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22 posts. Alias of Please Don't Kill Me.

Sovereign Court

Would a Sin Mage gain the additional 2 spell slots per level even if casting is progressed through a prestige class? Would a Sin Mage Wizard 5/Bloatmage X still gain the 2 additional spell slots for his 4th, 5th, ect level spells?

I ask because this clarification about their school powers seems to imply the archetype modifies spell casting rather than schools. So it seems to me that the prestige class would indeed grant those bonus spell slots. However, I could be wrong, so I figured I would ask.

Sovereign Court

So I had a bit of free time on my hands and I wanted to figure out the highest (and lowest) total ability score modifiers you can get under several conditions (via some nifty problem solving software curtesy of my employer).

Total ability score modifiers will be defined as the sum of all ability scores for a given stat array, ignoring any racial modifiers. Racial modifiers play no real part in this analysis though, as the standard array and human array both simply add 1 to the totals that will be given. Note that this is not a guide to maxing out your character, just the best (or worst) way to have the most bonuses on your character. Again, this is pre racial bonuses and I'll add in a sample array.


Max ability score modifiers: 10
ex. 14, 14, 14, 14, 13, 12

Min ability score modifiers: 3
ex. 18, 18, 9, 8, 8, 7

Have to have a 18 pre racial? Best you can aspire to: 8
ex. 18, 12, 12, 12, 12, 10

Have to have a 16 pre racial? Best you can aspire to: 9
ex. 16, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12


Max ability score modifiers: 8
ex. 14, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12

Min ability score modifiers: 1
ex. 18, 18, 8, 7, 7, 7

Have to have a 18 pre racial? Best you can aspire to: 5
ex. 18, 12, 12, 11, 10, 8

Have to have a 16 pre racial? Best you can aspire to: 8
ex. 16, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12


Max ability score modifiers: 7
ex. 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Min ability score modifiers: 0
ex. 17, 17, 9, 8, 7, 7

Have to have a 18 pre racial? Best you can aspire to: 3
ex. 18, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7

Have to have a 16 pre racial? Best you can aspire to: 5
ex. 16, 12, 12, 12, 11, 8

These should be correct barring and oversight I made when setting the parameters of the solver, if you would like me to add another scenario just let me know and I'll run it monday. Also note, the examples are just one way to arrive at the max (or min) ability score modifiers, which is made evident in the 20 point buy scenario.

Sovereign Court

Note: This is for PFS, so there is no asking a GM for permission...

I had a quick question, is there anyway to gain the orc subtype besides the Orc Bloodline or Racial Heritage (Orc)?

I ask because I'm looking into being a Dwarf Fighter (Viking or Lore Warden) and taking advantage of Goblin Cleaver Feat, Accelerated Drink Trait, and lots of potions of Enlarge Person. Then I noticed Surprise Follow Through for Orcs/Half-Orcs and thought that would make a good mechanical addition to my build as well as a funny fluff thing (aka I have killed so many filthy Orcs in my time that there blood has contaminated my pure Dwarven blood!).

The only thing is I plan on dumping my Cha and I would like to avoid burning two feats to be able to pick up a third. Also, a level dip would be somewhat of a drag considering the crappy Cha score and not being able to use my spells and what not. Eventually I would like to do something a bit more exciting than fighter with him as well, maybe branch out into Inquisitor but thats another story.

So are there any ways to pick up the Orc subtype other than the two above methods?

Bonus Question: Is there a way to get the Dwarven subtype besides besides Racial Heritage? Would a Half-Orc with Racial Heritage (Dwarf) be a viable option in PFS (is it legal I mean)? Because I might be able to work that Idea out.

Sovereign Court

So I came across the feat Roll With It and I really want to use it with a new character. Creation guidelines are anything Paizo with a 20pt build and I would like to avoid being a summoner but I have no qualms with using Racial Heritage (Goblin) to gain access to the feat. I don't know what level I will be starting at but any help with the build would be appreciated.

I was a bit put off by the staggered bit of the feat until I realized that I can still charge while staggered which is really nice. Then I realized that if I managed to get pounce somehow I would be making full attacks while staggered which is even better. So I think the best build to use in conjunction with Roll With It is a build that can do some cool stuff (or decent damage output) on a charge with no mount. I'm open to any other suggestions though, so please hit me with your best shot...

Also, for those that don't want to click the link above:

Roll With It wrote:

Prerequisite: Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank.

Benefit: If you are struck by a melee weapon you can try to convert some or all of that damage into movement that sends you off in an uncontrolled bouncing roll. To do so, you must make an Acrobatics check (DC = 5 + the damage dealt from the attack) as an immediate action. If you succeed in this check, you take no damage from the actual attack but instead convert that damage into movement with each point equating to 1 foot of movement.

For example, if you would have taken 6 points of damage, you would convert that into 6 feet of movement. You immediately move in a straight line in a direction of your choice this number of feet (rounded up to the nearest 5-foot-square), halting if you reach a distance equal to your actual speed. If this movement would make you strike an object or creature of your size or larger, the movement immediately ends, you take 1d4 points of damage, and fall prone in that square. This involuntary movement provokes attacks of opportunity normally if you move through threatened squares, but does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the creature that struck you in the first place.

You are staggered for 1 round after you attempt to use this feat, whether or not you succeed.

Edit: As an after thought Panther Claw and Panther Style might be kind of cool to use with this too... don't know quite how to work that in but hey, thats what you guys are here for.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so I have to make a level 4 character for a Shattered Star Campaign. We are starting off on the second book and the creation guidelines are as follows: 4th level character, 3rd level wealth, core and featured races, and basically any Paizo material out there.

I was looking into a character that grapples a lot but then thought that might be a little limited. Then I was thinking about making a character that excels at a number of Combat Maneuvers or maybe a character that uses a net or whip. Honestly, I have no idea what I want to do anymore, so I would like some suggestions.

Also, I have no idea what the rest of the party will be but I'm really not that interested in a full spellcaster. I'm trying to think of something that is powerful but out of the box (in terms of using mostly Combat Maneuvers or something like that) and I'm just drawing a blank.

So throw some interesting ideas at me and we will see what sticks!

