
Brdjanin's page

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Ravingdork wrote:
Even if he isn't respecting you like an adult, that doesn't mean you need to demean yourself by acting unnecessarily childish.

One of funniest things is that we are quite old group... I'm 56 and that irritating player is 45 !?!?!?

If he was some child or some older younger person, than I could accept such behavior... but man !!!

Hi Themetricsystem,
I'm always trying to find some back roads to allow players to do crazy stuff if they REALLY want it... in this case i spoke with Asmodeus and he told me he would help me offering that guy some contract that would allow him to activate Vorpal rune on 19+
OFC, he probably wouldn't like what will be written in extra small letters at the bottom of contract, but he would get opportunity to do whatever he wants.
Unfortunately, we didn't manage to reach that point...

CaffeinatedNinja wrote:
I agree with Squiggit. But more importantly, any player that says he will leave if you don't give them the ruling you want is toxic. Let them leave.

Thanks !

I read rules the same way as you did. Thanks for confirmation.
That guy was always eager to fight everyone, going for min/max all the time.. which is ok, but sometimes such bloodthirsty character becomes burden... anyways, he was great role player so I accepted so aggressive behavior, which was probably mistake.
We are playing Fist of the Ruby Phoenix, which I bought (hard copies from local club), never charged player for anything, brought everything from home, asked everyone to tell me if they think I'm doing something wrong or whatever, but WITH some constructive complaint ...

Dunno, maybe I made mistake. Never mind, thanks, this meant a lot to me !
Brgds George

I'm couldn't find similar question and as this is important to me, I need guys your guidance !

I had very unpleasant discussion with one of my players (I'm GM) who insisted that Savage Critical feat (player has Fighter character) will grant him activating Vorpal rune on 20 and 19.

Vorpal rune is activated when : roll natural 20 on strike critically succeed
3. make slashing damage

and savage Critical actually says that when u roll 19 and hit is success, you can apply effects as you rolled natural 20.

Vorpal rune - CRB 585 pg
Savage Critical - CRB 153 pg

I say he can't apply Savage Critical feat on Vorpal rune and player insisted that he will cut head with 19+ or he will leave...

Who is right ? Me or player ?
