
Brin Kingmaker's page

8 posts. Alias of Everthefool.


"Harrumph" ;)

Dwarven druid? Intriguing.

Halfling Rogue submitted.

Jayce Smith wrote:
Must not roll dice for stats... [dice=Will Save]1d20+1 Well crap...

Omg, roflmao, soooo awesome, Jayce.

Lugos wrote:

Confucius say 'man who stand on toilet, high on pot.'


Lugos wise, but not as wise as Confucius who say:

"Secretary not permanent fixture until screwed on top of desk."

Deliverance wrote:

Confuscius and airports in the same sentence? Seems legit -.-

Confucius also say Halfling rogue never lead you astray.

But then... Confucius also say elevator smell different to halflings and gnomes.

So it still comes out to swamp @ss and nut fog so thick you can cut it like a bundt cake either way you slice it.

Deliverance wrote:
DM Skull wrote:
If you do not hear back it is possible that your application did not meet ANY of the selection criteria and you should think about revamping it.
Would still be nice to hear back. If Im happy with what Ive submitted, how am I supposed to know what to change if I get no reasoning?

Confucius say patience is virtue.

But then, Confucius also say Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways always going to Bangkok.

So you win some and you lose some.

Interested, PM sent. Please PM me if you have questions or concerns. Eagerly awaiting approval or crushed dreams <grin>.