Sovereign Court

I recently came into a disagreement and would like to know your opinions on the topic.

Would an individual wielding a Double Barreled Pistol be able to fire both barrels on all iterative attacks? Assume they have three attacks (+6/+1 BAB and Rapid Shot) as well as rapid reload and alchemical charges. I think they can but I would like to see.

The conflict arose because the description says the following:

Pistol, Double-Barreled wrote:

both can be shot at once with the same action

I read that as not a specific action but just wording to describe pulling the trigger. Where as the other individual believes it refers to a specific action. So what do you think?

Sovereign Court

So I have a question. Would a Ninja firing both barrels of double barreled pistol at the same time be able to reduce an opponents ability score by 20pts when using hidden master or would they have to reduce two separate ability scores by 10pts? This is of course assuming you sacrifice all of you sneak attack bonuses for one round.

Hidden Master wrote:

At 20th level, a ninja becomes a true master of her art. She can, as a standard action, cast greater invisibility on herself. While invisible in this way, she cannot be detected by any means, and not even invisibility purge, see invisibility, and true seeing can reveal her. She uses her ninja level as her caster level for this ability. Using this ability consumes 3 ki points from her ki pool. In addition, whenever the ninja deals sneak attack damage, she can sacrifice additional damage dice to apply a penalty to one ability score of the target equal to the number of dice sacrificed for 1 minute. This penalty does not stack with itself and cannot reduce an ability score below 1.

Sovereign Court

I just wanted to clarify before I attempt to make a character that combines these abilities. Does an Alchemist using Kirin Strike get Int*3 whenever he uses a splash weapon with this style (once a round of course because it is a swift action to activate)?

That being said, is there anyway to get more swift actions in any given round? And finally, how can I draw and throw multiple Alchemical Weapons (eg Alchemist's Fire) in a round because Quick Draw wont work?

Sovereign Court

Okay, so tonight my group is going to start a dungeon crawl. We are down a couple guys because they are of doing other things and right now we have a rouge, a cleric, and myself. So I want to either make a decent damage dealer or a tank but I also want to be a monk since I have never played one before. Lvl 6, 20pt buy with standard and featured races with approval. We have been informed that this dungeon will be extremely deadly so here are my two builds.

Please Don't Hit Me:

Goblin Master of Many Styles 6
Str 8; Dex 18+1; Con 14; Int 10; Wis 16; Cha 8

1: Weapon Finesse, Snapping Turtle Style, Improved Unarmed Strike; FoB; Stunning Fist
2: Snapping Turtle Clutch; Evasion
3: Dodge; Fast Movement; Maneuver Training; Still Mind
4: Ki Pool; Slow Fall (20ft)
5: Crane Style; High Jump; Purity of Body
6: Snapping Turtle Shell; Slow Fall (30ft)

Traits: Quain Martial Artist, Wisdom in the Flesh (Climb)

Equipment: Belt of Dex (+2); Headband of Wis (+2); AoMF (Agile); Bracers of Armor (+1); 2,000 gp.

Attack: Unarmed Strike +10 (1d8+6/x2); Unarmed Strike while fighting defensively +8 (1d8+6/x2); Stunning Fist (DC 17)

AC: Small +1, Dex +5, Wis +4, Monk +1, Dodge +1, Snapping Turtle Style +3, Crane Style +5 when fighting defensively; Bracers of Armor +1: AC 26, 31 while fighting defensively.

Alt Racial Traits: Cave Crawler, Tree Runner

Notes: With 6 ranks in Climb he can take a 10 on climb checks to get a 36.

Please Don't Make Me Hit You:

Half-Orc Monk 6
Str 15+2+1; Dex 14; Con 12; Int 10; Wis 16; Cha 7

1: Power Attack, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike; Stunning Fist
2: Deflect Arrows; Evasion
3: Dragon Style; Fast Movement; Maneuver Training; Still Mind
4: Ki Pool; Slow Fall (20ft)
5: Dragon Ferocity; High Jump; Purity of Body
6: Improved Trip of Bull Rush; Slow Fall (30ft)

Traits: Quain Martial Artist, Reactionary

Equipment: Belt of Str (+2); AoMF (+1); 6,000gp

Attacks: Unarmed Strike +8 (1d8+16/x2); FoB +8/+8/+3 (1d8+16/x2 first attack, 1d8+13/x2 all other attacks); Stunning Fist (DC 16); Elemental Fist (DC 16)

AC: Dex +2, Wis +3, Monk +1: AC 16

Atl Racial Traits: Sacred Tattoo, Shaman's Apprentice

So which do you like better and do you have any changes?

Edit: Changed Please Don't Hit Me's Reactionary trait for Wisdom in the Flesh (Climb) and Eat Anything for Tree Runner. Also changed his Equipment. Corrected Please Don't Make Me Hit You's DCs.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so my character was bitten by a werewolf and failed his will save at level 2. I just turned level 4 and I has gone through two moon cycles and has gained the ability to shift between forms and my gracious GM lets me remain in control of my PC while in hybrid form. Now I have a couple of questions.

My first question is what to do with my character. I was originally going to go pure Oracle but now I'm thinking that I should go Rage Prophet. While I know thats not the greatest class, it seems like there is a lot of potential given my current situation. My current character is bellow.


lvl 4 Halfling Dual Cursed (Lame/Tongues) Nature Oracle.

Normal form: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10 (8 base +2 from Lycanthropy), Cha 17 (18 base -2 from Lycanthropy +1 at lvl 4)
Hybrid form: Str 16, Des 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 14 (12 wolf base +2 Lycanthropy), Cha 17

Feats: Combat Casting, Extra Revelation (Misfortune)
Revelations: Bonded Mount, Nature's Whispers, Misfortune

Spells: Lvl 1-Ill Omen, Divine Favor, Inflict Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Burning Disarm. Lvl 2-Oracle's Burden, Lesser Restoration, Cure Moderate Wounds.

Mount: Wold that was killed/captured in an attempt to find my lost companions, I am going replace it with a dog.

I was going to take two levels in Barbarian (Drunken Brute) then go Rage Prophet. I have to take the Moment of Clarity Rage Power but I was also considering the possibility of taking Extra Rage Power (Ferocious Mount). Then for my other feats I was looking into Raging Vitality (to help survivability) and Boon Companion (to make up for the 2 lost levels of Barbarian). But I'm not sure what else to do.

