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2. room 8. what do we do mechanically to turn a critter into an undead thrall? I suppose the Big Bad uses his command word and lets the critters cook till they have no more levels, but what then? 3. Is it safe to assume that his command word to summon move a marked critter to the circle is a standard action? 4. Does an undead thrall still have to make the strength check to leave the circle? ![]()
![]() The second paragraph refers to the conclusion of the "expedition TO the sky citadel"(which began in #5-24) not the exploration of it, nor the return trip. Also 6-00 in the summary refers to the expedition into the citadel. That information together implies that #5-99 is happening as the Society is finishing the trek to the citadel or close to it, but not that the group has explored the place as far as I can tell. A quick timeline might make that more concrete for us though. ![]()
![]() Didn't find this till just now, but for what its worth I already posted a basic file for the whole Paths we choose scenario. I'm sure somebody can make it cleaner, but there it is. (At the time of posting it ended up in the Paths We Choose season 6 sub-thread.)
![]() Thursday, August 14
Friday, August 15
Saturday, August 16
Sunday, August 17
I think I'll be running #5-12 from memory by sunday. ![]()
![]() As a GM in PFS, which trumps which if there is a discrepancy? I ask because of the trick with the sorcerers robe, laughing touch and hideous laughter trick discussed in the "So I think "they" got me" thread. Chris kept things moving fine, but it got me to looking at the sources and I found that in the PRD hideous laughter has "... The subject can take no actions while laughing... On the creature's next turn, it may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This is a full round action..." the laughing bit from Laughing touch limits you to a move action for the save so you cant save then. but in the up to date PDF the full round action part is stated differently. "On the creature’s next turn, it may attempt a new saving throw
So no actual full round action is used. You just make a save and that's your turn. the laughing touch is useless at this point. A long winded example I know, and I am not sure how common these discrepancies are. the question remains however. Is there an official trump, or is it just up to judgment? Also as a GM I can have both the PDF and the PRD at the table but the players are limited to books and memory. If what they have at the table conflicts with what I have at the table what is a good way to handle that if its called out. ![]()
![]() @Blake.
DM BLAKE wrote
it looks like your saying to use a claw for a bite attack, which for the proposes of a full attack with natural weapons you cant do. did you by any chance mean...
So, for the full attack can i use multiple natural attacks or does "a light or one handed weapon..." mean a single weapon? So...
![]() I am speaking BAB below 6. Shot one and the rapid shot are intended to be main hand. Then we step in to smack somebody in the face with some sort of a light weapon as my offhand Doodad. So, we have a -4 to all three attacks. Certainly not a big penalty for the gun touch attacks. the off hand melee will be hindered a bit without weapon finesse though. ![]()
Does this mean the whole full attack is made only with a single ranged weapon, multiple ranged weapons or can the full attack be mixed with melee? For example, can a gunslinger with rapid shot and two weapon fighting do this?
this would likely only be a lower level stunt and might not really be all that effective but its a fun image. ![]()
![]() I've run "We Be Goblins" twice now for two very different results.
![]() The additional rules for "we be goblins" makes that a bit confusing. The additional rules on the we be goblins purchase page says that it supersedes the guide in instances that the two documents differ. "As always, each player may receive credit for each module once as a player and once as a player in either order." Is this outdated, bad wording or does it really supersede the guide like it states? |