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![]() I wanted to convey my disappointment in how I feel Goblins were neglected in Gods and Magic. I think that by not including information on Goblin deities and how they fit into the mindset of the "PC Goblin", an opportunity was missed. I have to admit, I wasn't on board with the decision to make Goblins a Core race during the playtest. I felt like it was pandering and using the success of the Free RPG Day modules to boost the new ruleset. Don't get me wrong: I love goblins. I've loved goblins since Rise of the Runelords #1's Foreword when James Jacobs declared "...the Ten Commandments of Goblining, if you will."
I wasn't the only one. Everyone went Pathfinder Goblin crazy after this. To me, it was a metaphor for the new world in which I'd be gaming for the next 13 years (Jeez, time flies). Here I saw something that once meant "easy bad guy" and forever onward, it meant "maniac who burns and eats everything." As time went on, Pathfinder continued to 're-brand' typical aspects of the game, and in so doing, re-invigorate the whole scene for me. Bugbears are stalking psychopaths, ogres are hillbilly murder/cannibals, even hobgoblins were given a strong cultural identity and a cause to get behind, and I was excited to see them get their own nation as Golarion moves ever onward, AP to AP. With Goblins becoming Core in 2e, though, I feel they've lost everything that makes them Goblin. I was on the fence when the Core was released, and Paizo did a great job fleshing out Goblins as an ancestry and the relevant heritages in the World Guide and Character Guide, but I was really hoping that they'd get some love in Gods & Magic in particular. In G&M there was an opportunity to flesh out that entire missing piece of the civilized Goblin's culture, and it was passed over. To me, and I'd imagine to goblins, religion is a major aspect of a culture. I can't imagine entire tribes like the Bumblebrashers forgetting about mighty Hadregash, ugly Zogmugot, nasty Venkelvore, or primal Zarongel. I can understand moving away from Lamashtu, but those four deities are where Goblins believe they come from. Even if a Goblin wanted to venture out and do good in the world, and even if the rare town can come to tolerate their presence, I think Goblins would still say small prayers to the four barghests, even if only out of fear for what the afterlife holds for them (and they have to know that they're going to see that afterlife really, really soon). I hope the world story moves in a direction that helps this make sense soon. My suggestion?
Chief Zugmut + Starstone = Goblin hero-god of Drama, Forging Your Own Destiny, and maybe a god of stealing stuff who isn't also tied to lust or murder Thanks for reading my rant. I look forward to seeing how things continue to play out. ![]()
![]() Alright Lore-brains, the beam is upon you. I'm setting up my campaign calendar, you know, like a well-rounded person, not at all like an over-immersed geek, and I'm going to have a focus on Were-Villains. I feel like it's important to jot down a lunar calendar. I decide to follow the 2020 Earth moon calendar (since my campaign starts Abadius 4720). In Golarion, the full moons are each named and known. Here's what 4720 portends:
Lamashan 31 being the Black Moon is already at 95% spooky levels, but what are the in-Golarion thoughts on years with 13 full moons? I propose we cancel all blogs until this is decided upon. ![]()
![]() I'm making a Kensai for an upcoming campaign and it got me thinking: how many archetypes would be designed differently today using lessons learned on balance, fun factor, and flavor over the years? How would you go about retooling some of the archetypes to make them more desirable or viable? In the case of the Kensai, I feel like diminished spellcasting is a huge flaw, and the canny defense feature is weak. But you still see these uneven trades in more recent archetypes, such as Jistkan Artificer. Both archetypes have a lot of story potential but you sacrifice for that and I don't feel like that should be the design intent. What do others think? ![]()
![]() Hi Service Team,
Also, I see an order #5013982 on my order history but it is blank. Could you dispel my confusion regarding that? Thanks. James Hebert ![]()
![]() I'm running Strange Aeons and we're starting Thrushmoor now. One of my players is an Oracle of Bones with the Haunted curse. Drawing inspiration from the poor guy whose journal is on the inside cover of book 1, her haunting isn't just grabby ghost hands, she's haunted by Carcosa. She constantly feels the call of the mysterious city, and it manifests before her eyes any time she enters a stressful situation or uses her mysteries. This was spooky for her in the first book, to see the world around her change on occasion, but I'm looking for ways to crank it up a bit. I want it to really feel like a curse, so I turn to you for advice. Any input would be welcome. Thanks. ![]()
![]() When helping new players make their own character, the most intimidating aspect seems to be purchasing equipment. To ease the confusion of this, I figured I would inventory the pregens' equipment lists and make that available as a one-stop-shop for players that aren't quite ready for the meticulous art of gear-shopping. What's weird, though, is that none of the pregens spent 1000 credits. After breaking it all down, either my math is wrong, my understanding is wrong, or whoever shopped for the pregens was wrong. See for yourself and tell me where I went wrong. Envoy - 980 credits:
Mechanic - 741 credits:
Mystic - 1001 credits:
Operative - 694 credits:
Solarian - 1001 credits:
Soldier - 1011 credits:
Technomancer - 1427 credits:
![]() Hi all,
![]() Hi, I purchased my SF Core rulebook from my local game shop. The binding on my book is coming undone and the store owner doesn't know the process for replacing the book. Do you have any guidance? I read that the books have a higher than acceptable defect rate, so I'm sure there is a relatively painless process for replacement. Thank you. James Hebert ![]()
![]() Hi all. I've been running a 5e SCAP campaign since January and I started a blog to recap the sessions and give a little advice along the way. It's found at https://imthescapman.tumblr.com/. Feedback is welcome. ![]()
![]() I know it's been a short ride, but it's time I stepped down as Venture Captain of the New Orleans area. I've been offered a job in Greensboro, North Carolina and I've accepted it. I'll be moving and won't be able to assist the people in New Orleans anymore. Good luck guys, I'm sure I'm leaving you in capable hands. All the best, James Hebert ![]()
![]() October 5-7 CONtraflow 2 will be hosting Pathfinder Society events. For information, please see the event page here. A Warhorn site is in the works, just waiting for them to get back to me. I'm sorry if this is short notice for some folks, but I hope to see some new faces joining us for some gaming! ![]()
![]() Go4 Games in Metairie will be hosting a gameday this Sunday, the 25th. We'll have up to two tables of In Service to Lore and the plan is to continue through the introductory trilogy. I'll post some links later for signup and information. Feel free to email me at onemanpowertrip @gmail. Com if you have questions or concerns. ![]()
![]() I wanted to get some feedback on this, if possible. I'm converting the Legion beasts to throw into a Pathfinder game. I started with the Shredder, and the other 2 lessers will be the same CR and similar in build. Thanks. Akriel (Shredder) CR 3
![]() I put this together to stop rooting through 40 issues when I'm looking for something. I don't have Rise of the Runelords, and if this makes Paizo angry, feel free to delete. Monsters that were reprinted/updated in Bestiary 2 aren't listed. 7 Edge of Anarchy
8 Seven Days to the Grave
9 Escape from Old Korvosa
10 A History of Ashes
11 Skeletons of Scarwall
12 Crown of Fangs
14 Children of the Void
15 The Armageddon Echo
16 Endless Night
17 A Memory of Darkness
18 Descent into Midnight
19 Howl of the Carrion King
20 House of the Beast
21 The Jackal's Price
22 The End of Eternity
23 The Impossible Eye
24 The Final Wish
25 The Bastards of Erebus
26 The Sixfold Trial
27 What Lies in Dust
28 The Infernal Syndrome
29 Mother of Flies
30 The Twice-Damned Prince
31 Stolen Land
32 Rivers Run Red
33 The Varnhold Vanishing
34 Blood for Blood
35 War of the River Kings
36 Sound of a Thousand Screams
37 Souls for Smuggler's Shiv
38 Racing to Ruin
39 City of Seven Spears
40 Vaults of Madness
41 The Thousand Fangs Below
42 Sanctum of the Serpent God
43 The Haunting of Harrowstone
44 Trial of the Beast
45 Broken Moon
![]() I recently submitted a summary and am wondering how long it should take for a response. The last time I submitted something, it took 8 months to get a "no thank you". The open call page says to wait 72 hours before resubmitting, but it doesn't seem like that's a reasonable thing to do (resubmitting every 72 hours if it takes a month to get through an already full inbox). Thank you. ![]()
![]() I have a PbP going over at plothook that needs another player. I've had two players drop, and the players remaining have requested a healer. PM me over on plothook (I'm DM Snatcherwocky) with a link to a sheet and a concept and I'll throw you in. Thanks. Characters are 20pt buy, core races, any class from core or the APG beta (again, should have strong healing capability). 2 Traits, one of which should be from the Kingmaker PG. ![]()
![]() This order has been in pending status for a while. I had this same problem last month, and when I contacted you all via this forum, my subscription was canceled somehow. I didn't even realize it until I went to check why some people had the pdf of the newest issue and I didn't yet. I renewed my subscription, but still haven't seen the pdf of Kingmaker 2, or gotten any kind of email explaining why the order is taking so long. Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() I'm gauging interest in another Kingmaker PbP. The game will be run at plothook.net, because as much as I love me some Paizo, I like the way plothook organizes their PbP forums.
Spoiler: Stats don't matter as much the concept and writing capability. You don't have to be a master author, but grammar and punctuation are a plus. Feel free to post any questions here.
onemanpowertrip at gmail dot com Once we're ready to build characters, anything PFRPG is legal and there'll be a 20 point buy used for stats. Concepts should include a background and proposed class/race. ![]()
![]() I was wondering if there were any special rules in place for prestige class special requirements. The one at the top of my mind is the Hellknight "Beat a devil and have a hellknight witness it" requirement, but I'm pretty sure there are other hokey requirements out there for classes. Is this something that's 'luck of the draw', pray that you're playing in a scenario that so happens to have the situation present, or is there any sort of allowance for individual, special missions for this? |