My first question: The rest of my party was captured/killed by the enemy while I was off doing a side quest (I missed the previous session) and they are all making new characters. How do I try and prevent their new PCs from slaughtering my character once they find out about my... gift? While I wouldn't be upset if they killed my PC I would like to prevent it. I was thinking about trying to say that I am was given the power to shape shift by my deity Gozreh. I also have bear traps, lots of bear traps that can help protect me while I sleep. Any other suggestions?

Note: The Drunken Brute Archetype is for fluff. He is going to take up drinking after losing his AC and his adventuring party. It also helps me mitigate the effects of Ferocious Mount since I wont have a lot of rounds of rage.

Edit: I have basically been a front line fighter. I ride in on my AC then try to kill stuff dead as best as possible.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so the GM in a game I'm in has allowed for character rebuild after we switched to a different campaign for a bit but are now returning to the orginal. All guns are considered martial weapons (not requiring exotic weapon proficiency) and advanced firearms are allowed, they just cost twice as much and require a home brew feat to craft.

While none of this is extremely important to the build I figured I should give as much info as possible. Also if this build isn't that good I have a Ratfolk Pistelero that uses revolvers in the making. However, if this Feral Gnasher works and can be effective I want to go with this, it seems fun and interesting.

As for party make up we have a Goblin Alchemist and the other 3 are remaking their characters as well so I have no idea what they are doing. Almost all Paizo content is legal and 3pp material with permission.

Feral Gnasher:
Feral Gnasher lvl 6
Str: 14+1, Dex: 16, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 12, Cha: 7

1: Savage Bite, Rage; Raging Vitality
2: Impromptu Armament, Uncanny Dodge
3: Lockjaw; Improved Unarmed Strike
4: Animal Fury or Beast Totem Lesser; Str +1
5: Improvised Weapon Mastery; Improved Grapple
6: Improved Lockjaw; Hive Totem or Beast Totem

Traits: Serpentine Squeeze, Goblin Foolhardiness

Alternate Racial Traits: None, willing to change this though.

Normal: BAB (+6), Str Mod (+2), Grab (+4), Small (-1), Trait (+1), Improved Grapple (+2) = +14
Raging: Additional Str Mod (+2), Animal Fury (+2 on rounds that involve bite) = +4 w/bite, +2 w/o bite

So in the build above Beast Totem line looks good because of the Claws and Pounce. However, the Hive Totem line might be nice because of the scaling Con poison and the bonuses to CMB. I'm willing to change a good deal about this character except I don't want to go Human with Racial Heritage.

At higher levels I plan on taking Greater Grapple and eventually Sleeper Hold.

So what do you guys think? What can be done better?

Edit: And I figured my main thing would be to grapple opponents and then tie them up with out pinning them (-10 to CMB check). Then when they are tied up beat them to death...

Sovereign Court

As the title suggests I have a quick TWF question.

Say you are a lvl 6 Gunslinger with Rapid Shot and TWF but not ITWF fighting, duel wielding Revolvers. What will the attack sequence look like (just using BAB, Rapid Shot and TWF penalties)?

Will it be:
a) +0/+0/+0/-1
b) +0/+0/+0/-5

I'm 99% sure its b, but I'm not not sure and wanted to clarify.

So basically I'm asking does the TWF penalty apply to all attacks made or just to those that use the TWF rules?

Sovereign Court

Say an Alan the Archer possesses both Snap Shot and Improved Snap Shot and is positioned 15ft away from an Barry the Bad Guy. Now will Ricky the Rouge get his sneak attack when he stabs Barry if he is positioned opposite of Alan? I ask because of this:

When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.

Emphasis mine.

Well he would be threatened on his opposite boarder by Alan, so I think Ricky would get his sneak attack off on Barry. Is this Correct

Note: I don't believe however that Alan would qualify for any bonuses but I'm not 100% sure about this.

Sovereign Court

So first of all, do these two things work together? Second, what combinations would you use? So say your are a Vivisectionist/Beastmorph combo at the following levels: 7, 10, 14. What features would you pick for your Beastmorph Mutagen and what animal would you use for your Beast Shape, assume that you always use the highest lvl of Beast Shape you have access to.

Beast Shape

Note: If you have a better idea using Monstrous Physique go for it.

Edit: Actually, use any polymorph spell that the Alchemist has access to.

Sovereign Court

So as the title suggests, when do spontaneous casters regain their spells per day allotment? Do they need a full nights rest? Does it just happen at 12:01am every day? Can I set what time my allotment refreshes? I tried to look up the answer but I couldn't find anything, so I assume that I just missed something. Also any text quotes either way would be helpful.

Sovereign Court

Just out of curiosity, what is the effectiveness of poisons at higher levels? To give a more in depth question lets have a hypothetical character with the following build. If you have a better poisoner please feel free to post the build because as I said this is just for general effectiveness of poison.


Ratfolk Plague Bringer, Internal Alchemist 6/Daggermark Poisoner 4
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16+2+2, Wis 12, Cha 7

Alchemist 1: Sharp Claws
Alchemist 2: Discovery: Improved Unarmed Strike
Alchemist 3: Adder Strike
Alchemist 4: Discovery: Concentrate Poison
Alchemist 5: Master Alchemist
DPoisoner 1:
DPoisoner 2: Weapon Focus (Claws), Toxic Trick: Toxic Magic (pernicious poison)
DPoisoner 3:
DPoisoner 4: Feral Combat (Claws), Toxic Trick: Combine Poison
Alchemist 6: Discovery: Mutagen

So I can craft any poison using its pp value instead of its sp value to determine work done and I can create a number of doses per day equal to twice my Int modifier. So having Poisons on hand is a non issue. In addition I can apply one dose of poison to both of my claws as a swift action thanks to Feral Combat Training and Adder Strike.

So If I apply a concentrated poison to both claws via Adder Strike and hit with both attacks the target takes a -4 to its save versus poison. Now if I hit it with Pernicious Poison prior to doing so the target now takes a -4 for a cumulative -8 to saves vs the poison. In addition if they hit me in melee while I have my Plague Vial up and they fail there Fort save they gain the sickened condition which carries a -2 penalty on saving throws.

