Clockwork Spy

BotBrain's page

Organized Play Member. 49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Ravingdork wrote:
If you were to houserule Crossblooded Evolution back in, what new name would you give it?

Hot cross bloods


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The Ronyon wrote:

Does the Flames Curse specify that"fire damage caused to a flames oracle as the direct result of their curse cannot be mitigated through fire resistance or immunity."?

Bones specifies that resistance and/or immunity are bypassed, I think the Sky(name?) Curse does as well, but I dont think Flame says the same thing.
Even so, I think that it is a reasonable conclusion.

Moving on,what about healing and temporary hit points?
A low level Numbing Tonic would effectivly neutralize the damage from two levels of the flame curse.
That seems like a flavorful, but also powerful outcome.
Not balanced, but better than allowing any shmoe with Eat Fire to dodge the damage.

In the case of the numbing tonic, you are still taking that fire damage. So while functionally, yes, you could argue it's "mitigated", the effect is still going through.

The same would not be true if say a curse gave you sickened 2, and you dropped it to sickened 1 via some spell or what have you. That would be "mitigated" as you have prevented some part of the curse.


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Oh how could I forget, simple injection weapons so toxicologists have an "out of the box" option if they so desire.


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Xenocrat wrote:
I think every field of study benefits from dabbling in the tools of every other field of study. Prepoisoning the fighters blade is often a good idea in exploration, everyone can use ranged bomb options with some AOE capability that can be applied improvements with feats, a melee chirurgeon healer may want a juggernaut mutagen with the physical resistance feat up, etc.

This is one of my fave parts of the alchemist. You pick a subclass, but you're able to invest in other areas, which gives you a great deal of customisability, even by pf2e standards. A lot of my fave classes do this, actually.


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Wait why are we assuming Elixir of Life has Coagulant? It doesn't have it in GM Core, and given how PC1 refers to PC2 with things like the monk trait being present, it's apparent Paizo would have given it the trait if they wanted to. There is zero reason to assume they've changed this now.


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shroudb wrote:

Btw, completely unrelated, but I've just learned Toxicologists get to ignore poison (and Acid?) immunity/resistance. Not sure how exactly that works though, but it is available at level 1.

That's MASSIVE. As a toxcicologist you've always been severely crippled against undead/fiends/constructs in particular because with a handful of exceptions, you've just been unable to use a lot of your kit in those fights.


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Damn no Martial weapons.
Like sure, alchemist doesn't need them, given where their damage is coming from, but g$#&%@n are there some martial weapons I'd love to play properly on a toxicologist.


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I will miss precog being on its own. All the various anchors were cool and really sparked my imagination. I hope the precog anchor has open-ended flavour so I can uh... "take inspiration"


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Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
BotBrain wrote:
HolyFlamingo! wrote:

>Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally

I love this community.

Paizo's silence on this question has been the reason i've never been able to play starfinder. :P
I love that the fact that this rule exists means someone tried to do some straight-up shenanigans to make it work. I salute you, unnamed group!

I already know there was an argument about what parts of someone's anatomy you can explode without killing them.


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HolyFlamingo! wrote:

>Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally

I love this community.

Paizo's silence on this question has been the reason i've never been able to play starfinder. :P


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vyshan wrote:

Question: how does Elixir of Gender Transformation and Serum of Sex Shift change differ from one another?

also happy pride!

The elixr is also alchemical as opposed to magical. Already I can see a character who took up alchemy to facilitate their own transition.


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Oh my god i've never related so hard to a character. I once responded to someone telling me that they had a spare ticket to something with "that's nice, i hope you find someone to go with you".


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Have you ever seen the Mummy?
If so, do you remember the scene where the guy pulls out every religious symbol he's carrying in order to try and protect himself?

That's your esoterica. A bunch of tiny stuff with some symbolic meaning or minor magical importance. Because it can be whatever, even if you lose all your gear, any thaumaturge worth their mystic salt would probably be able to replace it in a reasonable timeframe. IDK they find some loose rocks and scrape holy symbols into them.

The vagueness does require some DM fiat in very specific situations, sure, but it gives both the DM and especially the player more freedom in determining how their thaumaturge operates.


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Sturmjaeger wrote:
An "evil" Justice Champion sounds like a cool idea. Like an honorable villain.

I can absolutely see this being an easy path to making a Hellknight character. They certainly enforce their own version of Justice, I'll give them that.


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Nice, nice. This looks like exactly what I was hoping to see. A champion of a lawful monitor demigod is a character idea I've always wanted to play.

I can't wait for the next class (please be alchemist, I must lay eyes on my beloved again).


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Definitely a reprint of the Ganzi and Aphorite options. I know we can just use them as-is either under Nephilim or as discrete races but it'd be nice to have a proper remaster version for 'em.


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As I recall the answer was essentially "We've changed how profiency works, but without additional context, it won't mean anything to you." So it's not just straight up master scaling.


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At this point, I think I'm happy with the amount of classes, and I'd like to see Paizo go back to existing classes and give them more options in the way of feat lines, subclasses and just other options.

However, I'm never gonna say no to new stuff! Top of my list is Shifter, as I really like the vibe and I don't really feel the existing versions of "natural" fighters give me exactly what I'm looking for.

In terms of 100% original classes, idk. Maybe some kind of magic-cancelling martial who weakens magic effects nearby. Could be fun, albeit perhaps too situational for a class on its own.