Gold Dragon

Bored Discordian's page

21 posts. Alias of Shadewest.


Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Thus, angels and devils are one and the same. Your point of view is the only difference.

Sovereign Court

You know, I don't think it's very fair that Paladins of Asmodeus can get spells, but paladins of Apsu can't.

Sovereign Court

Froze_man wrote:
four adventurers and four rats is a full rope trick.

Sounds like a strange card game

Sovereign Court

I'm going to "special Hell", too.

but until then...
My Personal Anthem
And the runner-up

Sovereign Court

Evil Lincoln wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Anonymous strikes again.

First Base!

Sovereign Court

Studpuffin wrote:
The cheese is a lie. And that is almond extract that tastes like cherries.

But there is truth in wine!

Sovereign Court

Kthulhu wrote:

5. smurf zombies

Gnap! Gnap!

Sovereign Court

Wow, saying the word "kender" is like starting a discussion about alignment, or throwing a golden apple into a party you weren't invited to.

Sovereign Court

Laithoron wrote:
Hmm, I thought it was the Paizo way to save the comedic thread-jacks until the topic degenerates into a good old fashioned internet fight... We still have at least another 200 posts to go here guys. ;)

True, we haven't even begun the point counterpoint posts where half the thread is reposted in every response yet!

Sovereign Court

Lovely Smurf, Wonderful Smurf!
Lovely Smurf, Wonderful
Lovely Smurf! (Lovely Smurf)
Lovely Smurf!

Sovereign Court

Archmage_Atrus wrote:
So far, I've not seen a Pathfinder AP that says "Stop reading now if you're a player!" (Although to be fair, I've seen the text so many times it might as well no longer exist for me.)

Kind of like no longer seeing the Fnords, hmm. ELF might be interested in knowing this.

Sovereign Court

Goth Guru wrote:
Bored Discordian wrote:

"To the Fairest"

The word ; (Ancient Greek: kallistē, Modern Greek: kallisti; "for/to the most beautiful")
[4] was inscribed on the Golden Apple of Discord by Eris. ; is the dative singular of the feminine superlative of beautiful. In Latin sources, the word is pulcerrimae.

Kallistei inscription in the Cumae alphabet
Since the wedding of Peleus and Thetis was held on Mount Pelion in Magnesia, the inscription would have been in the local Cumae alphabet. Nestor's Cup provides a close example.

But, bubububut,

When you explain it, you take all the magic away!

Hail Eris!

Sovereign Court

All hail Discordia!

Aye, Kallisiti!

The Great Great Grandmamma of the humble troll post.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court
