Bluephenix's page

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Taking into account that there are no women on the internet... I'd be interested to know if its just mine and surrounding groups that have female players never to hardly ever roll-up stereotypically male classes. E.g. fighter, wizard, paladin, etc.

I've been through a couple of groups and frankly, all I ever saw were archery focused rangers, life oracle and witches.

As for myself, I personally was a wizard junkie for a very long time until recently when building a few NPCs for the game I'm currently running and have now gained a very high appreciation for Cleric and inquisitor.

My groups often lack a cleric, but thats usually to do with a misconception that clerics are only heal bots.

I don't usually find it a particularly harsh burden to prep my spells because I waste a retarded amount of money in making scrolls at early levels before I get the hang of predicting the DM.

I usually bathe in the river... I'd just full round swim down stream away from the guys in heavy armor/gear.
Unoptimum choice or not I usually dump my dumb fighter's points in Swim and something else over climb and something else.I just have to survive right?