So the attack actions would look like the following.
Round 1: Move to enemy and provoke AoO (assume the enemy fails fort save), use Pernicious Poison SLA, swift action poison both claws via Adder Strike.
Round 2: Full attack with both claws (assume both hit)

So the target in the above scenario takes a -10 on poison saves, but how good will this be at higher levels? I know you can get this negative even higher but i think this is the shortest/most efficient way for a single character.

Sovereign Court

So I am in a Kingmaker campaign and I have a level 2 Dual Cursed (Tongues, Lame) Halfling Nature Oracle that took Bonded Mount (Wolf) Revelation at 1st level. Since I'm low level and limited on what spells I know/can use I have mostly been trying to beat stuff with my mace (which I don't plan on doing forever). Looking forward I was trying to think of items (magical or mundane) that will help me to be a better spell caster/semi front line fighter/tank.

The party composition is a Halfling Caviler, a Halfing Rouge, a Human Vivisectionist, and Half-Elf Druid. I know we are lacking on Arcane casters but we have been dealing with it fairly well so far. And my basic character info is as listed below:


Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 18

Feats: Combat Casting, at 3rd level I am taking Uncanny Concentration

Items: Buckler, Studded Leather, MW Cold Iron Sickle, Morning Star, Sling, and 5 Bear Traps

An obvious choice is a Headband of Alluring Cha. I was thinking a Belt of Str would be nice as well and I was really interested in picking up a Soothsayers Raiment, Mnemonic Vestment, Ring or Revelation, and a couple Pages of Spell Knowledge. The biggest questions I had are 1) What other mundane or magical items would be beneficial and 2) what order would be most beneficial to pick these things up?

Also almost all Paizo content is fair game.

Sovereign Court

So I was looking through the new player companion Varisia: Birthplace of Legends and I came across one of the two new feats. I thought it was a pretty cool idea and wanted to come up with a character that could use it. The feat is as follows:

Thunder and Fang:

You have mastered the ancient Shoanti Thunder and Fang fighting style, allowing you to fight with increased effectiveness when wielding an earth breaker and klar.
Prerequisites: Str 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (earth breaker), Weapon Focus (klar)
Benefit: You can use an earth breaker as though it were a one-handed weapon. When using an earth breaker in one hand and a klar in your off hand, you retain the shield bonus your klar grants to your Armor Class even when you use it to attack. Treat your klar as a light weapon for the purposes of determining your two-weapon fighting penalty.
Normal: An earth breaker is a two-handed weapon, preventing the use of a klar in one hand without imposing penalties for using the earth breaker one-handed. A klar can be used either as a one-handed weapon or a shield; it does not grant a bonus to AC during rounds in which it is used as a weapon.
Special: This is a combat feat, and may be selected with class features that grant bonus combat feats.

I was thinking maybe Ranger 2/Barbarian x to get TWF without the Dex prereq and then being able to capitalize on the TWF with a nice rage bonus. Any better ideas? I thought it was a pretty interesting feat concept.

Sovereign Court

So I have a Scarred Witch Human with the Racial Heritage (Orc) Feat and a 1 lvl dip into Barbarian that I am making as a back up PC for a couple different campaigns I'm in right now. I was thinking about going down the Hex Strike path but picking up Feral Combat with the Prehensile Hair Hex so I can deliver the Hex Strike through that natural attack, using Con instead of Str.

Now what, if any, Hex is the best for Hex Strike? Also I will have a decent to hit while ragging with a 24 Con without buffs or magic items so I'm not terribly worried about missing often.

Sovereign Court

Okay, this was just an idea I had and has no practical application from what I can tell. However, to the point assume the following. An Aasimar with the Scion of Humanity Alt Racial Trait. Now you qualify as Outsider (Native) as well as Humanoid (Human) for all effects related to race. Now because you just love adding subtypes you take Racial Heritage (Elf). Now you qualify as an Outsider (Native), Humanoid (Human), and Humanoid (Elf).

Now here is the question, besides tripling the likely hood that a Ranger has picked your subtype as a favored enemy or tripling the likely hood that a bane weapon affects you, what are any other benefits/downfalls of doing this?

Note: I choose Elf arbitrarily and if you can think of anything more beneficial/detrimental please use it instead.

Edit: Just thought of being able to use certain feats and archetypes. Is there anything else?

Another Edit: Just realized that my human sorcerer can take Racial Heritage (Half-Elf) and now I can use Paragon Surge and I get the nice FCB of humans. That is nice, especially considering that Sorcerers are not really feat heavy classes so this wont be much of a burden.

Sovereign Court

So I just downloaded Paths of Prestige and it looks pretty awesome on first read through. But now I have a burning question I must ask. Is there any way to get additional skill ranks in a particular skill above what your HD would normally allow?

I know that you are limited to a number or ranks in a skill no greater than your HD, but I want to try to enter the Mammoth (Not actually limited to Mammoths) Rider Prestige class earlier than level 10. I would be fine with any Paizo or 3PP material.

Also I am willing to answer any questions people may have about the book, which was totally worth the purchase.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so I have been trying to come up with a character for some time and have asked for help on a couple different ideas. However, I have decided on this class and general set up. That being said I would like some general input on what you think of the build. The character is a back up (or replacement in the case of retirement) for one of two campaigns I’m in and if he isn’t used in either of those he will definitely be my build for the next one I’m in.

Combat wise he will be heavily armored when he can afford a Mithral Agile Breastplate and at 9th lvl I plan on him picking up a Heavy Steel Shield and Arcane Armor Mastery.

At the beginning of his initiative he will cast a touch spell (like inflict x wounds and hold the charge), pop a potion out of his wrist sheath, and drink it. Next round he will move into battle, and drink another potion if he needs to. Once he is where he needs to be he in combat he will enter rage and precede use his Hexes (like misfortune) as standards and cackle as a move while 5 foot stepping around. He will also try to agro as many attacks as he can and act like the tank with a decent AC and a high amount of hp. For the most part I hope that I will have potions to satisfy any spellcasting needs but if I need an emergency spell I have moment of clarity to assist me (as well as Arcane Armor Training).


