Bob of Westgate's page

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I know this is focusing in on one point and not the large question. But dragons and armor seem impractical. It would be very expensive to make a set of barding for a dragon. Especially since dragons continue to grow as the get older. For the same reason creatures molt, armor is impractical. They could use it for a short while, but then they'd outgrow it and would have to pay to have another entire set of armor made. Rinse and repeat and that's a good chunk of their horde

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Maybe the dragons fled this part of the world ages ago and are returning now because a bigger threat has been created in the part of the world they fled to. Namely gunpowder. When when are the top of the food chain because you have armor almost no sword can pierce and then a horde of gunslingers suddenly start popping up that can cut through you like soft cheese(dragon touch ac sucks) it's time to go. It's the classic technology overpowering magic. And a great way to introduce firearms into a campaign

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Those of us uneducated in druid spells actually spell it shillelagh