
Bodzilla's page

37 posts (176 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 aliases.

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Geez you guys post fast...

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Finally posted.

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Tempest Cleric of Moradin 1, HP 11/11, AC 16/18, Init. +2, Perception +5, Spell DC 13

The Faithful of Moradin approached the broken Sally Port to assess the damage. He was more used to working with stone but, the principles were the same. Hinges, support brackets and fasteners working in tandem to create a strong portal against those you want out. That, he understood. Most folk think that saying a few words and waving your arms always produces the exact effect you want when you weave magic. This was not always the case.

Divine spells especially rely on more than memorization and focuses. They required faith. Depending on which God/Gods you are blessed by, this faith requires different things. A cleric of Moradin is required to have faith in his own power and skill first before daring to ask the World-Forger for help. That was Adrick's first obstacle, learning about his problem and then solving it with his mind and then his magic. Healing wounds and mending doors were very similar in this aspect.

From his sleeve the Dwarf produced a tiny silver hammer etched with runes. The holy symbol began to glow as he chanted softly. He hefted the major part of the door upright and affixed it to its hinge as he finished the first casting, moving to the next piece of the puzzle...

Assuming I don't get interrupted, Adrick will finish repairing the door.

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We're currently playing our weekly game and we had a funny idea about how Diamonds being treated as stone objects with regards to the Stone Shape spell.

You see, we need a 20,000gp diamond for the spell Purify (1001 Spells) and we have x4 5,000gp diamonds for other spells. Our question is: Can you use Stone Shape to smush these smaller diamonds into one big one?

Thanks for the help!