Human- Barbarian 1/Scarred Witch 7
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 16+2, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
HP: (12, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)+ 28 + 6 = 70; FCB: None, HP, HP, HP, HP, HP, HP

1: Drunken Brute, Raging Drunk; Racial Heritage (Orc), Raging Vitality
2: Scarred Witch, Fetish Mask, Scarshield, Patron
3: Scarred Witch, Misfortune, Patron Spell; Extra Hex (Cackle)
4: Scarred Witch; +1 Con
5: Scarred Witch, Fortune, Patron Spell; Extra Rage Power (Moment of Clarity)
6: Scarred Witch
7: Scarred Witch, Cauldron, Patron Spell; Arcane Armor Training

Traits: Accelerated Drinker, ?

Note: I have not included any potential equipment because I don’t know what level he will be starting at and what funds he will have to spend. Most of his funds will go towards purchasing a Belt of Mighty Con +6 (incrementally if necessary) and everything else will be secondary to that. Also in my campaigns we roll for hp but you always take half rounded down minimum, so doing that the average works out to be 4 so I just used that.

Edit: All paizo materials are allowed.

Sovereign Court

I looked around for a bit and couldn't find the answer. Anyways what does the above give me in terms of action economy? Is drinking a potion a swift action, free action, or unaffected?

Sovereign Court

So I am in the process of building a Scarred Witch and I realized I can have some of the highest DC Hexes around by level 8. Note: I am not doing this, this is much more optimized then the character I am making

Human- Barbarian 1/Scarred Witch 7
Feats: Racial Heritage, Raging Vitality, Ability Focus (Slumber Hex), Accursed Hex, ?

Stats: Con 18+ 2 Racial+ 2 Level, everything else is irrelevant for this scenario.

Equipment: Belt of Mighty Constitution +6, everything else is again irrelevant

Okay, so on your first action you enter rage as a free and then proceed to use your Slumber Hex against the enemy with a DC 27 (10 + 12 Con + 3 lvl + 2 Ability Focus). And on the off chance they save you can hit them again with it. Almost every non-caster character is going to be asleep.

For sake of argument, can you make this anymore powerful? Again, my character is going to be very well balanced in terms of stats and feats. I am not trying to powergame this, it is all theorycraft.

Sovereign Court

I was wondering, can a Witch use her Hex while raging considering most are since they are mostly Ex's?

Rage wrote:
While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Su wrote:
These can't be disrupted in combat and generally don't provoke attacks of opportunity. They aren't subject to spell resistance, counterspells, or dispel magic, and don't function in antimagic areas.

Just incase you are wondering why, I was going to make an Orc Barbarian 1/Scarred Witch Doctor 6 or Barbarian 2/Scarred Witch Doctor 5

Sovereign Court

Okay, lets say we have a 10lvl Ratfolk Vivisectionist that has the following:

Feats: TWF, ITWF, Sharp Claws, Multiattack
Traits: Mother's Teeth (Grants Bite Attack)
Discoveries: Vestigial Arm (x2), Tentacle, Feral Mutagen
Items: Tailblade, Two Manufactured Weapons

Now, lets say we drink our mutagen. That gives us two claw attacks (on our vestigial arms because our main hands already have claws), a bite attack, a tentacle attack, a Tailblade attack, and finally 4 manufactured weapon attacks (two at Highest BAB-2, and two at Highest BAB-7).

That should give me 5 natural attacks at BAB-2 because of Multiattack and 4 Manufactured weapons. Thus having the full attack action look like the following: +5/+5/+5/+5/+5/+5/+5/+0/+0 without adding any modifiers except BAB.

Is this all legal? Or am I giving myself too many attacks? Also is that the correct BAB adjustment for the attack series?

Sovereign Court

So, I was thinking of being a Summoner in a campaign and I need some advice. Now, this will be no ordinary Summoner, this is going to be a small Broodmaster (haven't decided what race but any small one) That is going to have a massive number of Eidolons that run around looking like him.

Now the question is what to do with his new minions? I was thinking at high levels have a couple that use TowerShields to form a defensive line while others stand behind the line with reach weapons or natural attacks. Or maybe my shadow will suddenly split into several copies and attack the enemy (using evolutions from the ARG). Maybe even a crew of myself that carry around siege weapons, set them up and fire them at the enemies (with unseen servants assisting in the reload).

I'm not asking for help with my Summoner, that is no problem... I just need help envisioning what my hoard will look like! If possible give me a brief rundown of how to accomplish your idea (I don't need specifics just generals will help).

Edit: I will also be taking extra evolution when ever possible (so 1st, 5th, 10th, ect).

Also for those of you how don't know what a Broodmaster is:


Eidolon Brood

At 2nd level, instead of a single eidolon, a broodmaster summons two Small eidolons to his side, each less powerful than the single eidolon of a standard summoner. Each eidolon has it own base form and associated base statistics and free evolutions. Regardless of the number of eidolons in the brood, each eidolon has the same base attack bonus and base saving throw bonuses, but the rest of the eidolons’ base statistics must be divided between the eidolons, including Hit Dice (minimum 1), skill points, number of feats, armor bonus, Str/Dex bonus, evolution pool (but see below), and maximum number of natural attacks. Individual eidolons in the brood must purchase evolutions separately. Once a broodmaster decides on the forms and abilities of his eidolons, they cannot be changed until the summoner gains a level. Example: A 2nd-level broodmaster can summon two eidolons. Each eidolon has 1 Hit Dice, BAB +2, +3 on its two good saves and +0 on its bad save. The broodmaster decides to give the first eidolon 4 skill points, one feat, a +1 armor bonus, a +1 bonus to Strength, 2 points from the evolution pool, and a maximum of two attacks. The remaining 4 skill points, +1 armor bonus, +1 bonus to Dexterity, and 2 points from the evolution pool go to the second eidolon, but it gains no feats and can have only one natural attack.

The broodmaster must dismiss all of his eidolons at one time. Likewise, all of the eidolons in a brood are banished if the broodmaster is unconscious, asleep, or killed. However, each eidolon in the brood is sent back to its home plane individually when its hit points are reduced to a negative number equal to or greater than its Constitution score.

