Bolon's page

6 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist.


I am wondering if this has trade routes. I would love to see how merchants, ships and caravan travel as this would be the travel routes of travellers too. It would also be how news, rumours and refugees would travel. I have been trying to map out routes for a while.

Is there a way to get the format for the cults or religious orders? I am about to create 2 cults and want to format them for consideration by Paizo. One is the Red Witch cult and the other is a Crocodile cult. I am wondering if submissions are considered from gamers for future supplements. I am also looking at creating a Wolf cult too.

It is just a plus 5 for intimidate. It does nothing else.

Sounds like the races in Grimm, the tv series. I would just employee my own rules, make them balanced via extras for the lesser like extra senses etc. As GM, I wouldn't worry about game mechanics unless I was going to sell the world or idea. It is about story telling.

Personally, I would rule that you would need an attack of opportunity to position the spikes in the way or an attack if you could move them in. It wouldn't make the attack continuous or affect the grapple but just another option for an attack. Since the spikes are on the armour, I would rule that if unarmed, you still have a weapon. I would also rule that if the grapple is secure, you can't turn the weapon on the grappler. It should have an effect for helping to keep a grapple off once broken like pointing a shield to keep off attacks. That said, the spikes need to be paid for, affect movement, moving silently and preventing certain positive things like grappling to remove out of combat or save from falling.

Explain what is broken with the fighter. Do you want him to be more interesting in combat? or in role-playing? or in interaction? What?

If you run a hack and slash campaign, the fighter is great with his number of attack increasing and his feats to give more damage. If you are role-playing, there are people who are nothing more than their jobs and want to drink versus those who actually have other skills and talents. If you make only a combat monster in a campaign of skillful characters, you will lack interest. Buy a few knowledge skills and be the expert in the know or get social skills. If you lack the skills to play, give an interesting backstory to have something interesting to do or try to do.