect decent language skills and - cooperating with the rest of the players - the 'usual suspects' of social/investigative skills.

HotOE would definitely reward a chargen session with the Keeper supplying the basics necessary for the creation of successful investigators.

I look forward to my other group getting to play the updated HotOE late this year or more likely / perhaps sometime next year.


GM Hands of Fate wrote:
Brother Faust the Elder wrote:
26 investigators bought the farm in the blood-drenched finale to this version of the notorious Horror on the Orient Express.
Impressive. I have yet to play CoC. I have the game, but my friends hold too tightly to their characters, and don't want to die or go insane. All the games I have tried to play in have been PBP and the GM has been consumed by Elder Gods within 3 weeks.

The setup here was to transcribe the provided passengers and crew/staff of the train into investigators for the players to use and have abused. None of the "real" investigators were harmed, on purpose. The players loved it I think.

Call of Cthulhu is a very easy game to make characters for, it is quick to play, and a very welcome change of pace from the more rules-intensive games (such as Pathfinder).

It is a lot of fun if no one takes it too seriously, as investigators often meet horrible fates, go insane or get eaten while simultaneously gibbering from an ill-timed uncovery of a cosmic truth.


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Aberzombie wrote:
I believe that every day I look forward more and more to getting the hell out of Philly.

I believe that the Horde will look forward to shambling forth from its new "ground zero" when you do.

Sweet, the ... preparatory materials' shelf life is good until a bit after that.


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Aberzombie wrote:
I believe the next few months could be the most insane of my life.

I believe that the rest of the Horde wants to know more.