This ability replaces the summoner’s normal eidolon ability.

The following are new class features of the broodmaster archetype. Those with the same name as the standard summoner class have slightly different rules, but otherwise work as and replace the standard summoner class features of the same name.

Brood Link (Su)

At 2nd level, a broodmaster forms a close bond with his eidolons. This ability works like the standard summoner life link ability, except the broodmaster can only sacrifice hit points to prevent damage to one eidolon in the brood at a time. If two or more eidolons in the brood take enough damage to send them back to their home plane, the broodmaster can only sacrifice hit points to prevent damage to one of them.

This ability replaces life link.

Bond Senses (Su)

The broodmaster can only share the senses of one eidolon in his brood at a time.

Shield Ally (Ex)

The broodmaster or an ally can only gain the bonuses from these abilities once, regardless of how many eidolons in the brood are within reach.

Maker’s Call (Su)

The broodmaster can only call one eidolon in the brood to his side with each use of this ability.

Transposition (Su)

The broodmaster swaps his location with that of one eidolon in the brood with each use of this ability.

Larger Brood

At 8th level, the broodmaster can spend 4 evolution points from the evolution pool for the large evolution; unlike with other evolutions, he spends these 4 points before he assigns evolution points to his individual eidolons (for an 8th-level broodmaster with 11 evolution points, this leaves 7 evolution points to distribute among the eidolons). This allows him to summon two Medium eidolons, four Small eidolons, or one Medium eidolon and two Small eidolons.

At 13th level, if the broodmaster has purchased the large evolution for his brood, he can spend an additional 6 evolution points from the evolution pool for the huge evolution, distributing the remaining points among his eidolons. This allows him to call two Large eidolons, four Medium eidolons, eight Small eidolons, or any similar combination in which two smaller eidolons count as one eidolon of one size larger.

Greater Shield Ally (Su)

The broodmaster or an ally can only gain the bonuses from these abilities once, regardless of how many eidolons in the brood are within reach.

Brood Bond (Su)

At 14th level, a summoner’s life becomes linked to his brood. This functions as the life bond ability, except the broodmaster can only transfer damage to one eidolon in the brood at a time. If that eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, all excess damage remains with the broodmaster, killing him.

This ability replaces life bond.

Merge Forms (Su)

The broodmaster can only merge with one eidolon in the brood at a time.

This ability otherwise works like and replaces merge forms.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so in one of the campaigns I’m playing there is a very real possibility of death for my Sorcerer, so I wanted to make a backup character just in case. I plan on him being a ranged combatant and a melee combatant. I also want to get my sneak attack off by using Vanishing Trick (which goes up to Invisible Blade).

I’m going for good damage output but he doesn’t have to be supper min/maxed. Any and all Piazo material is okay. Also, almost everything I have down is negotiable with the exception that I want him to be a Ninja.

Ninja 10lvl
Halfling: 7, 18+2, 12, 12, 12 16

1. TWF
2. Vanishing Trick
3. Double Slice
4. Pressure Points
5. Point Blank Shot
6. Finesse Rouge
7. Precise Shot
8. Combat Trick (Piranha Strike)
10. Invisible Blade

Equipment: 62000gp
+1 Agile Wakizashi x2
25 MW Shurikens
+4 Belt of Incredible Dexterity
Other Stuff…

Standard: +16 Agile Wakizashi (1d4+11, plus Sneak Attack and Pressure Points)
Full Attack: +14/+14/+9/+9 Agile Wakizashi (1d4+11, plus Sneak Attack and Pressure Points; 18-20/x2)
Standard: +16 MW Shurikens (1, plus Sneak Attack and Pressure Points)
Full Attack: +14/+14/+9/+9 MW Shurikens (1, plus Sneak Attack and Pressure Points; 20/x2)

I plan on taking Improved critical at 11th lvl for the Wakizashi, and during full round attacks I can use a Ki point to get an extra attack.

So what do you guys think?

Edit: Also he will most likely be 7lvl when he starts so I'm not to worried about the order of feats up until then, I was just too lazy to do anything before 7lvl in a logical order. Also, I was hoping to find a more efficient way to do a full round attack with thrown weapons. I want agile daggers but those are to expensive to be throwing 4 of them every round I'm at range.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so I know I have been pestering you all for some time now but it is almost over. For those of you that haven't seen my other threads I am building a Sorcerer to replace a dead Character. I am going to be lvl 6 and have 16000gp to spend. For some background there is a Cleric, Magus, Alchemist, and a Fighter in my party. Also it is set in a Golarian 300 years in the future where guns have become prevalent.

Now for what I want from my character. I originally set out to be a blaster/debuffer. However, since I have found the Razmiran Priest archetype for the Sorcerer I have refined my expectations. I want to be a debuffer through my Sorcerer spell list with some offensive spells for some offense and when I reach lvl 9 I want to pick up quite a few buff spells from any Divine spell list. I also want to use Intimidate and Dazzling Display in Combat to lower the opponents saves and ACs for not only me but my entire party.

Now what I need from you. I need help picking my spells for use now and buying divine scrolls for use once I become 9th lvl. Also I would like a general critique of my build, what would you change? What could I do better? Any other items I could pick up? While I'm not going for 100% optimization (hence the Craft Wondrous Items) I am going for usefulness and survivability.


Hoban Tam, Lvl 6 Razmiran Priest

Human. Str: 7, Dex 16 (14+2), Con: 12, Int: 12, Wis: 8, Cha: 24 (18+2+1+3)
HP (6, 3, 2, 6, 3, 1) + Con + Toughness + FCB = 39 (Take a min of 1/2 rounded down on HP rolls)
AC: 10 + 3 + 2 = 15
FCB: HP, HP, HP, Class, Class, Class

Razmiran Priest:

A Razmiran priest has the following class features.

False Piety (Ex)

At 1st level, a Razmiran priest gains Knowledge (religion) and Perform as class skills, but loses Appraise and Fly as class skills. He adds half his sorcerer level to Use Magic Device checks to activate spell trigger and spell completion items that use divine spells. He gains False Focus as a bonus feat.

