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Blue Beetle's page

11 posts. Alias of rogue-mage.


Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

No, that's cool. I trust you. Let's run your idea instead.

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Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Save me it computer brains, Son of Zeus. It might be useful for tracking down their headquarters. I'll go with you, Sentry." Ted nods to his companions as they are getting ready to encounter whatever is coming to encounter them. He quickly checks his gun and goggles and nods to Sentry in confirmation that he is ready to fly.

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Then I vote to find the 5 people hiding under the building." Ted says as he hopes this Superman has the same x-ray vision the Superman he knows also has. Ted wonders about this world and if it also has a Ted Kord or Blue Beetle or both. If they are alive and they can make contact then they might be a lot like him and they would be willing to help, or at least provide information and resources so this group of strangers can do some good while here.

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"So I have an idea." Ted Kord said as the newly assembled team looks for a nice safe place to call a base of operations here is this crappy world. "We need information, and you mentioned staying away from robots, but what if we caught one? I could try to search its files to get a better sense of the information we are lacking, and maybe even build a signal tracker back to its command center. If we are here to do some good I assume it is riding this world of this ... what did you call it? Hydra? That seems like the most logical and straight forward plan to me." He pondered his words and how they would register with the party of strangers. "Unless, you all have a better idea?"

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Skull octopus symbol? That's new." Ted thought about it for a moment, and while Braniac does have a skull like face and metal tentacles it doesn't usually brand itself with a skull octopus symbol.

As they looked for a nice place to hide and get caught up on their mission here he asks, "So The First is a Monitor-type of sorts? What does he really think we can do here? Other than the obvious."

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Wow. The world was not kind to this place." He looked around and took a cocky attitude when he addressed the party, "I'm The Blue Beetle" as if that name is suppose to mean something to those gathered.

"So Doc, while we hide, why don't you fill us in, and give us the bullet points: What are we doing here? What happened here? And Who is the Big Bad?"

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Believe it or not, I'm a Super-Hero." Ted Kord's inner monologue starts by stating the obvious. "I have seen Things. Things that would 'wrinkle your brain', and I'm smart enough to understand them, but This ... This part always weirds me the F-out."

He listens to the collection of individuals beginning to gather in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of burnt-out cars and shattered building windows collapsing into urban decay. Knocking his knuckles on one of the hoods of a burnt-out car husks he says in a sarcastic tone, "Let me guess ... Tesla, right?" He points to the car and then to the decaying buildings, "So this must be the Trump Future we were all promised. It's ... as I ... expected."

In a mocking manner he says, "Greeting Travelers," and bows his head. Ted is wearing his hero-costume of royal blue on a lighter blue-gray with black details, cowl, and fancy gold lenses tech-goggles scanning the area for all sorts of information only technology can feed the brain of a really smart (ass) guy.

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

Just FYI, my nephew broke his leg pretty bad and is having surgery tomorrow. I'm waiting for my sister to fly in from out of state so she can be with him. I will try and get a post up tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

@GM SuperTumbler, Thanks for the Blue Beetle build. I will look at it more carefully tonight. Thanks again.

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

I do have a question: How do I insert an little character head shot photo to go along with my posts?

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

Still figuring out somethings here, so just fair warning I'm going to make a lot of mistakes.