Grim Reaper

Bob Zombie's page

17 posts. Alias of xanthemann.


Say 'hello' to my little friend!

I think it would make for a great campaign. lol

promiscuus lamnia lammina lamna

Translated; mixed nuts

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I'm a self made man.

I have seen nothing on it one way or another, but in the end rules are just guidelines. It is up to the GM in the end.

Thisssss issss all your fault Desssstro!

Ah yes. When the little goblin joined the party of adventurers and the lich thought the goblin was one of hers whom had infiltrated the group. That was very funny...I am glad you were all amused. Wait until I see him again.

I'll get you and your little dog, too!!!!

I have always liked this name.

Ah, yes. New worlds to bring balance to.

Deadman an acrobatic lich

All my plans ...moved to another thread! lol

How about a lich Azlantian?

In the end, I win (unless it is Bill and Ted...Melvined *shudder*)

Where can I find this 'Share Memory' spell? I shall add it to my tomb of spells for later use. It has been many decades since I found a new spell for my books. Most adventurers never bring me good spells.

Have the fighter make a Will save.

I would welcome these goblin liches into my fold. They don't take up much space and require very little in return for their services.