In addition to replacing Appraise and Fly as class skills, this ability replaces the priest’s Eschew Materials bonus feat.

Lay Healer (Su)

At 3rd level, the Razmiran priest adds aid to his list of spells known as a 2nd-level spell. At 5th level, he adds remove disease to his list of spells known as a 3rd-level spell.

This ability replaces the bloodline spells gained at 3rd level and 5th level respectively.

Razmiran Channel (Su)

At 9th level, the Razmiran priest can use his own magic to power spell completion and spell trigger items that use divine spells. He expends a sorcerer spell slot that is at least 1 level higher than the level of the spell he’s trying to activate, then makes a Use Magic Device check. If he succeeds, the item’s spell occurs and the item or charge is not expended. If he fails, nothing happens. Whether he succeeds or fail, his spell slot is expended.

This ability replaces the bloodline power gained at 9th level.

Martyred Bloodline:

One of your ancestors paid the ultimate price for her beliefs. This distant relative martyred herself out of her devout belief in a cause, and that sacrifice echoed down to her descendants, infusing them with arcane power. Your bloodline confers abilities that allow you to endure pain, resist torture, and inspire others.

Class Skill: Perform (oratory).

Bonus Spells: endure elements (3rd), surmount affliction** (5th), heroism (7th), blessing of fervor* (9th), greater heroism (13th), joyful rapture** (15th), mind blank (17th), overwhelming presence** (19th).

Bonus Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Heroic Defiance*, Heroic Recovery*, Leadership, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Perform), Toughness.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you take damage in battle, your effective caster level increases by 1 during your next turn. This effect does not apply more than once per round.
Bloodline Powers: You draw upon the power of your ancestor’s self-sacrifice.

Sacrificial Boon (Su): At 1st level, as an immediate action, you can sacrifice 1 hit point in exchange for a +1 sacred bonus on the next damage roll, saving throw, or skill check you make. This bonus only applies as long as you use it by or during your next turn—otherwise both your sacrificed hit point and the bonus are wasted. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Rallying Cry (Su): At 3rd level, as a standard action once per day, you can shout a cry instilled with the noble sacrifices of your ancestor. You and any allies within 30 feet who can hear you gain a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to half your sorcerer level (minimum 1). At 7th level and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 19th level.

Gift of Blood (Su): At 9th level, as a standard action, you can choose to sacrifice some of your hit points to grant an ally double that number in temporary hit points. You can sacrifice up to your character level in hit points when using this ability. These temporary hit points last up to 1 minute per sorcerer level. You cannot heal your sacrificed hit points until your target has lost its temporary hit points. At 9th level, you can use this ability once per day. At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day.

Sacrificial Exchange (Su): At 15th level, as a swift action once per day, you can take 2 points of temporary ability damage to one of your ability scores and add a temporary +2 inherent bonus to any other ability score. This bonus lasts for a maximum of 1 hour per sorcerer level or until you choose to prematurely dismiss it (a free action), during which time the temporary ability damage cannot
be healed by any means. After this effect ends, you can heal the ability damage normally. At

20th level, you can use this ability twice per day.
Eternal Martyr (Su): At 20th level, your ancestor’s act of martyrdom infuses your spirit. You become immune to death effects. Material components for spells and effects to bring you back to life (such as raise dead or resurrection) cost half as much as normal. Your body cannot be turned into an undead creature, as though you were affected by a permanent hallow effect (caster level equal to your sorcerer level).

Lvl 0: Resistance, Read Magic, Light, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Guidance, ?
Lvl 1: Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor, ?, ?, ?, ?
Lvl 2: Blindness-Deafness, ?, ?
Lvl 3: ?

Traits- Honey Tongued (Diplomacy is always a class skill, +1 on Diplomacy checks), Desperate Focus (+2 on all concentration checks)

Feats- Weapon Focus (Ray), Dazzling Display, Toughness, Craft Wondrous Items

Skills- Appraise (0), Bluff (2), Diplomacy (6), Intimidate (6), Knowledge Arcana (0), Knowledge Religion (0), Perform Oratory (1), Spellcraft (6), UMD (3)

Magical Items:

Vest of Spellcraft: CL 5th 2lbs. 2500gp; Guidance, 1250gp
This item gives the wearer a +5 enchantment bonus on all spellcraft checks
DC 10, 15 without Guidance

Circlet of Persuasion: CL 5th –lbs. 4500gp; Eagle’s Splendor, 2250gp
DC 10, 15 without Eagle’s Splendor

Headband of Alluring Charisma (+3): CL 8th 9000gp; Eagle’s Splendor, 4500gp
DC 13, 18 without Eagle’s Splendor

Belt of Incredible Dexterity (+2): 1lbs. CL 8th 4000gp; Cat’s Grace, 2000gp
DC 13, 18 without Cat’s Grace

Handy Haversack: 2000gp 5lbs. CL 9th; Secret Chest, 1000gp
DC 14, 19 without Secret Chest

Shield of Razmiran: 3.5lbs. 1000gp +1000gp +100gp + 59gp = 2159gp
Shield, Light Steel (Quickdraw): 59gp
Mithral: 1000gp
+1 Shield Bonus: 1000gp
Sanctified Shield: 100gp

Magical Items Total: 1250gp + 2250gp + 4500gp + 2000gp + 2159gp + 1000gp = 13159gp, 10.5lbs.

Mundane Items:

Rope, Silk (50ft): 10gp, 5lbs
Rations (10 days): 5gp, 10lbs
Waterskin: 1gp, 4lbs
Spell Component Pouch: 5gp, 2lbs.
Traveler’s Outfit: Free, 5lbs.

Mundane Item Total: 1sp + 10gp + 5gp +1gp +5gp = 21gp, 26lbs.


Crafter’s Fortune (x4): 25gp (all used)

Scrolls Total: 100gp + ?

Edit: Also any Paizo material is okay and 3pp material is okay with GM approval.

Sovereign Court

So I am making a Razmiran Sorcerer (I haven't picked a Bloodline yet and still need help on that) and I wanted to take quite a few spell focuses to boost the DC's to save. Then I realized that I could Intimidate my opponents and give them a -2 on all saves and AC. This makes hitting them with spells much easier and essentially giving me Greater Spell Focus on every spell I cast (against opponents I have intimidated) at the cost of my action economy.

Now here is the question. How do I reduce the action economy of using the Intimidate action on groups on enemies? Could I take Weapon Focus Ray then pick up Dazzling Display with my Rays?Is there a more efficient way to do this? Is there a bloodline that could help with this? Please give me the most efficient way to do this.

Note: I can use any material from any Piazo source and most 3pp stuff is good with GM approval. And before someone says, "pick a bloodline then make a character" my backstory has to do with my Archetype more than my bloodline.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so I have wanted to play a MT for a while but never did because lets face it... they suck beyond belief. However, I love sorcerers and when I came across the Razmiran Priest Archetype I couldn't help but think this was the alternative to a MT that I had been looking for.

While it doesn't have the spells per day that a MT would, I have any divine spell I need as many times I need it with a single scroll (using the 9th lvl ability). Not only that but say I get a scroll of Resteration I only need to worry about that material component once (when buying the scroll) and never again (baring theft or destruction of the scroll) because the scroll remains unused.

In addition if I have a fairly costly divine focus (life a Mitral Shield) I don't need to worry about Arcane spells with a Material cost less then 250gp. I really can't think of anyway this class is worse than a MT let alone a normal sorcerer. What do you guys think of it?

Sovereign Court

So in order to remedy this problem would a Circlet of Persuasion help my Sorcerer on his concentration checks? If so that is better than a trait and almost as good (I think better because it applies to all concentration checks) as the Combat Casting feat.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so I my character died in a home campaign so I had to reroll a new 5lvl character. I've decided on a sorcerer and I basically have everything figured out except the Bloodline. I am not sold on anything that I have found (but I am leaning towards Arcane or Void Touched if I can't pick anything else). So please help me pick a Bloodline (anything goes with gm approval needed for 3pp stuff).

To give you a bit of background the party consists of a Fighter, Cleric, Magus, and an Alchemist. We have a boat as a base of operations and do a lot of sailing and have a good deal of down time. We craft on the boards between scenarios so Crafting feats come into play a lot, in addition we don't get a ton of wealth so anything to lower costs is nice. Other than that I just need a quick critique of my Sorcerer and a suggestion for my Bloodline (something that fits with what I have already in terms of spells, feats, ect.)


Str 7, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 21

Lvl 5 Human Sorcerer, HP ()-
FCB: HP, HP, HP, Class, Class



Bloodline Powers-

Lvl 0: Resistance, Read Magic, Dancing Lights, Message, Detect Magic, Detect Poison
Lvl 1: Ray of Enfeeblement, Ear-Piercing Scream, Grease, Mage Armor, Vanish, Touch of Gracelessness
Lvl 2: Blindness-Deafness, Burning Arc

Traits- Honey Tongued (Diplomacy is always a class skill, +1 on Diplomacy checks), Desperate Focus (+2 on all concentration checks)

Feats- Weapon Finesse, Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Focus (Necromancy), Craft Wondrous Items

Skills- Appraise (1), Bluff (3), Diplomacy (5), Intimidate (3), Knowledge Arcana (1), ? (1), Spellcraft (5), UMD (1)

Thanks alot for the help in advance.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so I know someone posted a thread similar to this recently (I even commented on it) but my search for a new character is more refined than that post. I need a new Arcane Spontaneous Caster (not a Bard).

For some background My lvl5 Sorcerer was eaten by Gibbering Mouther (it was so sad because I was rolling around in its pile of gold before it popped out of no where and swallowed me whole) and I need an new character. We have a Cleric, Magus, Alchemist, and a Dwarf so I really wanted someone that can be the primary Arcane Caster (I hate prepared casting by the way).

What can you recommend? I am fine with being a Sorcerer again and any and all material is allowed within reason (no Drow Nobles and the like) and 3PP material is okay with gm approval.

My first Sorcerer was fun but it was a really bad build but it was so fun. I was a Fey blooded Tiefling that focused on enchantment spells. I had no Dex and an even worse Str, and would like to remedy the no Dex (I'm fine without Str). I would like a better character this time. So what ideas do you have for me?

Edit: It has to be a 5lvl character and the only thing not allowed is the Gunslinger (we are playing a Homebrew where guns are common so Gunslingers don't quite fit in). I would also be fine with a none Arcane Caster, my only worry is that if I go Oracle or something similar the Cleric will completely outshine me. Basically I want an offensive spell caster.

Sovereign Court

Okay, so right now I am a lvl 3 Sorcerer with the Fey bloodline. I am definitely going to take 1 lvl as a Lore Oracle so I can apply my Cha to my AC. My question is would it be worth it to go 6 lvl's of Sorcerer and 4 lvl's of Oracle (4 lvl's Sorcerer, then 1 lvl Orcale, then 2 lvl's Sorcerer, and finally 3 lvl's of Oracle to get me to lvl 10) and then have my last 10 lvl's be MT. How would I mitigate the loss of spell and caster levels within in PFS rules and equipment or is there a better alternative to the MT in either PFS or a 3PP. Also I am going to pick up a Robe of Arcane Heritage so I can use my invisibility bloodline power if I do go MT.

Sovereign Court

Okay I have a quick question, do I have to aim a spell with a 1 round cast time (like sleep) when I start to cast or when the spell goes off?

Sovereign Court 1/5

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required.

I had a quick question and I couldn't find an answer anywhere else, if I have 27 fame (11,750gp limit) can I get two +2 enchantments on a double weapon (one for each end at 8000gp each) or would I have to wait for 31 fame (16,500 gp limit)? And if I have to wait for 31 fame would it just be better to get two separate weapons so I don't hit the gp limit so fast?

Sovereign Court 1/5

So I started a new character and played the first two parts of First Steps and then was unable to complete the last one because I was out of town. Do I have to complete part III in order to receive the PA and Fame from the first two parts or can I just play another scenario and still receive the PA and Fame from the first two parts? So just to clarify if I played a scenario other than First Steps Part III (and complete both the mission and faction mission) would I have 6PA/6Fame or would I only get 4PA/4Fame? Either way can you give me a reference so I know where the answer is from?